Birthday registry ~ Month only ~



Happy birthday


I know you may longer be around or using a different name, nevertheless I am sending you warm wishes across the miles.



Happy Birthday


May your day be filled with love


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Happy Birthday




Wherever you are a piece of my heart goes with you as always.

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Introduction. Part 1

I have been away for a couple of years. A lot of people have of course moved on. I am going to perform a clean up. If I erase you by accident PM me and I will gladly add you back.

I originally designed this thread to house the birthdays of my fellow Litsters.

This thread is for everyone whoever you are.

Please post your birthday here as a handy reference for your friends or those you will make here.

Please post the day and the month NOT your birth year…this should remain private for security reasons.

You can also post cards for your friends here too.

:rose: Welcome to Lit the place where dreams come true. :rose:

I will go first .​

February 23rd. Pisces



For everyone's convenience I will transfer all the Birthdays here so you do not have to scroll through the whole thread to find one!



Tio_Narratore ~ January 4th. ~ Capricorn
xOxCherryxOx ~ January 4th.~ Capricorn
Ricanbandit ~ January 14th. ~ Capricorn
begcil ~ Jauary 15th ~ Capricorn
Andygorn ~ January 18th ~ Capricorn.
Babygirl1968 ~ January 27.~ Aquarius


Perplexia ~ February 2nd. Aquarius.
FaeBites ~ February 6th. Aquarius.
bbw4youngercocks ~ February 8th, Aquarius.
Firmhandeddaddy ~ February 9th. Aquarius.
Katalynn ~ february 12th.Aquarius.
Vivi ~ February 14th. Aquarius.
DarkWarrioress ~ February 15th ~
Geronimo_appleby ~feb.18th~
Veroe ~ Febuary 22nd, Pisces.
Yeishia ~ February 23rd. Pisces.
CornishWillo ~ February 23rd. Pisces
Petroto ~ February 28th ~ Pisceas
Mr.12inches ~ February 28th ~ Pisces.


BatmanChick ~ March 4th.Pisces.
haterune~ March 7th. Pisces.
KiwiKitty ~March 9. Pisces.
Professorwrite ~ March 12 Pisces
Never WinterNite ~ March 17 Pisces
EzraPound ~ March 19~ Aries
Niriate ~March 23rd - Aries.
DeliciousMaiden ~March 24th ~ Aries
Chris2C4U~March 25th ~ Aries
ultraslow~March 30th ~ Aries
Heavonly_Harper ~March 31st. ~ Aries
lantern88 ~ March 31st. ~ aries


Light_Ice ?

HSG1489 ~ Aries...1st
Maid_of _Marvels ~ 3rd April ~ Aries
circi_rose~ April 21st.One_small_slave~ April 23rd.Taurus
tylerjwhite23 ~ April 23rd ~ Tautus
Princesssexi ~ April 23rd. Taurus
Small_One~ April 24th~ Taurus
thestruggle ~ April 26th.~Taurus


fr33ks33k~ May 3rd ~ Taurus
Spy Master ~ May 3rd ~ Taurus
Snuggle_Bunns~ May 8th ~ Taurus
Shirewolf ~ May 9th ~ Taurus
Ahren ~ May 8th ~Taurus
AlleyRose ~ May 12th ~ Taurus
VampiricTouch~ May 15th ~ Taurus
The_gladiator ~May 20th ~ Taurus
Anthilly ~ May 22nd ~ Taurus
La Reina ~May 27th ~ Gemini
Wyld52771~ May 27~Gemini


DeathsKnight ~ June
beautifulchaos ~ June 2nd. Gemini
phuzeee~ June 5th ~ Cancer.
Twoshades ~ June 11th ~
Lilac_Sky ~ June 12th ~ Cancer.
amchentai ~June 12th.
Easy ~ June 22nd.
Hikari ~ June 25th~ Cancer.

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Introduction. Part 2

If any one know of people who are no longer on Lit please PM me their names.

Birthdays Continued .....


Execution_Style ~ July 4th. ~ Cancer
pedicur8her/Moonchild ~ July 7th ~ Cancer
cg_Raven ~ July 7th ~ Cancer
Nina327 ~ July 12th...
Arcane Desires ~ July 15th. Cancer
Dr. James ~ July 16th. Cancer
newbierubie ~ July 19th. ~ Cancer.
Erlind ~ July 20th.Cancer.
ElizaCat22 ~ July 22nd.
DeepWater ~ July 28th ~ Leo
HollyHotbox ~ July 29th ~ leo


usps69 ~ August 7 ~Leo
Annisthyrienne ~ August 10th ~ Leo
Niceandbrutal~ August 11th ~
Ladythunder ~ August 12 ~ Leo
Momoftwins ~ August 12th ~ Leo
play_and_ride89 ~ August 12 ~ Leo
Britwitch ~ 16th August.
Ace195008 ~ August 20yh. Leo.Fish_Tales.21 August - Leo
Vail Indigo ~ August 22nd. ~ Leo
King_durandel ~ August 23rd ~ Virgo (On the cusp)
masqurade ~ August 26th ~ Virgo


StaciRay79 ~ September 1st. ~ Virgo
Raven ~ September 11th.
Wildride4urfun ~September 14th~Virgo.
dragonrazor ~ September 19th ~ Virgo
intriguess ~ September 22nd. ~ Libra
ObscureInsanity_ September 23rd. ~Libra
Iwasagoodgirl ~ 25Th. September
Lucian_Devine ~ September 26th ~Libra
Sweet assign~September 26 th ~ Libra
Noon_Shadow~ September 30 ~ Libra


sadie_lust ~ October 3rd. Libra.
SiaKlynn ~ October 4th. Libra.
Mephistophelly ~ October 7th ~ Libra!
monique_minx ~ October 9th ~ Libra!
Nessitude ~ October 18th ~ Libra
Last_Rider ~ October 20 ~ Libra,
tocurpussy ~October 22nd ~ Libra
jack80 ~ October 27th ~ Scorpio
Miss_Sixxy October 23rd.~ Scorpio ~
shewantsmore ~ October 24th.Scorpio
Luna_Wolf72 October 27th~ Scorpio
Tymeless ~ October 29th~ Scorpio
NiccoloBenoit ~ October 30th.~ Scorpio
MsAphrodite~ October 31st. Scorpio
Equinox Rising ~ October 31st. Scorpio


marauder13 ~ November 2nd. ~ Scorpio
Young_Lisa ~ November 8th ~ Scorpio
Lady Reiha ~ November 11th ~ Scorpio
Your Demon Lover ~ November 12th ~ Scorpio
mrspank30 ~ November 12th~ Scorpio
sethteranios ~ November 23rd~ Scorpio
Noor ~ November 26th. ~ Scorpio..
Barefootgirl69 ~November 27th. Scorpio
Trixabell ~ November 28th~ Scorpio


NightFreak ~ December 1st. ~ Sagittarius
Cheska ~ December 2nd.~ Sagittarius
The_Spectre ~ December 3rd. ~Sagittarius
Littledeadgirl ~December 5th.~ Sagittarius
Kurosagi ~December 5th.~ Sagittarius
m_anew1 ~December 5th.~ Sagittarius
LoganDarkHolme ~ December 7th ~Sagittarius
StrayKat _ December 8th.

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A birthday of sorts lol....


Happy Valentines Day to EVERYONE on lit.
May you all have a love filled day.


Happy Valentines Day to EVERYONE on lit.
May you all have a love filled day.


Yeah, I'm interested in knowing how big of a spike in babies conceived there is on this one day every year vs something like mardi gras? 275%? 340%? Anyone have grant money for me to conduct the research and find out? :)
Yeah, I'm interested in knowing how big of a spike in babies conceived there is on this one day every year vs something like mardi gras? 275%? 340%? Anyone have grant money for me to conduct the research and find out? :)

I would say Mardi Gras? Way more alcohol involved and masks to hide behind and the beads ..giggles.:D:D

Maybe you should conduct your own survey make love to every female you meet today. repeat on Mardi Gras next year. I would fund you but am seriously broke:cattail:
I would say Mardi Gras? Way more alcohol involved and masks to hide behind and the beads ..giggles.:D:D

Maybe you should conduct your own survey make love to every female you meet today. repeat on Mardi Gras next year. I would fund you but am seriously broke:cattail:

Hah! I would seriously end up in the ER after my first attempt! Weaker sex my ass! No one goes for short fat guys in this town.


Happy Birthday

May all of your upcoming year remain filled with love.





Happy Birthday

May all of your upcoming year remain filled with love.




Thank you, yeishia for your thoughtfulness. The Divine has given me a year of trial, tribulations, love and Divine Grace. Here's to hoping for another just the same. :rose:

Thank you, yeishia for your thoughtfulness. The Divine has given me a year of trial, tribulations, love and Divine Grace. Here's to hoping for another just the same. :rose:


I am very happy to hear that Cait. :)

Mine was mostly trial by fire. However , what we survive does indeed make us stronger.: rose:

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Happy Birthday

May you have a wonderful year wherever you are



Happy Birthday

My your day be filled with love and all manner of naughty fun.
In the upcoming year may your muse soar free on eloquent soul stirring wings...


I consider you to be a very special person in my writing world


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Happy Birthday

My your day be filled with love and all manner of naughty fun.
In the upcoming year may your muse soar free on eloquent soul stirring wings...


I consider you to be a very special person in my writing world



Thank you so much Yeishia, I appreciate all of your kind words and well wishes. You're a great friend.
I cannot find you a pretty card, a picture that you are worthy of receiving. All I can offer are my humble words.

For many years we have known one another, you are someone who has more than often been there for me. Through ups and downs we always find one another again and again. I have never met a person as genuinely themself as you are and that is a gift. Please I hope you never lose the love for life you have always shown and shared with others. You are one of those who I feel have saved my life more than once and for that I can never thank you enough.

May your year bring you nothing but joy.
I cannot find you a pretty card, a picture that you are worthy of receiving. All I can offer are my humble words.

For many years we have known one another, you are someone who has more than often been there for me. Through ups and downs we always find one another again and again. I have never met a person as genuinely themselves as you are and that is a gift. Please I hope you never lose the love for life you have always shown and shared with others. You are one of those who I feel have saved my life more than once and for that I can never thank you enough.

May your year bring you nothing but joy.

Glad this birthday greeting brought tears to my eyes. I am truly blessed to have meet you, so happy that you are in my life. You are a shinning light both in my real life and here on Lit. It is comforting to know I have a someone special here who supports and loves me warts and all. :rose:
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