Bad Decisions

I once met a complete random from Craigslist, without even seeing a picture first. I've met guys for hook-ups in the past, but it's always been after a long round of email exchanges, and seeing pics etc., but this one time I was just horny and not thinking straight.

Fortunately, he was a gentleman and not at all bad looking, and in the end the sex was pretty intense and hot! But I still look back at that and cringe when I consider how risky it was. Never again!
waiting until marriage

I passed up a few chances at sex because I wanted to do the "right thing" and wait until I was married. I didn't get married until I was 25, but I managed to remain a virgin, and so had my wife. She had seemed to want sex, and acted as if waiting was somewhat difficult, but I now suspect that was false. When I was 28, she stopped having sex with me. I've tried to work with her to fix whatever is wrong, but she refers to it as a "choice and not a problem." Recently she told me not to bother her about it again, because she intends to remain celibate for the rest of her life, and that once I accept that, I'm never going to have sex again, I will not be so disappointed.

I had three years of occasional sex in my entire life. So yeah, regardless of what I thought was the "right thing", boy did I make a bad decision.