August 2015 Challenge: Wtf is it this all about?

"Hooray" (I think number 11) is Cheers.

I don't watch much TV, and I rarely come to Lit now, So I don't know too many people (unless they are long term members) So I can't really guess who the authors are. But there are some talented people on this comp.


Swear on a stack of Bibles, I wrote every single one.

Yeppers, I'm the only one to participate in the comp so far. ;)
I just wanted to thank everyone for their participation so far - writing and reading / guessing.

And be sure to look over your own notebooks to see if you have any poems that could be misconstrued as some form of TV show or mini-series intro. If you do, don't be afraid to enter them. As per the rules of the comp, the show need not exist.
9 days left in this here challenge, Folks.

To restate the challenge for any latecomers to the party:

Write a theme song or something poetical that would serve as an introduction for any televised show or mini series ( that need not even exist outside the confines of your mind ).

Tempt the reader into guessing the name of the show by tossing in clues. As evidenced already, a few entries were written to pre-existing themes, a clue in itself.

Stir the reader into thinking, That sure sounds like a show I'd like to watch.
"average of 4 per poet" is meaningless. In truth, one poet could have written 5 poems and another could have entered but one. I don't have 4 submitted myself.

Anyway, if the participants lay guesses openly here, each won't be guessing on his/her own entries. Hence, other players will be able to determine more of who wrote what by noting which numbered poem had no guess entered by a particular poet.

Sure, we could openly place another participant's name (as a guess) to our own poem, to throw off the other players trying to match who wrote what, but that would lessen our chances of standing as the most accurate player.

Isn't it better to submit the guesses to you in PM, Mag?
"average of 4 per poet" is meaningless. In truth, one poet could have written 5 poems and another could have entered but one. I don't have 4 submitted myself.

Anyway, if the participants lay guesses openly here, each won't be guessing on his/her own entries. Hence, other players will be able to determine more of who wrote what by noting which numbered poem had no guess entered by a particular poet.

Sure, we could openly place another participant's name (as a guess) to our own poem, to throw off the other players trying to match who wrote what, but that would lessen our chances of standing as the most accurate player.

Isn't it better to submit the guesses to you in PM, Mag?

The challenge is over in 4 days when I begin tagging names to entries.

No one here is much concerned with accuracy. The fun is in the guessing.

But in all honesty, you would prolly be the most accurate because A] you are more familiar with my writing style and what I would likely write about than the regulars here -and- B] I submitted the most entries.

Anyhoo ..... the real fun is the challenge itself to write something new and the real prize is pulling a rabbit out of the empty tophat.

Or kittens. I seem to have no problem manifesting them lately.
okay. I'm currently just trying to match these up myself. and you're right; I do know your style.

Greenmountaineer's link doesn't lead to a profile.
okay. I'm currently just trying to match these up myself. and you're right; I do know your style.

Greenmountaineer's link doesn't lead to a profile.

Poop. I'll get tech support right on that.


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Put a fork in this challenge, because it is done.

Thanks to yawl who participated.

And feel free to add any new themes to the entry thread.

Say Mr M, thank you for putting together this challenge which yielded some wonderful poetry: some sublime (I love Tess's Really? and greenmountaineer's Morning After, Shipping Home, for example), and some ridiculous (my two, for example).

This was a hard challenge imho because we all have different tv preferences (some of us don't even watch it), and we come from different parts of the world. And then there's the question of whether to evaluate these poems on how well they represent Show X (and what if there is just a poem and no show?), or solely on their merits as poetry? Or both ways (if applicable)?!? :eek: And in spite of the complexity of the challenge, there is a lot of good and interesting poetry!

So kudos to you and all participants. I'd comment more but I'm still too drugged and incoherent to handle more that this--which I hope is not too garbled! :eek:

I have one more poem I'm writing that was interrupted by my circumstances. I'll try to finish it and post it soon.

:rose:s X 12 all round (plus a special bouquet of kitty treats for the challenger)!
Say Mr M, thank you for putting together this challenge which yielded some wonderful poetry: some sublime (I love Tess's Really? and greenmountaineer's Morning After, Shipping Home, for example), and some ridiculous (my two, for example).

This was a hard challenge imho because we all have different tv preferences (some of us don't even watch it), and we come from different parts of the world. And then there's the question of whether to evaluate these poems on how well they represent Show X (and what if there is just a poem and no show?), or solely on their merits as poetry? Or both ways (if applicable)?!? :eek: And in spite of the complexity of the challenge, there is a lot of good and interesting poetry!

So kudos to you and all participants. I'd comment more but I'm still too drugged and incoherent to handle more that this--which I hope is not too garbled! :eek:

I have one more poem I'm writing that was interrupted by my circumstances. I'll try to finish it and post it soon.

:rose:s X 12 all round (plus a special bouquet of kitty treats for the challenger)!

You are welcome.

And don't sell your "ridiculous" entries short. They sparked laughs and conversation.

As hard as you say it was, it should have also have been easy. And here is my reasoning as to why.

I don't care what anyone says. They have watched TV. They do watch TV. They will watch more TV.

They have had, have and will have favorite TV shows.

Even to the point of obsession!


And in recent years, services like Netflix and Hulu and Amazon have given us the ability to see what our international neighbors are watching. I'm not a big fan of British shows, but I found Derrick to be absolutely amazing. And I am still hoping to do a theme for The Fall .

Not to mention, many American shows nowadays are redos. Gracepoint for us was Broadchurch for Brits ( it even had the same lead actor ). We had an American version of Rake and The Slap. Our Resurrection was The Returned.

My initial challenge idea was to just write poems or songs about TV shows in the same manner that we write them about books, plays, operas and ..... other poems and songs. They are the "stories" that eventually become our theatrical movies and television shows anyhow, so it's safe to say that they can be reverse engineered back into poems and song.

However, writing a intro theme seemed a more intriguing way of encapsulating what a show was about without giving the entire plot or premise away. Give peeps a chance to experiment; mix and merge poetry and lyricality.
And although I don't get a lyrical vibe from todski's Wrap Me .....

..... I think he nailed the challenge to the effin wall from a poetic standpoint.

It makes me want to do a Dexter binge that much more.
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p.s. I especially want to thank Artina Heartflash for taking time out of her nutty personal life to participate. She is a very skilled poet from another site I frequent; has a way with words that most spambots would kill for, operating on a whole nuther level that will prolly take me a lifetime to reach. :)
p.s. I especially want to thank Artina Heartflash for taking time out of her nutty personal life to participate. She is a very skilled poet from another site I frequent; has a way with words that most spambots would kill for, operating on a whole nuther level that will prolly take me a lifetime to reach. :)

YEH okay...let everyone know I have a spambot fetish. :eek:
Thanks, Magnetdong.

All these entries were great fun to read.