Beta Testers?


Out To Lunch
May 15, 2022
If anybody has the time to beta test (more like alpha test tbh) my story game, that would be really appreciated!
PM me and I'll send you a link to it (on my githib io page).

The game runs in Lit's Game Preview pane just fine, and looks nice, but because it relies on bold, italic and <br> tags, I'm not going to publish just yet, until literotica games supports them. Formatting is REALLY important to me.

The game has a lot of different sections, including a very big "free-roam" section, while a few of them are pretty much straight-through story. There are so many choices and features that its really hard to find bugs.

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The lack of bold/italics support has been a frustration.
Haha, I wish I'd read this before I added markup for italics in the one I submitted the other day! It showed up properly in the preview pane. I guess I'll just cross my fingers and hope that the html tags will eventually disappear whenever the story games reach the same level of support as the rest of the site. That seems like less trouble than editing the pending file now and then going back at some hazy future date to edit the italics back in.
Yes, this is good to know as I'm currently trying my hand at interactive.
I'll program it with the tags and then just do a replace with nothing for the italics bold and centering tags just before posting. Hopefully by V2 everything will be supported because it is nice to highlight key words in text for readers who may be skimming through while playing.
Actually, when things get complicatd, and you use a lot of functions, the <br> tag becomes really important! Without it, text runs on when you don't want it to. The <p> tag (supported in literotica stories too) is also important sometimes to manage line-breaks correctly.

The bold, center and italics are less important, but are useful for readablity, marking sections, making it clear who's speaking and whether they're sending a text message or typing or thinking etc
I originally wrote my futa story game for a different editor/player, and when Lit announced the intention to use Ink, I had to go through it changing all the italics used for spells to HTML... only to be told even that wasn't supported. Aye, well. I miss bold for section titles.