Being an ignorant newbie...

Since anyone posted to the Bistro.

Because your heart and soul are small
You had to be unkind
And raise yourself above the rest
If only in your mind


- Rhymesmith.
The crowd is still here y'know? We've just gotten a job. That means the survivor challenge. No one wanted anyone to stop posting to the forum, the people who've announced their intent to quit, did so and simply went away, most without rancour in their goodbyes. Please don't accuse anyone of railroading or clique keeping unless you can show proof of exclusionism beyond the fact that friends gather together. We do so in spite of the fact that we still miss the voices who are gone.

If you must leave, leave but don't hide your insults inside poetry. If you want to call someone a bitch, say it. Don't tar the entire forum with the same brush, lest you get feathers on the innocent.
If you must leave, leave but don't hide your insults inside poetry. If you want to call someone a bitch, say it. Don't tar the entire forum with the same brush, lest you get feathers on the innocent.

I hid nothing. It's right out there for everyone to see. Judging from the responses here, it hit the mark pretty well. The innocent know that they are innocent; the guilty also know that they are guilty, and continue to spew their poison.

That's all I have to say.

- Rhymesmith.
the thing about you and me, warzone, is that I've got some fantastic poems on my submissions page, and you have something out of the back of the Hobbit on yours. Your poems are still rubbish, in case you wanted an update on my opinion piece from before.
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The innocent know that they are innocent; the guilty also know that they are guilty, and continue to spew their poison.

- Rhymesmith.

Which are you? I felt a bit of poison raining down, so maybe....?

I don't really know what went on around here, just some scattered ridiculousness on the boards I saw from my intermittent visits and a couple of pm's I got trying to rally me against someone that some such person this and that.

Innocent? Come on. Does not seem like anyone is.
Been away a long time but some things don't change.

(Not talking about you as but I wouldn't want you to change either:rolleyes:)
I hid nothing. It's right out there for everyone to see. Judging from the responses here, it hit the mark pretty well. The innocent know that they are innocent; the guilty also know that they are guilty, and continue to spew their poison.

That's all I have to say.

- Rhymesmith.
I'm not sure why you are so mean toward everyone here. I did my durndest to keep neutral and as I've said (which you'd know if you'd really been interested in everything that was happening); a person is damned by their silence as much as by what they say. You'd have been better keeping quiet rather than coming by and stirring the shit pile just as it had started to form a nice crust.
Oh, a poem...

Together we form a whole
which, taken apart can bare the soles
of feet, wearing paths in Persian carpets
like tunnel depression of blinded moles

Even though the walk-up flat's been sublet
for the past month we're not sure that we get
full value paid in inadequate installments.
The bugger's ripped us off I'll bet.

Tomorrow, last month's rent
is due. I smell the rot of discontent
as he opens the door and peeks out
telling the landlord the money's sent.

Before he runs away, his shout
of foulness spills through his pout
leaving the occupants aghast
at once harbouring the boorish lout

His anger at wrongs long past
still drives his life around corners too fast
to put on moderation's brakes
he hits the wall at long and sorry last.

So we mourn him over tea and cakes
and giggle since we're all such fakes.
Speculating how he'll pay the toll
that the ferryman, unrelenting takes.
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You are so good even when you are ragging on somebody, you know that?

As a friend of mine would say, "I kees you all over you face!"

Oh, a poem...

Together we form a whole
which, taken apart can bare the soles
of feet, wearing paths in Persian carpets
like tunnel depression of blinded moles

Even though the walk-up flat's been sublet
for the past month we're not sure that we get
full value paid in inadequet installments.
The bugger's ripped us off I'll bet.

Tomorrow, last month's rent
is due. I smell the rot of discontent
as he opens the door and peeks out
telling the landlord the money's sent.

Before he runs away, his shout
of foulness spills through his pout
leaving the occupants aghast
at once harbouring the boorish lout

His anger at wrongs long past
still drives his life around corners too fast
to put on moderation's brakes
he hits the wall at long and sorry last.

So we mourn him over tea and cakes
and giggle since we're all such fakes.
Speculating how he'll pay the toll
that the ferryman, unrelenting takes.
Champagne's first verse is perfect.

Rhymesmithey/warzoney, I actually never heard of you until today. You actually appeared and disappeared during the space of my absence. All I had to do was read this thread and then the poems on your page to realize that you were a. a joker, b. an internet windbag, c. a rubbish poet.

you actually said: "I admit to a love of Shakespeare. I'll also admit that some of his poetry left something to be desired." then you went on to compare your rubbish freebaseverse to his perfection of the english language in art. haha, you said you'd stop responding and then said goodbye/farewell/so long, then registered another name to argue with me, someone whom you've never heard from before. brilliant. PM me and we'll argue the rest of the day about your rubbishrubbyrubbage 'I and Thou' verse.
Been away a long time but some things don't change.

(Not talking about you as but I wouldn't want you to change either:rolleyes:)

Oh hi! I have been away a long time too! We have actually been very good! All sex and poetry until like this. So leave this thread and never return.... go see what the buzz is in the survivor contest!