Benchmark: greeting cards


Scratch discussion of morals with Angeline. (on Lit? who woulda thought?)
Enjoyed the card, missed the social-political content. It's hard being a free thinker. I could care less to ones sexual preference. I'm just playing cards to pass the time. Deal again?
Scratch discussion of morals with Angeline. (on Lit? who woulda thought?)
Enjoyed the card, missed the social-political content. It's hard being a free thinker. I could care less to ones sexual preference. I'm just playing cards to pass the time. Deal again?

I don't care about one's preferences either. Someone I love came out to me recently and I'm very proud of him for doing so. I just think it would be cool for NYC to have its first openly gay mayor, given that the Stonewall Incident started the Pride movement there. Well besides that I just prefer that candidate.

And I was just playing cards to pass the time when I wrote my entry here, too.

Have you corrupted the minds of youth,
spat on the name of god,
does divine madness hold you in its hand
while pissing in the wind of fate?
Recalcitrant and stubborn
left only a cup of peace
small solace given
to end your fitful years
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Have you corrupted the minds of youth,
spat on the name of god,
does divine madness hold you in its hand
while pissing in the wind of fate?
Recalcitrant and stubborn
left only a cup of peace
small solace given
to end your fitful years
Only a man can piss in the wind
but first must pass a stone.
This, too shall pass,
and when it has, please call
me on the phone.
Tell it to Socrates, this cards made for him.
Yours looks like a note from Zeus to Sisyphus... :)
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I had a blast, now home at last
surfeit on seafood and reunion
brought back to the present,
caught up with the past
blessed by a final communion, shared
with those not to busy to break the
weekly grind, visit with the poor relations
down from the hills
between the bookends of life.
I had a blast, now home at last
surfeit on seafood and reunion
brought back to the present,
caught up with the past
blessed by a final communion, shared
with those not to busy to break the
weekly grind, visit with the poor relations
down from the hills
between the bookends of life.

welcome back you owe me a poem and there's seat saved for you in the Glosa room :)
welcome back you owe me a poem and there's seat saved for you in the Glosa room :)
working on an owed poem, want to link it with photographs I took. wrote in my journal every day but today. I am trying to remember the final words that ran through my mind as I watched the dawn while loading the car. glosa eh? Idk