
Whew! Just making sure you weren't hiding anything from me babe! Now, if you're gonna be doing any sucking tonight, I've got something else in mind, and it's much much better than a banana! :D

Bella, have you found Ollie yet? If you can't find him, dear, grab HandyAndy...he's got something I bet you'd like...or so I'm told. *grin*
NH I'll keep that in mind......I think I'm gonna need it tomorrow LOL

Angel Baby! Did someone say sucking?? :D

Hey Izzy c'mon let's see if we can walk the straight white line together LOL
Make Mine a Double

Monsieur X dear .. an orgasm is the name of a shooter .. bailey's and peppermint schnapps .. and a blow job is the same drink but with whipped cream on top .. i am serious

ok i will walk the damned line BUT i will not blow into any breathalizer test thing LMAO .. you never know who blew it before you ..

[Edited by Isabella Thorne on 08-04-2000 at 05:28 PM]
Why yes, my dear, I believe I did mention something about sucking. Now, what are you offering?

Bella, I know of the drink called a you know the proper way to drink them? With no hands babe...think you can handle that? I've been known to drink 'em like that in the past...tends to draw quite a gathering, too! ;)
Oh Izzy I don't think a blow job is the same drink here as it is over there. A blow job here also has a big banana with a straw through it. Specially made for the girls so they can suck the juice out of the glas. Quite a sight I might add.

And speaking of breathalizers........OOOoooo dear, I got something for you :D
Well don't keep me waiting here, darlin'! Let's see what ya' got for me! I'm drooling at the thought of it!

Xander, sweetie...ummm...if you keep THAT up, ALL the women are gonna want you! Now put that thing away, until I can view it in private!
Oh Angel. You mean I can't do this.....

*doing the NAKED potent power pelvis dance*

Quickly closing the door has xander is unzipping his flys.

:D Look angel there ya go again getting me all :eek:
Now Xander, we've talked about your exhibitionist tendencies...and if you recall, we decided to save that for the reception when we can broadcast it live over Lit! :D
Broadcast THE dance over lit. OMG :)
*taking Angels hand* Now come here, and let's discuss that over behind those blinds ;)
LMAO@Andy...sweetie, to the best of my knowledge, Xander only has ONE fly! Now, about that bar... :D

Xander darlin', I'm so glad you were able to be here to help me over that guru hump. You know I love you, sweetheart.
So here's my with it as you will. *grin*
Still :eek: has i offer you my congratulations on becoming guru LOL
Oh the bars fine ;)
*Taking Angel's hand and lead her into luxurios room and is about to close door*

Sorry folks, no peaking :)

*closing door*

Now Angel, how about that Guru celebration ;)
Excuse me for a bit, folks...have some private celebrating to do. *adjusting halo and wandering off with Xander*

Thanks for the congrats, Andy...we'll discuss that bar in just a bit. ;)

Xander doesn't need anymore to drink so I will just get us some and we can party now that he has passed out.

congrats Hon

Hell yes, let's party! With Rosie around, there's ALWAYS a party! Now sweetie, what's that behind your back? Are you hiding something from me? :D
Oh no I am not hiding anything from you...I was just making sure that Xander was passed out. Look I have got handcuffs, whip cream and all we need is nuts....
Rosebud said:
Oh no I am not hiding anything from you...I was just making sure that Xander was passed out. Look I have got handcuffs, whip cream and all we need is nuts....

Now Rosie, I'm starting to like your style. Ya' see, Xander was parading around here naked earlier, and well, I imagine with him passed out, we could use those cuffs and make our own banana split! *wicked grin*
we could start with that...but maybe we should wait until he begins to stir....we will just handcuff him now then apply the other stuff when he comes too...
But for now unbutton that shirt a little...hell alot and we will put the whip cream between our rather big tits and now just add a cherry.....

Rosie, are you sure you only want my shirt unbuttoned? I mean, I wouldn't want to get my short lil skirt all dirty. ;)
Xander ... I am online right now if you wanted to talk to me about the music stuff?
good idea....throwing off shorts and shirt.....putting a dollar bill on my neck and wearing a hat that says...All You Can Eat Under A Buck