Best Extra in a Crowd Scene in a Nominated Film

Oh, all the possibilities...:D

Keep your fingers crossed for me, everyone! I'm off to the Weight Watchers. Will be back in a few hours.
Svenskaflicka said:
Oh, all the possibilities...:D

Keep your fingers crossed for me, everyone! I'm off to the Weight Watchers. Will be back in a few hours.

Hi Svenska,

So.... what's the verdict ? :D :D
What about the people who play autospy extras?

Holding breath while freezing ass off on cold metal table while covered in itchy body paint and gross pigs blood with sharp instruments pointed at your extremities definitely requires some sort of recognition!

Originally posted by CrimsonMaiden : How about all of the extras in Braveheart who showed the world what was under the back of their kilts?

Mmmm...very nice. Mel is always good for getting his kit off in a movie.
wishfulthinking said:
What about the people who play autospy extras?

Holding breath while freezing ass off on cold metal table while covered in itchy body paint and gross pigs blood with sharp instruments pointed at your extremities definitely requires some sort of recognition!


You got my vote for these folks !!
Svenskaflicka said:
:eek: I've gained 0,2 kilos.:eek:

Fresh start this morning! Taking a walk in the afternoon.

Drink more water than you think you can stand. Big huge gulps of water. Friend who went to W.W. told me she gained zero until she started force-feeding herself water and then kablaam, she lost the weight.

Or maybe it was muscle weight gain. That happens.