BDSM Haiku

tired of being
all over the place, i beg
him to lock me up

eyes closed and trusting
that he'll see this to the end
i wait for orders

how far will i bend
to meet his demands, i can't
stop tears from falling
tired of being
all over the place, i beg
him to lock me up

eyes closed and trusting
that he'll see this to the end
i wait for orders

how far will i bend
to meet his demands, i can't
stop tears from falling

Locked , emotions
Bewildered soul,

Punished flesh
unbundled soul
she knelt with the letter in
her uplifted hands

he took the parchment
and upon opening it
he found one sentence
isn't necessary to
convey emotions

speech that is succinct
can easily procure a
proper reaction