When Woke Groupthink Takes Control

Chloe consistently copy pastas on their posts. Most notably is her posts in the Ukraine thread.

Makes them feel smart

Nah. Gives a bit of background and content and Ukraine is interestimg, but I'm sure not going to waste hours writing a post half a dozen people read and I'm not interested in 2 lines of opinion and vituperation which is what most of the posts here are.

As has been demonstrated here, people are perfectly capable of finding the source of they want. Of course I can provide links but honestly, who's going to follow them. If they're that interested they'll go read up on the subject anyhow. And I'm lazy. I prefer to sound off and then sit back and watch the fur fly. LOL. As it is. LOL LOL LOL
Nah. Gives a bit of background and content and Ukraine is interestimg, but I'm sure not going to waste hours writing a post half a dozen people read.
The issue is your plagiarism without cite. Whether you feel it's ok or not is irrelevant to whether it's against forum rules.
The issue is your plagiarism without cite. Whether you feel it's ok or not is irrelevant to whether it's against forum rules.
Well, you're a nice guy, ll74, and you're polite about it, so just for you, in future, I shall try to remember to put it in quotes and provide a link. Mostly. LOL.
Well, you're a nice guy, ll74, and you're polite about it, so just for you, in future, I shall try to remember to put it in quotes and provide a link. Mostly. LOL.
I don't give a shit whether you choose to follow the rules or not. Entire article copying is against them. Not citing them is another. I'm just pointing these out.

It's up to the site owners to allow you to continue to do so or not and it's obvious they do.
I don't give a shit whether you choose to follow the rules or not. Entire article copying is against them. Not citing them is another. I'm just pointing these out.

It's up to the site owners to allow you to continue to do so or not and it's obvious they do.

Rules schmules. We all know what happens when the volk follow ze rules. Jawohl, Herr General. Off to the camps with them.... that's what happens when people follow the rules. Let us hear no more about the rules. They are made to be broken. Be fearless. Courageous.

Tonight, go out and jaywalk. A first small step....you can do it, she whispers. You CAN break ze rules. If you dare!
So the thread is copy pasted from an article and you openly admit it


LOL. Pastiche, edited here and there and with comments and observations intertwined. In ze best traditions of university students. LOL.

Now, go have yourself a nice drink and relax. It is not the end of the world. We will live. The thread will live. The forum will survive. I can feel your blood pressure from here. LOL. You need to relax....meditate.....contemplate the zen of the universe.....

Deplorables are currently resorting to plagiarism every day on the PB.

Smacks of desperation. 😉
Deplorable desperation here on Lit makes this place look like the aftermath of a sloppy Trump rally-- trashy posts everywhere that promote their trashy cause.

Fortunately, early voting is just starting in some states. Most of their pre-election desperation should subside soon. Normal grown-ups can at least look forward to that. I am grateful for the company of those grown-ups.

Walz really hit the mark when he said out loud the obvious, that MAGAts are weird and tiresome.
And now, back to that $400,000,000 down the drain.....Concord director Ryan Ellis, the dude who called the shots on the game development, is moving to a support-oriented role (assuming he's not terminated of course). Seems Sony ain't to happy, and mass layoffs could be the end result. Sony bought Firewalk and Concord expecting a billion dollar hit and franchise, and they closed down their Japan Studio which had created a few hit games.

So all those woke Concord Dev's are going to find out a woke flop on their resume is likely not to career-enhancing. Oh well, go woke, go broke in more ways than one. LOL. There's a lot of Starbucks around Bellevue, Washington, but I doubt they have enough vacancies for baristas to give all these dev's jobs.
