BDSM posters face pictures

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There are some really beautiful women here, really! Not just "hot" or "sexy" but just flat out beautiful!

And thank you for the compliments. I am usuallu flushed after sex, and probably was then, but the cell phone camera adn bad lighting didn't show it.

I put that as my facebook pic and my friends are all saying "hey, nice pic" and I am ROFL at the circumstances.
There are some really beautiful women here, really! Not just "hot" or "sexy" but just flat out beautiful!

And thank you for the compliments. I am usuallu flushed after sex, and probably was then, but the cell phone camera adn bad lighting didn't show it.

I put that as my facebook pic and my friends are all saying "hey, nice pic" and I am ROFL at the circumstances.

You (universal you - just to avoid any rumors LOL) also tend to be relaxed and happy after sex... so that could make for a good pic.
I don't really want to post this photo directly onto lit, so I'm sorry if you don't have fetlife, but this is currently my favorite photo of myself (and it's also one of the most recent!).

A: Hotness, thy name is Syd.

2: If you rightclick FL pics (if you're using FF, otherwise I'm sure IE has a similiarly worded option) and select 'Copy image location' and then post *that* link, people without FL can look.. and those with can look without having to log in. :)

D: Did I mention that was a hot pic?
A: Hotness, thy name is Syd.

2: If you rightclick FL pics (if you're using FF, otherwise I'm sure IE has a similiarly worded option) and select 'Copy image location' and then post *that* link, people without FL can look.. and those with can look without having to log in. :)

D: Did I mention that was a hot pic?

Re: points A and D. Thank you!!

Re: point 2. The reason I don't want to do that, or post it here, is because I was only given permission by the photographer to post it on fetlife, and I want to respect that.
Re: points A and D. Thank you!!

Re: point 2. The reason I don't want to do that, or post it here, is because I was only given permission by the photographer to post it on fetlife, and I want to respect that.


That's totally fair enough then

Very nice face!!....

Yes, though I can understand some of them wanting to take them down after a short stay. Think mine is still there somewhere.


kybele~ you have lovely eyes hon :)

There is lots of prettily made-up, well-taken pics of me around, so I thought I'd treat ya to an unexpected, make-upless shot. You have been warned!

Thank you all! and yeah, sometimes going 'natural' (Kinda... I had actually not bothered taking makeup off before bed, so still had some mascara on) can be sexy too. Though I tend to prefer full slap.

I don't really want to post this photo directly onto lit, so I'm sorry if you don't have fetlife, but this is currently my favorite photo of myself (and it's also one of the most recent!).

amazing. you are actually hotter than your av!

I took this picture with my cell phone a few minutes after the first time I used Mr. Hitachi. I wanted to see if the glowing was just my imagination. My hair is darker and cut a bit different than the previous.

hee hee! post orgasmic glow... now there's an idea for pics!

Aw, thanks guys :) I maintain that the majority of the genius of that photo comes from it's beautiful and talented photographer.

Mr trb is a photographer and I totally agree. the pictures he takes of me can make me into a goddess (or hag :p)

I've splattered my face on here a billionty times, so it's kind of moot. But I'll put up a fun one (for a very short while) from a show L and me worked on together. It's a bit old...but then so are we now, lol.

ooooh! dig the hair and the bone structure!

my gutter mind assumed you meant different lips :D
really? Seriously? it's a good one!

Yes, it was, and no it wasn't mine - property of the hair dept. $5000 for that wig. Real hair with a lace front. The little crown thingy on top was $2500. For one day I had a $7500 head! LOL.

I think I need a glam (old!) one to counteract the bareface one. vanity I know.

apologies for all the anti-smokers out there

Very glam, even with the smoking ;).
Yes, it was, and no it wasn't mine - property of the hair dept. $5000 for that wig. Real hair with a lace front. The little crown thingy on top was $2500. For one day I had a $7500 head! LOL.

oh wow, how cool! were you acting?

I hope the crown was made of gold for that price!
Good lookin' lady :)

Thankies Syd.

my gutter mind assumed you meant different lips :D

Gutter mind indeed! :D But then I remembered you don't have avs on, so wouldn't know what I really meant.

Lizzie has such creamy skin.

Amazing what manseed can do for the complexion. It's that perfect blend of proteins, amino acids and natural oils and essences. Now with 30% more value.

Mr Rosco, you're always my favourite perv.

Lizzie~ you're gorgeous hon :)

Thanks Miss Molly!
I'd post but I look like a younger bloved, and I'm just not going there


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Gawd, my face is plastered all over the internet. FetLife, Facebook, OKCupid, Collarme...

It's a good thing I'm out! *LOL*

Since it's more than 10 years ago I started this thread, I just thought I wanted to post a recent pic of me :)


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