As onward we walk..

Yes Rose..............

A Desert Rose said:

-k-, did I not read in one of your previous posts, in fact I believe it was on my thread about the internet and relationships there, that you are in an LDR with your Dom? He is in Britain, is he not?
And you have met face to face on at leat one occassion? Do I have all those facts straight?

I remember that I enjoyed that post a great deal.


You did read that MY-Sir and I are in a LDR, HE lives in England, and I am in Florida. We spent the month of Feb./March together when I went over to meet HIM :Dto:D . In April HE came to Florida for a month to be with me. Both months have been the BEST 2 months of my life!! :)
Soon HE and I will be seeing one another in October for 2 (short) weeks. Can't wait until that time gets here.:heart:
Re: Yes Rose..............

MY-Sir's-k- said:

You did read that MY-Sir and I are in a LDR, HE lives in England, and I am in Florida. We spent the month of Feb./March together when I went over to meet HIM :Dto:D . In April HE came to Florida for a month to be with me. Both months have been the BEST 2 months of my life!! :)
Soon HE and I will be seeing one another in October for 2 (short) weeks. Can't wait until that time gets here.:heart:

~~~~~~~~How wonderful for you both and congratulations for moving your LDR into the realm of real time. I would love to sometime here about what you would like to share regarding these face to face meetings.

Like Dream, you are a lucky lady.
Dream I see no reason to apologize for being who you are. You have your own way of posting.

I am personally happy that you and Art found each other. As we can all atest to, it is extremely difficult to find just that one person that fulfills you. It is wonderful that you have managed to find each other.

We are each uniquely who we are in this world. And you are who you are.

cellis said:
Dream I see no reason to apologize for being who you are. You have your own way of posting.

I am personally happy that you and Art found each other. As we can all atest to, it is extremely difficult to find just that one person that fulfills you. It is wonderful that you have managed to find each other.

We are each uniquely who we are in this world. And you are who you are.

thank-you so much for your kind words sweety..and for sharing inn my happiness..and yes I feel so lucky,so blessed that I found Him ad that He chose *Me*...soo lucky All I can do is try to spread My joy to others..thank-you for understanding Cellis...:heart: :rose:
Re: Re: Yes Rose..............

A Desert Rose said:

~~~~~~~~How wonderful for you both and congratulations for moving your LDR into the realm of real time. I would love to sometime here about what you would like to share regarding these face to face meetings.

Like Dream, you are a lucky lady.

yes My-Sir's -k ..I agree with Sis ROSE ..please do share and feel free to do it here if you'd like..we'd all love to hear and learn more about LDR'S ,myself included..:heart: :rose:
Dream, I don't wish to..............

hijack your thread with my expereinces. This is YOUR thread and I respect that. We'll discuss the dynamics of our LDR's on another thread. OK?
Have a beautiful Sunday and Blessings to you and Rose.:rose:

although i want to join the others in their happiness that things are going so well for you Dream and Artful - i also wanted to be real, so i apologize for the delay in adding my expressions of acceptance and happiness.

i am very happy that things are working out well for you. i remember when i first met my honey irl and since we'd had to spend several months apart - i know how hard a LDR is, how important clear communication is, and i seriously admire when i see others that can pull that off - it's no easy thing.

when i'm in a pissy mood - your writing style can lift it, even as i groan and wonder how you can be so damn happy all the time LOL it brightens my day despite myself.

the reason i hesitated to post is that there actually is something aside from that, that bothers me about your posting and i don't think it would be fair to support you publicly and still carry my irritations around inside.

it is very distracting *to me* to be reading along and have various words sprinkled throughout the whole post that are all capitalized. i understand the need to emphasise some words - and it is very hard to do so in print. personally i chose the * keys as a good alternative, or perhaps the bold or italics options.

at any rate my complaint is *nothing* (in my range of feelings) compared to my happiness for you and Artful and i really did want to share that with you, and once again i apologize for adding my voice so late. i didn't want to be the little black rain cloud...
edited to add : i just went and made myself some fruit punch, and it occured to me that a very pretty way for you to accent a word would be with color! it can only add to your passionate words and beautiful, descriptive writing style
Last edited:

mskittykatt said:
although i want to join the others in their happiness that things are going so well for you Dream and Artful - i also wanted to be real, so i apologize for the delay in adding my expressions of acceptance and happiness.

i am very happy that things are working out well for you. i remember when i first met my honey irl and since we'd had to spend several months apart - i know how hard a LDR is, how important clear communication is, and i seriously admire when i see others that can pull that off - it's no easy thing.

when i'm in a pissy mood - your writing style can lift it, even as i groan and wonder how you can be so damn happy all the time LOL it brightens my day despite myself.

the reason i hesitated to post is that there actually is something aside from that, that bothers me about your posting and i don't think it would be fair to support you publicly and still carry my irritations around inside.

it is very distracting *to me* to be reading along and have various words sprinkled throughout the whole post that are all capitalized. i understand the need to emphasise some words - and it is very hard to do so in print. personally i chose the * keys as a good alternative, or perhaps the bold or italics options.

at any rate my complaint is *nothing* (in my range of feelings) compared to my happiness for you and Artful and i really did want to share that with you, and once again i apologize for adding my voice so late. i didn't want to be the little black rain cloud...
edited to add : i just went and made myself some fruit punch, and it occured to me that a very pretty way for you to accent a word would be with color! it can only add to your passionate words and beautiful, descriptive writing style

I just gotta apologize and also I just gotta love ya for your honesty hun..thank-you
Although I am a college-student my typing skills suck ,plain,pure and simple so I must apologize for my *caps*and for my sometimes missing letter "N' from words as my key gets stuck alot on this keyboard..I will promise to both You and everyone to try to do alot better!!
Your complaint as you called it was not nothing but very warranted and legitimate to me..ty for sayin what you felt..honesty is very important between not only my Master and I but our friends as well.

I love your idea about using the color but I'm not quite sure how..if you could "teach' me I'd appreciate learning tho..really..

as far as my posts making you happier at times..I am thankful for that also..ty for sharing but in all honesty,Master has had His "moments' in having to deal with a sometimes very stubborn sub..He has alot of patience with me tho and I try my best to not take advantage of that... just needed you to know that although in love we are..we still have our "moments" of struggling like any other couple but our commitment ,one to the other is strong..
the collar I wear around my neck which signifies His Love..His owernship of me,meansthe same as a wedding band to me...
there is a color drop down list on the top near the smileys etc. just choose your color and it will give you the option to type in things like the quote does.

i'm glad to see you aren't upset with my forwardness with this. i just couldn't see giving you less then the truth - and still i wanted to share in the joys with you in your relationship! i know we all have our bumpy patches in the road - and i appreciate how you share with us.
thank-you again..

mskittykatt said:
there is a color drop down list on the top near the smileys etc. just choose your color and it will give you the option to type in things like the quote does.

i'm glad to see you aren't upset with my forwardness with this. i just couldn't see giving you less then the truth - and still i wanted to share in the joys with you in your relationship! I know we all have our bumpy patches in the road - and i appreciate how you share with us.

for all the help hehe this is fun!!! (((huggs)))
Artful's Dream...

Just my point of view....but please don't change your style ! As others have said, those that don't like it can go elsewhere. I like an upbeat, chatty is refreshing and entertaining to read.

Personally, I reckon humans often make life just too damn serious. My philosophy is "keep it fun"...especially at playtime ! Whether in earlier vanilla relationships, or later BDSM (as now) I think it is best to keep ones sense of humour...if it goes wrong, have a giggle and start again ! Your lovely writing style just fits my philosophy, I think.

I also think that your and Artful's developing relationship is a joy to behold, so don't feel bad about the things that you share with us.

As My-sir's-k- said..I won't hijack the thread..but yes, LDR can be a bastard sometimes !!!
~~~~~~~~How wonderful for you both and congratulations for moving your LDR into the realm of real time. I would love to sometime here about what you would like to share regarding these face to face meetings.

Like Dream, you are a lucky lady.


Hey Rose...want TWO points of view on that, hmmmmmmmm???

dream, honey, i love reading all your posts, as i don't get a chance to talk to you in pm's as much as i'd like to, so being able to come here, and read your words when i get a chance, helps me to feel connected to what is going on with you and Art. Don't ever apologize for being in love, as it is the best feeling in the world, and in your words, you express the depth of your devotion to your Master... don't ever change sweetie, ok?
:heart: r.
Re: Dream, I don't wish to..............

MY-Sir's-k- said:
hijack your thread with my expereinces. This is YOUR thread and I respect that. We'll discuss the dynamics of our LDR's on another thread. OK?
Have a beautiful Sunday and Blessings to you and Rose.:rose:

sounds like a wonderful idea to me hun..hmmmm new thread title maybe?? we'll see..:rose: but I truly wouldnt of minded ,just so ya know MY-Sir's-k-
Re: Artful's Dream...

sir-to-k said:
Just my point of view....but please don't change your style ! As others have said, those that don't like it can go elsewhere. I like an upbeat, chatty is refreshing and entertaining to read.

Personally, I reckon humans often make life just too damn serious. My philosophy is "keep it fun"...especially at playtime ! Whether in earlier vanilla relationships, or later BDSM (as now) I think it is best to keep ones sense of humour...if it goes wrong, have a giggle and start again ! Your lovely writing style just fits my philosophy, I think.

I also think that your and Artful's developing relationship is a joy to behold, so don't feel bad about the things that you share with us.

As My-sir's-k- said..I won't hijack the thread..but yes, LDR can be a bastard sometimes !!!
~~~~~~~~How wonderful for you both and congratulations for moving your LDR into the realm of real time. I would love to sometime here about what you would like to share regarding these face to face meetings.


wow! thanks alot sir-to-k...that was a wonderful post!I do try to keep things as happy and light-hearted as I can when I post as I "mask" the very REAL pain I feel from being so far away from MASTER and I really dont think people see it when I post-but it's really there nonetheless
especially in an LDR that has now been taken to the NEW level of skin-to-skin ,the pressures increases..wanting to FEEL His touch again so much..Hear the words that only He can say to push me over the edge(thank-God for yahoo messenger vc),needing to look at Him to make sure He is o.k. and happy (web cam) yess all those things really DO help too but NOTHING compares to being there,really BEING there.*sigh*..I know I will be soon,just NOT soon enough for me!!:)
posting at BDSM has been a great learning experience for me as a new sub/slave and I am just so very happy that I have a Masterwho allows me to "post freely" and encourages me to learn more not only about the lifestyle itself,but also about MYSELF:rose:

SierraMoon said:
dream, honey, i love reading all your posts, as i don't get a chance to talk to you in pm's as much as i'd like to, so being able to come here, and read your words when i get a chance, helps me to feel connected to what is going on with you and Art. Don't ever apologize for being in love, as it is the best feeling in the world, and in your words, you express the depth of your devotion to your Master... don't ever change sweetie, ok?
:heart: r.

Thank-you *Sis*..that means so much to me and especially coming from you my beautiful friend,someone I greatly admire.
You will Always be connected" to Master and I babe-never doubt that for we care for you deeply..and YOU ARE correct "I will NOT apologize for being in love" ..not at all..if people cant deal with it,they dont gotta read it,right?"he he:rolleyes:
Dream doll,

In *my* opinion -- you have NOTHING to apologize for. I know my only concern has been that you've been upset -- and you are hard on yourself. I'd like to simply see you be kinder to -- you. Because you deserve it. And see, like I said -- you're an over-achiever! :) Look at what amazing things you've accomplished and done. If the road is rocky sometimes -- well, you're a survivor through and through -- I have no doubt that you and Art will work hard at making it work between the two of you. Because you're committed to each other. And in this day and age -- that's something to be celebrated!

And your style -- is unique to you. It's special because it's your voice. Hey, not everyone likes any one of us. That's just life. But stand strong and don't feel less than valued for your own way of expressing yourself. You ROCK hun, lol! But as long as you know it -- it shouldn't matter if I or anyone else says it. And hey, I make as many mistakes in this life as the next guy -- I'm not too proud to say it. I admit when I'm wrong, or confused, or feeling low -- all the time.

I support your relationship -- absolutely! I'm never going to ever, ever suggest I know better how two people should "be." I just won't play that kind of judgment game. But I want you to know -- I also support you, as an individual -- not just as one half of something. And I support Art -- if he came on feeling and expressing his own version of pain or angst in the last few days -- I would be supporting him and pointing out to him to feel good about himself, and to give himself a break for being human -- the same way I've done for you. That to me is the best way I can be a friend -- to support someone when they're feeling lost and questioning themselves.

And I think trying to do all that the two of you do -- via long distance -- awes me. Heck, I don't even know if I've got the beginning seeds of a LDR myself. Could be no, could be yes, could be we don't know for a while. But I see now a lot of the difficulties involved. And I'm sure there are some -- I haven't got a clue about, lol.

But stand tall, girl! You're a wonderful, warm, loving, sweet and fun woman. That's right there something to be celebrated as well.

A dozen :rose:s to the lady who started this thread. :)

P. :rose:
awww Perse ...

what a sweetheart..I have to do this post justice ..will post later..:rose: