Big kitty's, little kitty's... everybody loves kitty's!

Panther you'd better be purrrrring for me!!
*frown* i just had to read so much bs to find out that those people are fucking weird, and indeed very cliquish and judgemental...
I'm always purrring;) I don't let the net get to me negatively. You're right though, they're like a pack of wolves. Quick to jump anyone who may not agree with any sole member of the pack. Kind of contradictory to what they say eh? So quick to judge. Ah well, it's quickly weeds out the ones I'd rather not socialize with anyways:) Makes life all the easier for me:)
Good night mskitty. Btw, you struck a nerve with the pompous Cheyenne with your post on the GB. I had to laugh. Thanks by the way.....din't need the defense, but thanks anyways:)
BlkPnthr said:
Good night mskitty. Btw, you struck a nerve with the pompous Cheyenne with your post on the GB. I had to laugh. Thanks by the way.....din't need the defense, but thanks anyways:)

She did? Where? I don't remember her posting anything that I've ever read. Never even heard of her.
Personally, and speaking strictly for myself, i'd rather you don't bring your squabbles from other Forums here.

This isn't some kinda social club, nor do i, personally, want fist fights here that originated elsewhere. If you have to talk meanly about other people, if you have to talk about other people in a way that would be at home in junior high school classroom, please do so where the unpleasantries began.

Additionally, this is not a chat room. It's a question and answer forum dedicated to the discussion of BDSM topics, a place we can all feel comfortable talking over the stuff we may be quite alone with in our lives.

Don't bring problems into this place, please.
We don't want it here, we don't need it here.

We've survived and thrived since last July without such stuff and we'll continue to do so because that's what most of us want.

Just so you know, Cheyenne was one of the earliest and most open-minded posters to the Monster BDSM thread, all the way back in July. She's a friend to all of us, all those who feel thier needs moving them in a way outside the mainstream "norm". I've known her for almost a yaer here and i can can say with certainty that she's not a pompous person in any manner unless her ire is deserved in some way.

Don't bring your GB fights here.

I don't think i can be any clearer.
It's offensive to all of us when you do that, not to mention it spits into the face of our purpose here and disrupts our otherwise peaceful conversations.
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cymbidia said:
Personally, and speaking strictly for myself, i'd rather you don't bring your squabbles from other Forums here.

This isn't some kinda social club, nor do i, personally, want fist fights here that originated elsewhere. If you have to talk meanly about other people, if you have to talk about other people in a way that would be at home in junior high school classroom, please do so where the unpleasantries began.

Additionally, this is not a chat room. It's a question and answer forum dedicated to the discussion of BDSM topics, a place we can all feel comfortable talking over the stuff we may be quite alone with in our lives.

Don't bring problems into this place, please.
We don't want it here, we don't need it here.

We've survived and thrived since last July without such stuff and we'll continue to do so because that's what most of us want.

Just so you know, Cheyenne was one of the earliest and most open-minded posters to the Monster BDSM thread, all the way back in July. She's a friend to all of us, all those who feel thier needs moving them in a way outside the mainstream "norm". I've known her for almost a yaer here and i can can say with certainty that she's not a pompous person in any manner unless her ire is deserved in some way.

Don't bring your GB fights here.

I don't think i can be any clearer.
It's offensive to all of us when you do that, not to mention it spits into the face of our purpose here and disrupts our otherwise peaceful conversations.
A thousand appologies cym. I didn't mean to upset this board:( It'll never be discussed on here again
Just one last thing though.....isn't the end part of your post contradictory to what you are requesting of me?
cymbidia said:
Don't bring your GB fights here.
I don't think i can be any clearer.
It's offensive to all of us when you do that, not to mention it spits into the face of our purpose here and disrupts our otherwise peaceful conversations.

*I* opened this thread as i said for a place to touch base and say joined in that yourself before you disagreed with something i said, now all of a sudden anything but Q&A is innappropriate because someone mentioned your friend? this is exactly the BS going on in the other thread, and *you* in fact just brought it here.
i read through it all again, and didn't see anyone respond to what i said, probably because there is no response that *can* be made with any dignity. as far as i'm concerned it's over... things seem to have calmed down some, i guess they finally got some air to the brain??
problems with me?

i'm sorry i was needlessly snappy to you a few minutes ago...
i didn't bring or mean to bring any problems here, i just asked Panther a question where i knew he would look. frankly when i asked him what was up, and why he said something so horrible i didn't know what my stand on anything was, that is why i asked... anyway i don't think there is any fight here, put down the guns please, i dont' know Cheyenne either, but from the single post i've read she seems capeable of handling herself... other kitties or lovers of kitties want to bring this one back from the dead? Hell, this was before even my time. :eek:
I've had the pleasure of being the master of a couple of kitties. As cute as they are, they are definitely demanding 🤣 but they are the bestest little submissives you can have. I wouldn't change having a kitty in any way. I do miss them 😞💕