Beltane Wishes and Games

Jesse Martin. L&A is AA's all-time favorite franchise...all of them. She calls them her "GUILTY!! pleasure.

Sam and Dave: Hold on, I'm Cumming...oops, Coming

That's it! Jesse Martin. Thanks. He was in Rent, one of my daughter's favorite flicks, which is how I discovered he has a great voice. And he really looks like Marvin, yknow?

Hold On, I'm Cummin (whatever) is a verrrry sexy song. :D

that would be such a cool thread. the possibiltities are endless. count me in whenever you start it. :nana:

what a mental picture. now i'm curious....:confused:
that has got to be the craziest couple of sentences i've read today.....and that's sayin' a lot for this place:eek:

True dat!

I promise to work on it this weekend. It's a good tale and should be told properly. I've told it many times, but never actually set it to paper. Should be an interesting challenge.

Maybe Monday, or somethin'.

I read that a Marvin Gaye biopic is being filmed now starring the guy from Law & Order...Jesse someone (can't remember his name). I love Marvin, and can't wait to see it. I love Motown and Soul. I think these guys are my favorites.

don't toy with my emotions. i am two shakes from being a MG groupie.:heart: thankfully, the fact that he's deceased, and my dignity, prevents that.'s mostly the deceased thing:eek:
don't toy with my emotions. i am two shakes from being a MG groupie.:heart: thankfully, the fact that he's deceased, and my dignity, prevents that.'s mostly the deceased thing:eek:

I understand. If Lester Young were alive today, I'd have run away to chase after him. Now I have to be content with writing poems about him. :)
I'm just going to run away. First to Kansas to learn witchery and then to Maine (or Virginia) depending on how long the witch hunt takes... to indulge in some ee guitar and Angeline bread. I'll bring tea and coffee.

that would be such a cool thread. the possibiltities are endless. count me in whenever you start it. :nana:

what a mental picture. now i'm curious....:confused:
that has got to be the craziest couple of sentences i've read today.....and that's sayin' a lot for this place:eek:

Challenge is up. See the link in the Bistro, or on the thread list.
the may day poem that came to me

Love found me tonight
walking into my open heart
flirting with my passion and curiosity
seducing me with sunshine and winds
happy smiles and shy glances
strange how love seduces
without a voice to be heard
Which activities or projects would you like to make more fertile?
my writing, my love, my drive
Name three things you'd like to honor by decorating them with flowers.
the women that enchant me, the men that entice me, the earth that seduces me

Write a mad bad crush poem.

Push me
up against the wall
pin me there
with nothing as powerful your stare
run your hands over me
let me drink in all of who you are
remembering the drought of yesterday
when you kept me far
and away
you were nothing but the infatuation
nothing tangible
yet a fantasy come true
so loss of virginity or the start of a beatiful thing

So, I was always a highly sexual creature, but for seventeen years I managed not to do the deed, and I don't really view it as deprivation so much as exploration in what else was possible. Suffice to say that I was very much enjoying the avenues that we were exploring very much. The young man shall remain nameless, but he was thin, tall, and a complete geek, those of you whom are or have been with a geek will realize how much better this makes things. Needless to say we spent alot of time in the outdoors, in the mountains, in the middle of the desert under the stars, with the wind seductively joining in. We had been fooling around and hadn't really minded that we hadn't kept our selves in check, we slid so smoothly into sex that it didn't hurt, it was strange and exhilarating, and I know that words could never really do it justice.
Eh what? I have just had a weird night with Ron having to go to A & E (is that your ER?) not a lot of sleep and my wish and every other wish rolled into one is for him to have his health so please please Bijou and anyone else who knows what to do a prayer a spell for my Ron.
Our maypoles are for May Day is that much the same? It's May 1st but the bank holiday is May 5th being the first Monday in the month, Don't know if I have mentioned it before but I am to some extent physcic (is that how you spell it?) I can read minds though not to order I can send my thoughts especially online which seems to be a great channel and occassionally dream things before they happen unfortunately not the lottery numbers sorry about that

You're such a darling. :) I, unfortunately dream car and plane crashes and awful stuff, have dreamed exact final scores of football games, which my dad LOVED as he was an avid gambler. And i do dream lottery numbers,but can never see which state the ticket was purchased in, or the date. I did once dream powerball numbers and looked them up, they had won almost exactly 5 years earlier.

I am a firm believer in space being all wobbly and concurrent. I have a string theory poem you should read.

String? That sounds different where do I find that?

hey Annie :)

I found it finally, in my zip drive... It was published by Kakalak Anthology of Carolina Poets Back in 2007. ( it was my third print poem, and was so thrilled they chose something that I actually was proud of). anyway, here it is


String Theory, Simplified

In theory this is life
as mankind has defined
matter infinite, matter undefined
bundled fibers twisting yet
they sing a spiritual harmony-
songs of birth and being
songs of death and breathing.

In theory something smaller
more minute than atoms, had Bohr ever imagined
a symphony harmonic, an orchestra subatomic
dancing to the rhythm of an unseen god.

In theory let us claim eight more dimensions-
let one of those be more than just existing,
more than strings of theory bound and twisting
more than mortals weak and wishing
for notes of understanding that appear
in coded forms of shallow consolation.

We are selections of celestial song-
whispers and flickers of sons and suns,
and we will be today as we are today,
unlike the not-so-distant past
tomorrow could be forever.
Thankyou so much for finding it for me and quite frankly it's good to read someone that understands. I sometimes want to write if only I could find the right words about feeling different other worldly somehow as if something is swishing around in my head that other people cannot comprehend. I am pretty sure my mother used to wonder what she had produced and it's probably why she couldn't cope with me, I just didn't fit in with what she applied as 'normal'.. but we grow up and learn to cope and fit in just sometimes the bubble we place round ourselves leaks at the edges. Take care of yourself honey you are one of the special people
Thankyou so much for finding it for me and quite frankly it's good to read someone that understands. I sometimes want to write if only I could find the right words about feeling different other worldly somehow as if something is swishing around in my head that other people cannot comprehend. I am pretty sure my mother used to wonder what she had produced and it's probably why she couldn't cope with me, I just didn't fit in with what she applied as 'normal'.. but we grow up and learn to cope and fit in just sometimes the bubble we place round ourselves leaks at the edges. honey you are one of the special people

well, you have me blushing now:eek:

The line I highlighted in your post is brilliant, such a way to think about my own less than normal self.

You take care as well sweetie
