Beacons in the Cold Night: A WoW Story (Closed for SinisterSpiders)

It was only a few pounding, flushed heartbeats after Senira woke that Jasreath spoke. As he did Senira felt his hot breath tickling her neck. She let out a soft breathy moan as she heard his murmured blessing. She let go of the hand that was clasping his and she felt regretfully cooler when he extracted his arm from between her breasts. She gathered from his reactions that he had enjoyed having his arm nestled there just as much as she had, even if he had apologised for it.

"If apologies are, in fact, in order then I probably have the biggest one to make. It seems I have uh... Backed you into a corner, so to speak. I, uh-" Senira stopped, clearing her throat as she realised she should probably be moving rather than taking. She found it so, so, hard to pull away. Jasreath would feel the lingering moment of hesitation before she slowly peeled herself from him. Her arse cheeks tensed around his morning hardness as she shifted away and a barely audible whimper trickled from her lips. She scooted as far as she could, given the confined space, to give him room to stretch. Her cheeks were flushed a pretty rose pink and she could feel that telltale moistness and pressure between her tightly clamped thighs. Anar'alah- what was it about this male that had her body reacting so? It was wholly inappropriate given the circumstances yet she wanted him terribly.

With the new distance between them it was so much cooler. Enough to let Senira know that they wouldn't be well this morning if they didn't have each other.

"Thank you for -uh- sharing your warmth... It was a welcome comfort through a dark night..." Senira said as she turned to face the handsome Night Elf, her eyes settling on his face and giving him a somewhat apologetic smile.
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The feeling of her heavenly ass tensing and moving on his cloth covered manhood. Her whimper as she moved away made his dick twitch. Elune! That blissful, sinful feeling! He was glad she had moved to remove the social awkwardness of the situation but he deeply regretted the separation. Not only because of the loss of warmth. Her touch was...invigorating to him; body and spirit.

Her smile brought a similar one appeared on his face, "You are welcome. I owe you such thanks as well. My sleep was...troubled." The smile vanished and the glow of his eyes dimmed as he looked down through half lidded eyes. "I saw many things in my dreams. But your presence, your touch, kept me returning to reality. You have saved my sanity as well as my life."

Jasreath shifted a bit in the shelter, "How do you reckon the hour? Would it be best to venture onward now or shall we...lie together a while longer? You can lay by my side, I assure you, I will not change position."
Senira's eyes clouded over as Jasreath spoke of his own dark night, of the terrors that had clawed at him. She knew that feeling well enough, and even speaking of it now dragged her back to the way she had felt when she slept; that dark, endless despair as she saw Kelthras brutally slain time and time again. Even now it caused an unimaginable ache in her soul. For a moment she squeezed her eyes shut tight and took a deep breath, fighting away the stinging that threatened to turn to tears.

But then Jasreath asked about the time. A good question. A grounding question. Senira opened her eyes and looked up at the sky. Through the crystalline canopy of amethyst, she could see that it was just after dawn. She considered offering to go out and check the traps, just to stretch her legs and distract her mind, but then Jasreath offered something far more appealing. She looked at him, eyes widened a little in surprise at the offer, and she gently bit the inside of her lip. Without meaning to her eyes flicked (for the briefest of flashes) to where she had previously felt that hardness pressed against her and then back up at his appealing face.

To lie by his side for a while longer....

By the Sun Well, that was a tempting offer. It felt so much colder away from him, and there was such a human comfort in his embrace. There was also something else there that she knew she shouldn't be thinking about.

"It is so warm in here with you I can scarcely fathom the idea of leaving our shelter..." She admitted. She moved a little closer. As she got close she turned so that she was laying on her back, her elbow and arm against his chest. She let out a breath of relief at his warmth and ignored the moment where her naked calf brushed against his similarly bare knee.

"Please move around however, you need to to make yourself- uh- comfortable," Senire offered, pulling her poncho back over their bodies to keep them warm.
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"Merely having you close again is a comfort," he admitted. It was true and there was no harm in saying it, it his mind. Already just her being against him and throwing the poncho back over them both had made him feel so much warmer, so much better. "I don't need to move, thank you. If I wanted to be more comfortable," he grinned but it was somewhat spoiled by a yawn, "we would be in another improper arrangement."

Also true. But this time he wasn't sure he should have said it. It was hardly what she likely wanted to hear after his manhood had been...what did Elde call it? Hotdogging her ass?

He'd miss the earthly little dwarf woman so much.

Jasreath did shift his hips to be sure his morning condition wouldn't contact her again. No matter how nice that might feel. "Hopefully, it will warm a bit more out there. Pleasant as it may be, we cannot spend all day here."
Senira was pleased that Jasreath was comfortable enough. When he mentioned what would truly make him more comfortable she instinctively squeezed her thighs together a little tighter. Another improper arrangement. Anar'alah, her body wanted it too. It was odd, that after such devastation she could feel that way, but it was as if her most base desires were yearning to be filled, to be satisfied in order to help her repair ger broken heart.

She knew that Jasreath had changed the subject, but she nevertheless reached out under the poncho until her hand found his arm. She ran her fingers down the bare skin of it until she found his hand. She interlaced her fingers with his and moved his hand over so it was settled on her abdomen, making their position a little warmer yet again.

"I doubt any day to come could be as cold as yesterday," Senira said in a soft voice, het hand squeezing his just a little tighter. She let let out a deep, heavy sigh and rested her head against his chest a little more.
The druid stayed still as she sought out his hand, unsure of what she wished and not wanting to disrupt her reaching out. Ah, and that small hand was so warm! When she took his hand in hers and pulled it to her, he sighed. Jasreath bowed his head as she spoke, nodding. "No. Nothing will ever chill me as much." He returned the squeeze of her hard and closed his eyes as she nestled closer, her head resting on his chest.

This was the contact they both needed; not the erotically charged lust he felt. Simple comfort in another. Acknowledging their loss and their survival.

"May it be so for us both," he murmured. Jasreath lowered his head to rest closer to hers, her dark hair close enough to his nose that it filled with its' scent. "We will come to warmth together, as we do now, and in making full lives."
Senira nodded, emotions welling up in her, her hair brushing against Jasreath as she moved. She waited a few moment, sifting through her emotions; sadness and despair, the sense that she failed her friends and lover, abject failure of their mission.... But also a gratefulness for this new male she had found. Even if they part ways in Dalaran, she would consider herself lucky to have met such a soul.

"Your party members... Had you been with them long?" She asked. She knew it was a loaded question, asking about those he had lost. But she could no longer deny what had happened,regardless of how hard she tried to push their faces to the back of her mind, they kept pushing back right to the forefront. Perhaps those lost weren't meant to be forgotten, suppressed, perhaps they were supposed to be remembered.
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Jasreath didn't answer her question right away. Part of him hoped she'd think he had fallen back asleep and let the matter rest. But that was a craven thing to do. Running away from loss, trying not to think about it, would do no good. "Yes," he said after perhaps a full minute. The word was heavy on his lips and in the air. "Though we were not always together, we had known each other for...five years. Not long in the life of an elf, I suppose. But it feels long. They were the first friends I made that were not Night Elves and the first that I...became somewhat more than friendly with, if not fully being lovers."

He wasn't sure if he should stop talking or not.

"I met Elde first. I was in Ashenvale, fighting...ah.". He'd almost forgotten she was part of the Horde. Would it distress her if he told her this story? There wasn't really any backtracking now. "Invaders who were trying to take my homeland. I had dealt with a pair of warriors when a clattering contraption of iron that belched smoke into the air charged at me. There was a goblin in it; helping fell the trees, I think. I was braced for it when this small, blonde, buxom woman in leather seemed to just...appear on top it. She was behind the driver and struck him down, leaping clear of the machine when it fell. I had been the cat but I changed back to greet her, "Yer a tall drink o' beer, aren't ya" she said." He smiled at the memory. "She and I joined forces as we both had jobs in that area. We traveled and worked in Ashenvale for a month before she was ready to return to the other continent. She asked if I would like to go with her...and I did. She introduced me to the others, part of an adventuring guild that I too joined in time."

He sighed, "How I will miss her! She was boisterous and sassy, flirtatious, often inappropriate. A dear friend. She and I never, ah, took delight in one another but I was tempted more than once. I always knew she would be where she was supposed to be and that she'd cheer the day with an outrageous story. She knew how to have a good time when we were in town as well. I'm still not welcome at The Slaughtered Lamb in Stormwind thanks to her."

Jasreath shook his head, "To think I'll never hear her laugh or see her flash a bar full of priests...ah, it hurts. But remembering the merrier tempers it some." He sighed once more, "I am sorry, that is more than you needed or wished to know. I could tell you many stories of them all but...perhaps it is best if I fall silent."
The thick, loaded silence stretched for what felt like a long time. Senira could feel Jasreath beside her, his hot steady breath tickling her hair. She wondered if she had overstepped the line. If she had asked for more than she should. They has known each other just on a day, she shouldn’t be asking him for such disclosure. For a moment she considered that it was because Kelthras had rubbed off on her. He could ask almost anyone anything and get an honest answer. There was something about the way he had done it, that unapologetic charisma in him…

But then… Jasreath spoke.

At first Senira held her breath, frightened that any movement from her might startle him and stop his disclosure. Then she soon found herself smiling along with his reminiscence. He painted a vivid picture of his dear friend, one that shower his fondness and regard for her. The way his voice broke when he said he would never see her again, anar'alah, it broke Senira's heart. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze, though it would do little to quell his pain.

"No, don’t be sorry," Senira said, her voice quiet. "I… I like hearing you speak. It sounds like you had wonderful companions. She - Elde- she sounds like a riot- the best kind of friend to have. Thank you for telling me about her, about them…"
Senira held Jasreath's hand a little tighter, biting her lip. Jasreath had spoken with such candor and affection. It made her think of her own losses.

"I… I had known Anesta and Tristain for most of my life. They are distant relatives on my mother's side. Though they were much older and were out adventuring for much of the time I knew them…" Senira said slowly, unsure if Jasreath wanted to hear this or not. If he gave her a signal to be quiet she would, but saying their names felt good. Even if it hurt.

"Kelthras though, I met him a few years back, just before the fall of Silvermoon." Senira's eyes were stinging just thinking of him.

"Out of all my companions I was closest to him. We were both in Eversong on separate jobs to monitor and thin the undead that Arthas had sent as his forward force. We ran into each other and discovered that our objectives aligned, and even though I tried to part ways with him he ignored my wishes and tagged along. I'd always been used to hunting alone. He changed that rather quickly. Once he had made that decision to be my companion, nothing would change his mind. Every few days we would head back to the city to check in, and I was always surprised at just how many people there knew him. It seemed like more than half of the people we ran across wanted to talk to him about something. He was particularly popular with the ladies, but it was the guards that he saved his true charm for. No matter how many times he said or did something that would have landed me in a cell he managed to wiggle his way out of it." Senira smiled fondly as she thought of Kelthras and his dashing, mischievous smile.

"But for some reason he seemed to like working with me," she shrugged, still so unsure of why such a lovely looking and charismatic creature such as Kelthras would chose to follow her instead of while away his time with some of the beautiful females in the city.

Senira sighed heavily, hustling Jasreath's hand on her abdomen. Her grip instinctively tightened on his as she continued, unable to stop the flow of words now they had started.

"Then one night we were in the woods. They had been unusually quiet sow e turned in early for the night. While we were- well," Senira blushed "Otherwise engaged, we heard the sounds of fighting in the distance and saw the flares of magic. By the time we got back to Silvermoon there was… there was nothing we could do. Half of the city… it had been utterly destroyed. Our people- the High Elves- our numbers had been cut to next to nothing in one fel swoop."

Senira closed her stinging eyes, taking a few deep breaths to steady herself.

"I ran into Anesta and Tristain shortly after that. They were, as I found out, two of only a handful of my relatives that survived the decimation. Elo'mei and Drakon had been with them. All six of us watched as our culture disintegrated. Our people began calling for blood, calling for retribution… it was- it still is- something that makes my stomach turn. We were angry at the Alliance for failing us. I still am… but to join the Horde? To completely turn against our past?" Senira's breasts heaved as she let out a heavy sigh.

"Then they realised that the Sun Well was tainted, and had to be destroyed. It was the last straw for our fragile community. In the end we had little choice. The magic addiction… for some it was too much. The Fel taint left in our land was impossible to resist, and as soon as the green started to show in our eyes - me and the others left." The words sounded heavy and full of sorrow, and Senira was sure Jasreath would hear it. When she talked of the magic addiction she didn’t sound ashamed; for her it was just a part of life.

"We weren't really welcome anywhere else though. Those of our people left in Dalaran had to try hard to dissociate with us, and the small specks of emerald in our eyes gave us away. They want to appear, at the very least, to be neutral in the tension that developed. They could hardly be seen to associate with Blood Elves. So… Kelthras, the others and myself set out."

"Our true quarrel wasn’t with the Alliance, nor was it with the High Elves who shunned us. It was with Arthas and his abominations. So it brought us here. And… and through it all Kelthras was there. Charming, dashing, roguish Kelthras. Gods, if it weren't for him I don’t know if I…" Senira stopped now. The words finally choking her. Her eyes snapped shut and a fat tear squeezed from one of them.

She realized she had said so much, had unloaded so much on this kind male who barely knew her. She felt terrible, but some of it needed to be said. She needed him to know that she didn't hate the Alliance (she was still angry at their abandonment, yes, but hate was far too strong a word). She didn't hate the Night Elves... And she most certainly didn't hate him.
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Jasreath had not asked her to share her own reminiscences and had not expected her to. But it was no great surprise when she began to speak. Sharing one's pain with one who understood was one of the best ways to feel with it. Their mutual survival and assistance also fostered a sense of...necessary return between them. What one gave, the other tried to match as best possible. It was how they had gotten as far as they had.

He stayed silent as she spoke but his eyes were open, fixed on her lovely face in the dark. Though this darkness was merely dim for a Night Elf's nocturnally accustomed eyes. He could see the grief and sorrow on her face; the flush as she spoke of being "engaged" with the man who was clearly her lover. Ah, such pain she must be in! To lose one's friends was suffering enough but to lose a love...his heart ached for her.

He also had not thought of what else she had endured. To see the devastation of her homeland, to witness her people go from a mighty race in full strength to a shattered, bitter remnant...those blue eyes flecked fel green had seen such loss.

At the end of her tale, he didn't speak. His hand moved from her stomach to her side, the arm that had been a pillow for him moving to slip beneath her slender shoulders. Jasreath pulled her into a gentle embrace. What could he do or say in the face of such loss otherwise? "To lose kin and your lover, my heart grieves," he said at last. "I am yet glad you had them and took the joy offered even if it makes the loss harder now. Such strength you have. I am in awe of it."
Senira's shaky breath caught in her achjng throat as Jasreath pulled her closer. His strong arms wrapped against her and she pressed her forehead against his chest. It was so warm through the thin cotton of his undershirt.

"But I wasn't strong," she told him, voice raw. "I was so scared of the possibility of losing him that I never... I... I didn't love him as well as I should have. And I was so stupid! It didn't matter in the end. He - he's gone anyway!" Senira's voice was caught between pain, sadness and frustration.

Senira stopped talking, her breasts heading with the effort to not sob. She rested against Jasreath for a moment, this poor, kind make who took her disclosures in his stride. He was still so unfamiliar to her, but perhaps that was why her words came so easy. It had been so much harder to confide in Kelthras, even with his gentle coaxing and assurances.

"But forgive me.. You- you didn't leave Icecrown with me to hear my sob story," Senira said apologetically as she looked up at him, her eyes still full of emotion.
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Jasreath's heart swelled with new pity. Ah. Something had gone unsaid between them. She never told him the true depths of her feelings. Something similar if not that. He understood. While it was not the same, he too had things he wished he had told his friends.

He didn't speak until she asked for his forgiveness, looking up at him with teary eyes. So lovely even now. The druid shook his head slightly, "That was not my intent, perhaps, but it may be why I left Icecrown from a larger perspective. Perhaps you needed to let these things out to someone and I fulfill that role. In either case, I do not begrudge you. Rather, I sm humbled and honored to be here and hear your sorrows."

He raised a hand to gently wipe her tears away. "Do not dismiss or belittle your hurts. You have earned the right to voice them. I think no less of you for doing so. Indeed, it oft takes more courage to share sorrows than it does to charge into battle."
Senira's eyes stung as Jasreath spoke. With all of the bad luck she had the previous day she still managed to run into him. She looked at him now, his strong jaw, his long ears, his earnest and kind eyes. As he wiped her tears away she leaned into his warm touch.

"Thank you Jasreath," Senira said. Grateful for his eloquence and understanding. "Thank you for your kindness and wisdom. I have something to be grateful for you " she whispered again, her own hand coming up to cup his cheek. Her eyes were filled with a new intensity as she looked at him, her thumb rubbing gently over his cheekbone. That look in her eyes made it seem as though she could kiss him, buy she made no move to close the distance between them. Not yet, at least, but as she caressed his skin she realized that she wanted to. She gently bit the inside of her bottom lip as she started to slowly move her fingers from his face.
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He let a pleased sound rumble in his chest at the feel of her small hand on his face. There was softness and roughness, she was an archer after all, but both felt good. Very good. She was so close now. Those lips...he wanted to kiss her. Wanted to kiss her and more. To taste those lips. To feel her warm, plush body against his. To join with her, making them both feel vital and alive, feeding and sating their basest instincts.

His hand rose to catch hers as it began to move away from him. The druid held it there instead for a few more moments, savoring her touch. Then he let it go. "You do not need thank me, but I am glad my words may do some good." He paused, unsure if he should share his thoughts and desires. "I...would do more, but..."

He shook his head, "Pay no heed to that, I am sorry."
The sound that rumbled through Jasreath made Senira's stomach tighten. She felt a ripple of desire run through her. How easy it would be to get lost in him. As she made to pull away he caught her hand and held it to his face. His skin was so warm as full of promise. When he let go she thought that would be the end of it, but his words.... He would do more... And then that apology...

Without giving herself time to overthink it Senira closed the distance between them and pressed her lips against his. His lips were firm and smooth against hers, and now she was so close she could smell that earthy, masculine scent of his. She could taste it as her face tilted to the side and she used her lips to part his just a little. She wanted to so more but she held back, waiting to see if he would accept the kiss or pull way. She wanted him to accept it, anar'alah, she had never wanted anything so badly before.
His eyes widened when her lips met his. Then then slowly closed. Elune, her lips were so warm and soft. Jasreath kissed her with a warmth that became hungry, desperate. His arms tightened about her and drew her close. They shouldn't do this. They'd need their strength. They would feel torment and guilt over it.

But he wanted it so badly. He...he didn't know what was right...oh, she felt so good!

His lips parted to her, allowing her tongue entrance. He moaned into the kiss, his hands sliding down her bare legs.
There was a moment of surprise in Jasreath. Senira could feel it in the way his body tensed beside her, she could taste it in his kiss. But then something changed; he started to kiss her back with a hunger that felt just like her own. She moaned softly into the kiss as his hand found her smooth thighs, his fingers were slightly roughened from his history of combat, and when his skin dragged against her own it sent shivers of pleasure running through her. As she kissed him she turned onto her side so that her body was pressed up against his. Her hand moved up, runing along his arm, up and over his shoulder, and her fingers laced through his hair gently as they kissed, her thumb gently brushing his cheek. She itched to run her thumb up the tender curve of his elongated ear, but it was an incredibly sexual and intimate act for her kind, she didn't want to come on too much stronger than she already had.
His breath came faster as she turned to press against him. A groan escaped him again at the feeling of her lush curves, heavenly even through their undergarments. The feel of her hand moving up his arm was so simple but so sweet. Each touch of her skin on his seemed to spark, little bursts of teasing sensuality that thrilled. Thrilled and fed his hunger for more, for her. His hands kneaded her thighs, ling fingers slipping inwards along their shapely curve. His tongue wrestled with hers.

There was a thump on the slope of their shelter and part of it bowed inward, leaves ripping and falling. Jasreath swore and rolled over on top of Senira, shielding her with his body. There was an angry chitter and the sound of a small creature retreating through the fallen leaves at high speed.

His heart was pounding but not from desire. That...that..."Just a squirrel," he murmured. But it could have been something else. Something much deadlier. He hung his head, hands digging into their leafy bedding beneath his cloak. Ass! Fool! Putting both their lives at risk for his wantonness! "I..." The druid rolled again, fully off of and away from her, towards the entrance to the shelter. "...Perhaps we should consider getting moving."
Senira could feel the rise and fall of Jasreath's chest becoming more pronounced, she could taste his building desire on her lips, feel it in the charged press between them. His hands felt divine as they kneaded her thighs, as his exploratory fingers delved closer and closer towards that aching part of her.

Senira was just about to pull back from his lips to kiss over his jawline when there was a thump and a scuttle and a chitter. The next thing she knew Jasreath had rolled completely on top of her, his taller body easily covering hers as his eyes snapped from lust-fogged to concerned vigilance. Her own eyes looked around, trying to figure if there was more than a squirrel at fault, but the sag of his body pulled her away. She watched as he became deflated, that change in his eyes burning away any desire they had built up. She reached up to cup his cheek, to let him know that they were fine, but he rolled off her and as far away as their tiny shelter would allow, leaving her feeling cold. Even his tone chilled her a little.

"I... I should check the trap," Senira offered, scrambling out of the shelter, taking her clothes with her as she went. She dressed quickly and gathered up her weapons before heading out. At least her clothes were dry now.


The trap was empty and the nuts had been gone. It was a gamble, and it hadn't paid off. So Jasreath and Senira had set off shortly after she returned to camp. The journey through the Crystalsong Forest was slow, as they were still recovering from the effects of the cold the day before, and their quickly dwindling energy. Thankfully Crystalsong was much warmer than Icecrown.

It wasn't until around midday that they had found something to eat. They had noticed a squirrel in one of the trees and Senira had been able to shoot it down without fuss. The decided to make a fire once they found a safe clearing and with their bellies a little fuller they continued on.

Senira did find it somewhat ironic that it was a squirrel they had found, the very same sort of creature that had interrupted their... morning interaction. She also figured the silence and tension between them was due more to what had happened than the fact that they were in immediate danger. They had been getting on so well, but it was clear to her as Jasreath travelled stoically at her side that some part of him admonished himself for what had happened.

Senira knew that she should probably feel guilty, but really she was beyond feeling much at all. The only real spark she'd felt that wasn't sadness was when she was close to Jasreath. Despite her loss, she couldn't hate herself for that.

So the journey continued. Their slowed movement meant that they had to make camp again that night. Dalaran, it seemed, was farther away than ever when they were hungry. As Senira set up their campsite Jasreath had managed to catch them a plump racoon that went a long way to saying their hunger. When it was time to retire he said nothing about the fact that Senira had only constructed one shelter, and they had both tucked into it as they had the night before. It was much warmer in this part of the forest, but neither of them objected when they held each other closer. Senira squirmed a little at first, that unsated desire within her pulling and tugging at her. But Jasreath had seemed rather determined to avoid a repeat of what had happened.

The next morning Senira woke in a similar predicament to the previous one. Instead of alerting him to her wakefulness she kept her breathing steady and her eyes closed. She took a few moments to take a measure of him as he was pressed against her. She found her body tingling at his hardness, and she enjoyed it until guilt made her shift. She had heard his under-breath cursings as he extricated himself from her and scurried out of the shelter to get dressed. When she followed she caught his eyes flicking to her, just as quickly as they flicked away, and she knew that it was more about guilt and concerns about safety than anything to do with her.

At least their journeying the next day was easier. After letting the morning mind-fog pass Senira had gently probed Jasreath for more information about his past and who he was. She let it slip that she was actually quite young for one of their kinds (a hundred and thirty-four), and hoped that it wasn't an issue for him.

But then they crested a rise in the forest, and when they climbed a tree to get a better idea of their location they could see Dalaran in the distance, it's proud spires and towers disappearing into the sunset clouds above. They had a choice; they could either camp one more night out in the wilds and arrive at Dalaran early and refreshed, or they could push and hope that they would be able to catch a ride up to the airborne city before the lifts closed at midnight.

Senira found herself disproportionately thankful when Jasreath agreed to make camp for one final night. They had managed to find some game earlier, so they were once more well fed before readying themselves for bed. But the mood was far more sombre as the fire started to dim. Senira knew why she was feeling it; as soon as they reached the city they would be surrounded by others. She herself would have to be careful, those High Elves in Dalaran did not yet have any tolerance for the fel-green eyes of the Blood Elves. And even the light flecks in hers would earn her scorn and suspicion. She was also starting to feel the tell-tale signs of the magic addiction in her veins. Her own profession of hunter meant that she didn't use as much magic as others, and therefore did not need as much to survive, but the days of late had been draining. Her skin was paler than normal, her hair hanging a little more limp over her shoulder. If Jasreath looked into her eyes he would see a level of fatigue there that had nothing to do with their journey. She could feel it starting to take over, and she knew that she would need to be in Dalaran come morning.

Senira stripped down as she had previous nights and slid into their shelter, waiting for Jasreath to join her before rolling onto her side to face him and covering their bodies with her poncho. She looked up at him, biting the inside of her lip as she decided exactly how she wanted to phrase her words.

"So, what are your plans once we arrive in Dalaran? Do you have people you can connect to?" She asked. She was curious about his path for sure, but she was also concerned that they would be parting ways.

Senira knew it was unfair of her to be concerned, that her travel with Jasreath was one of necessity. But in the time they had spent together she felt they had forged an undeniable connection. And the tension... Well, she knew it was leaving both of them frustrated.
The past two days had been a trial physically and mentally as well. For the physical, while they had eaten some, it was still not enough to fully fuel their bodies. Sleep, for him at least, was still somewhat fitful. The squirrel that had halted their...there was no point denying it; the squirrel that had interrupted their lead in to sex had reminded the druid that there was still danger in Crystalsong. Regardless of any undead that may have come down from Icecrown, there were golems and agents of the now renegade Blue Dragonflight about as they tried to bar access to Dalaran. They had already avoided one patrol of such foes. While Senira was a hunter and Jasreath used the nature magicks of a druid, he knew from experience in the Borean Tundra that Malygos's servants struck first before considering the nature of their targets.

Mentally and emotionally, he was wrestling with himself the entire time. His grief and guilt gnawed at the back of his mind while waking and tormented him in his dreams. Senira was a comfort but also a source of conflict. He liked her; more each day. And more than like her, he desired her. His eyes strayed to her when his focus waned to trace the curves and shape of her lush form. His gaze would linger on her lips or the sharp line of her ears or her graceful neck and he would feel the urge to touch, to kiss. But he shouldn't. Or should he? She welcomed it in the heat of the moment but would she now?

Despite his conflict, he did not withdraw. They spoke at length and he did not see a reason not to answer her questions honestly. They were both young for elves, Jasreath only 107 years older than her; perhaps that was a reason they seemed to click beyond their shared loss and survival. He told her of his training and travels through Ashenvale and Darkshore, barely making it back after he and his first lover had slipped off shore in a boat to "fish" and encountered a pod of naga, and other stories. It...pleased him that she wanted to know about him. Vanity, perhaps, but it lightened his steps all the same.

But her own grew heavier, he noticed. She was paler than she had been, her ears drooping ever so slightly, her hair less glossy. There was something wrong that went beyond heartsickness and loss. But what? He could see no hurt on her. In the few times when he was in an animal form that she did not smell hurt or sick. So why?

That night as they lay in their shelter, the beautiful Blood Elf close, she asked the most sensible of questions. Yet the ones he most did not wish to answer. Because he didn't have a plan. Because...he did not want to part from her but would almost assuredly be doing so. Their people were at war due to their allegiances. There were parts of Dalaran they could not go to together. And once seperated, he felt sure they would not meet again. That thought pained him.

" not know," he admitted. "I could send word to my guild of what has happened and journey back to Stormwind to report in person. But I do not think I will." The druid shook his head, his face troubled. "I am not prepared to visit those familiar places without them."

His eyes looked at Senira, moving over her face as it was now like he was committing it to memory. "I think...I will book a room at an inn, one of the neutral ones, and rest and recover for...perhaps as long as a week. I will write letters to my guild and my friends' kin. And...I will watch for you." Should he say this? He had not lied to her yet. But this went far indeed. "So that when you set forth again, I might meet you and discover if you might have use if me in whatever you set out to do."

Selfish. To say that, to assume her plans could include him. But it was true. That was part of what he wanted. The other would be if she stayed with him at the inn so they what the desire burning in them meant.
Jareath's eyes ran over Senira's face. It was a purposeful gaze, and even in her deteriorated state she felt that undercurrent of desire in the look. And his words; they were such a comfort to her. She gave him a smile, albeit a tired one.

"A neutral inn sounds like a smart idea," Senira said with a small nod, "I fear I won't be appreciated in either the Alliance or the Horde allied places." By now Jasreath would know that, though this caused Senira a great deal of frustration, she had become used to her reality, to the fact that she was a person dispossessed. Then she stopped, biting her lip gently as she looked at him.

"I should probably write some letters and rest as well... but after that? I'm not sure. The only thing I can think to do after recovering is to go back and finish my mission. I-" she hesitated, "I wouldn't want to drag you back there. Of course, I would be more than glad of your company, but I can understand if you would rather not come with me."

There, she'd said it. Senira had let him know that she wanted him to remain with her. And it was the truth. Even if returning to Icecrown was not something he could tolerate, she had at least tried. The thought of going back there was a horrible one for her, but it was the only way she could see to give herself and her people an upper hand in this new world.

Senira felt a stab of pain in her gut and she gritted her teeth. It was going to be a long night for her; though she should be able to sate her need for magic once they hit the capital. She tore her gaze from Jasreath's, a little embarrassed by her weakness.
Jasreath didn't smile. It was too serious a conversation for that. But the corners of his lips quirked slightly. She was being kind and he understood why. It would not be pleasant for either of them to return to Icecrown. They had barely escaped alive and both suffered such loss, seen such horror. No. No, it would not be pleasant. But much of life was unpleasant. As a Night Elf and a druid, he understood that life was messy, often brutal, that the natural world they all lived in was hard and unforgiving as often as it was giving. Just because something was unpleasant did not mean one did not do it.

"I will accompany you," he said. "For as long as-" He cut off then. She had gritted her teeth and there had been a flash of...something in her eyes. Discomfort? Pain?

One of his hands moved to her slender shoulder, "Senira, are you unwell? Your color has been off all day and you seem even more worn that I would expect. I couldn't detect any illness or poison at work but...please, what is wrong?"
Senira cursed herself. Jasreath had been sharing his intentions until her damned weakness set in. She felt his tender, concerned hand on her shoulder and she forced herself to look back at him.

"I'm fine, it's just..." She hesitated. She was considering whether to tell him more about her condition. They had been honest with each other thus far, and she did not want him worrying. "It's been a while since I have been able to soak up or tap any mana. The need for it- the addiction...It... it's getting painful. But when we reach Dalaran I will be fine," She added to reassure him. It was a temporary thing for her, easily treatable.
His silver eyes showed surprise, "I had heard it said your people were addicted to magic. I was just a metaphor." Apparently not. "Given our fear of it, no wonder our peoples are not clamoring for reunion." He wasn't sure what to make of it himself. He had come to accept arcane magic use and counted those who wielded it as friends. Even one as a lover. But to have it be such a part of your person was unnerving at best.

But she was in pain. That may be all that mattered. It should be all that mattered.

The hand on her shoulder moved to gently cup her chin, "I use magic, though not arcane. I...can I help you? Would casting a spell on you be enough or would you need...more? I do not want you to suffer if I can do something to ameliorate it."
Senira could see the surprise in Jasreath's eyes. They were both young enough that the schism had happened before their time. Jareath probably had little contact with her people to know that the addiction was quite real, and she was certain that the ancients of his kind would have done everything in their power to hide ties to their own early arcane experimentation.

Despite the surprise, and what she imagined was fear or distaste... Despite that he still offered her aid. She knew that there were certain ways that he could help; her people had long been able to tap mana from other creatures. Some even exchanged magic during intimate moments- she and Kelthras has found exquisite pleasure in that a number of times. And then there were the others that she had heard rumours about... the ones who absorbed their mana by drinking the blood of a magical being. It was a reprehensible practice in any culture and wholly unnecessary.

"No, there is nothing," Senira lied, perhaps after too long of a delay. She knew that tapping some of Jasreath's mana would be quick and painless... and perhaps even pleasurable for the both of them. But he used nature magic; it would sustain her, to be certain, but she had never tapped it before and did not know how much she could take or she would need. Besides, it was too much for her to ask, too intimate an exchange for them. Or so she told herself. Though her mind drifted to what it would be like to share that with him and a pang of desire carved through the discomfort. She pushed it aside; it was an inappropriate thought for that moment.

"Tomorrow though, being back in Dalaran and being surrounded by so much magic, I will be fine. It is as easy as breathing to soak up that sort of power. But... Thank you," Senira gently covered Jasreath's hand with her own and turned her face so that her lips could brush against his palm. "Your offer alone is a great kindness."
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