Biden supporters past and present.

What Biden clearly meant was that he inherited an economy in a poor state and inflation rising out of control. It rose to 9% before he managed to turn it around, much like an oil tanker headed towards the rocks. Trump was the worst manager of the economy since the last Republican President. But never mind, he cut taxes for billionaires and one day that might include you.
What Biden clearly meant was that he inherited an economy in a poor state and inflation rising out of control. It rose to 9% before he managed to turn it around, much like an oil tanker headed towards the rocks. Trump was the worst manager of the economy since the last Republican President. But never mind, he cut taxes for billionaires and one day that might include you.

According to ineedhelp1 and their ilk, the MASSIVE tax cuts and spending on Trump’s watch contributed NOTHING to that 9% inflation rate, but the spending enacted on President Biden’s watch (much of which isn’t even spent yet) contributed EVERYTHING to that 9% inflation rate.


Side note:

The supply chain disruptions, due to Trump’s bungling of the Covid response and Trump’s insurrection, ALSO contributed to the high inflation that occurred on President Biden’s watch. I believe it IS fair for President Biden to say that he “inherited” the conditions that led to high inflation.


I never said he was that. I like Biden, but I wish he was not running. My hatred for Trump is visceral. :mad:
You like Biden and viscerally hate Trump. I’m OK with that. Nobody here calls you a traitor for your opinions. You have freedom of choice, freedom of thought and the privilege to vote your conscience. But we on the right who exercise the same privileges as you are called fascist and traitors for supporting what our conscience deems accurate and just. The fact that people on the left categorize us as fascist and traitors is indicative of who they themselves are. The left loves to project upon others how they themselves behave. I followed Biden since he was a junior senator, he was a narcissistic, self serving bigot, racist back then and has now only grown more corrupt over time. Do your homework.
Hey, teacher!
I finished the assignment.

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This thread isn't about Biden, or Trump. It's about Biden supporters that recent events have proven to to be either stupid, or liars, and in some cases the rare individual that is both.
As opposed to Trump supporters, who are more commonly stupid and liars.

See how easy that was?
You like Biden and viscerally hate Trump. I’m OK with that. Nobody here calls you a traitor for your opinions. You have freedom of choice, freedom of thought and the privilege to vote your conscience. But we on the right who exercise the same privileges as you are called fascist and traitors for supporting what our conscience deems accurate and just. The fact that people on the left categorize us as fascist and traitors is indicative of who they themselves are. The left loves to project upon others how they themselves behave. I followed Biden since he was a junior senator, he was a narcissistic, self serving bigot, racist back then and has now only grown more corrupt over time. Do your homework.
I think there are fascist tendencies in Trump and his following. I am not inclined to call anyone a fascist because I dislike name calling.
Just watching this shit show play out.

The folks calling for Biden to drop out are saying "He can't win." Really? It matters not to you fuck wits that he's mentally incompetent, the only thing that matters is "He can't win." You have NO idea how much that says about you and your surrogates.
Just watching this shit show play out.

The folks calling for Biden to drop out are saying "He can't win." Really? It matters not to you fuck wits that he's mentally incompetent, the only thing that matters is "He can't win." You have NO idea how much that says about you and your surrogates.

You’re reaching here. You’re guessing at people’s motives. And anyway, it IS about winning in the end.

If competence was a genuine concern of yours you’d have nobody to vote for.
You’re reaching here. You’re guessing at people’s motives. And anyway, it IS about winning in the end.

If competence was a genuine concern of yours you’d have nobody to vote for.
Watch the news dip shit.
Just watching this shit show play out.

The folks calling for Biden to drop out are saying "He can't win." Really? It matters not to you fuck wits that he's mentally incompetent, the only thing that matters is "He can't win." You have NO idea how much that says about you and your surrogates.

I think he he can win. I think he is mentally competent for what he need to actually do. Even if I didn't the way democracy works being able to win is the only thing that really matter at the federal level.
Just watching this shit show play out.

The folks calling for Biden to drop out are saying "He can't win." Really? It matters not to you fuck wits that he's mentally incompetent, the only thing that matters is "He can't win." You have NO idea how much that says about you and your surrogates.

We're to the point that having Uncle Joe Willie (attempt to) carry on is Elder Abuse. This shit didn't happen the afternoon of the debate, either. He's been skidding for years, and he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed 50 years ago, either. His handlers/managers/staff should be fucking ashamed of themselves for doing nothing about finding a competent replacement - perhaps one less fascinated by Venn diagrams and yellow school busses. It will be 100% on them if we get Trump back. Like Nero, they fiddle while Rome burns.
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Sad to say but you have an insurmountable credibility problem.

You make it sound like I like Biden. Biden is the suck but trump is a traitor/liar/grifter/dumb ass. I would vote for anyone over trump all day every day.
The loudest and most enthusiastic voices for Biden to drop out are conservatives and republicans. Like this idiot posted above me. All of his posts essentially are aimed at denigrating democrats. What are republicans actually for? I know we've been told lower the debt (Trump added more debt faster than any president alive), smaller government (as multiple regulations from each state have to be navigated instead of one federal standard), family values (where do I even start with Trump on that one, fucksakes) etc.

What do republicans stand for?

In my estimation the only thing republicans stand for is standing against democrats.