Be careful what you ask for

Delicious Blonde said:
Hi everybody. Negative feedback sucks, no question. But we sort of ask for it, don't we? I saw one of the better writers on here say something once about writers being exhibitionists and readers being do ya spell that anyway?...stupid time for blondeness to manifest itself! Maybe by allowing feedback at all we're masochists as well...hummm?
You make a good point. I don't mind constructive negative feedback, but only get the other kind. Not much of it, luckily. I'm prepared to risk the dross for the occasional crumb which helps me. I like to think that in asking for feedback I'm an optimist rather than a masochist :)


PS: voyeur
i think in asking for feedback we often hold our expectations too high - we assume that those who will give feedback will not be utter arseholes. ah well, not all critics are arseholes, but enough are
I love feedback. It's a nice thing to find a few feedback emails in your inbox. No matter if it's bad or good feedback. Then of course you can just ignore the weird ones...

Personally I find it really sweet when the feedback includes things like "your story reminded me of an incident I've had", or when the reader actually tells about their own experiences. And yes, I'm a voyeur for loving to read about other's experiences. ;)
"your story reminded me of an incident I've had" i doubt i'll ever have that - i usually incorporate physically impossible sexual acts into my stories

I just submitted my first story and received some nice feedback this weekend. One in particular:


all I can say is WOW....I am soaking wet right a matter of fact, I was
soaking wet at 2 minutes into the story...absolutely wonderful!!!!

Now as a newbie to this forum, it gave me a huge rush. I wrote the story with the thought to arouse a few people with a similiar fetish to that of my tale. Any negative feedback would have been a downer, but I guess we can't please all of us. you write for yourself, the readers, or a little of each? Honestly, for me, it's for the readers, but the end result, it is my ego that is fed. If you write a story that a handful of people say they got turned on, and a few more hate it, how do you feel about it? If no one liked my story and told me it was crap, I would want to trash it and start again. Maybe even quit. Not sure. Now that I have written a story that has done well, I want to write more. Positive feedback is similiar to wood on the fire and negative feedback is the water.

Dingus Guy

Comments: Eternally, Dingus Guy A Ghost of a Chance
Dingus Guy,

I am very glad you recieved positive feedback. When you are starting out it is very important as you make the comparison to stoke the fire. Feed the ego and make it want more.

The negative feedback can and is just as important. Water keeps the fire under control so to speak. You may in time desire more negative feedback to mold oneself into a better author.

I being inquisitive am off to read this panty wetting of a story.

ah yes stoke the ego - egoes (er egos?) need massaging to keep you going unless you are overly vain and narcissistic like me. most people who know me say i like to kiss my own arse - well its not a fetish but i think the ego is often unjustly insulted. glad you are happy dingus
careful what ask for

I think a lot of what is said is true. I have gotten a little negative feedback lately almost word for word what the person you had said. either it's a disgruntaled writer or some one trying to bring ratings down. Not that mine are all that high to start with. i write under TUCSON RED mainly for my own distraction. Enjoy a lot of the stories written by DeKurk and others here. hope all is well with others enjoy life its to short to worry about the small stuff. But then with my size anything is small. :p :devil:
yes some people just like to give bad ratings, i've found actually that when you ask for criticism you get worse results than if you just allow people to send you it - a few days ago i got an e-mail from someone saying that she loved my story but when i asked for criticism here it was slated!?

on an unrelated note i had no idea just how many people visit literotica. i checked my current submissions on my member page and apparently 3638 people have viewed my story since i posted it 11 days ago. now that to me is a huge surprise but completely welcome all the same.
I've only written 2 stories so far, but aside from the weirdos offering to 'help' me get some first-hand experience... everyone has been nice. This sort of suggests to me that my work is not quite good enough to make people respond in a hateful manner.

New goal: to write something that gets readers so fired up they have to respond.

By the way- how do people get the little h's?

Silent Night

Ritual Deflowering on Halloween
ButterflyLane said:
By the way- how do people get the little h's?

Hi Butterfly,

The red H's denote stories which have received 10 or more votes from readers, and maintain an average vote of 4.5 out of 5 or better.

The yellow E's denote "Editor's Choice" stories. These are pieces that we really like - just our opinion.

The green W's are next to stories that have been chosen by readers as winners in our Monthly, Yearly, or Special contests.

All this is in the Lit. FAQ. :)
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New goal: to write something that gets readers so fired up they have to respond.

ha ha thats one way to do it. i'be had maybe only 10 replies now to my story and my poetry. my last feedback comment went something like "you add something darkly mysterious, i like that, it gets my imagination going" - referring to my trifle poem which i wrote for someone as a joke but now i'm using it in a story as a soliloquy
sanchopanza said:
yes some people just like to give bad ratings, i've found actually that when you ask for criticism you get worse results than if you just allow people to send you it.

Yeah, and, like Alex said, watch how you ask for it. If you ask for criticism I think a lot of people are going to interpret that to mean, "Tell me what's wrong with the story", because 'criticism' has a negative connotation. If you just ask for 'feedback' I think you're more likely to get a liked it/didn't like it kind of thing.

But the thing that AdK mentioned at the beginning of the thread, that's not criticism or feedback, that's just hate mail from an asshole.

oo hate mail i've not had any of that yet but i'll look forward to it. i'm finishing off a story right now that is incredibly offensive to a lot of people and it is foul and sick and depraved - so says everybody i've talked about it to.