Bashful Wife???

AngelicAssassin said:
i'd orgasm with the S/O.

Define do it?

Well, you like it when your woman cries... do you like it when she blushes? Does it turn you on?
AngelicAssassin said:
jamming my cock down her throat.

Let's say when cute gets used, i tend to bridle.

Ohhh... that is too bad... it is one of my favorite words. I will try to remember to refrain.

niteshade said:

I am waiting with baited breath for this one. :D
Going to be a stretch ... Zapping both of her lower orifices with a TENS unit and appropriate attachments.
AngelicAssassin said:
Going to be a stretch ... Zapping both of her lower orifices with a TENS unit and appropriate attachments.

OMG… I bow before you… that was the absolute limit!
niteshade said:
Soooo... how do you feel about the word "brat" AA? Does it make you gnash your fangs?
Irritating am i?

Use it and swatting your tail becomes an option.

said in a mock threatening voice.