
WickedEve said:
Do you have a poem about hernias? I have to see a surgeon about a possible hernia, tomorrow.
Remember the whole "I sneezed and hurt something" from a couple of months back? lol

I'll work on it. I do remember--but at the moment the only rhyme I can think of is Calpurnia.

Mrs. Caesar, O' Calpurnia
Tried to hold her man
that fated morning of the ides
but she was left with just a hernia
now all she's holdin is her sides

(i know--don't quit my day job....)

WickedEve said:
I'm going to bitch about something rather trivial. I know I've had a few recent poems that climbed near the top of that infernal list. I watched then get one downed... or would that be oned down? Okay, so it happens. No big deal. But someone just oned Autistic Slumber. It was a spontaneous poem. Not my best, but not bad. But it's just kind of creepy to one a poem about someone's child. Ewww... how icky. lol
I feel better now. :)
By the way, I spent some time last week reading what's on the top list. Some good stuff I missed. I dished out some 4s and 5s. I found a few that were only 3 worthy. And God help me, some just asked for a 2. I'm sorry. Ah, I feel better confessing that.
Three times a lady.... :rose: :rose: :rose:
anonamouse said:
Three times a lady.... :rose: :rose: :rose:

Ah yes
what does one do when he has nothing new or relevant to say but still he craves that attention?
He could write a poem, even a bad poem....or bump old threads
How cute
I was looking for something, monkey boy. Perhaps when I reach as many posts as you....I become enlightened?
I've noticed in past things may have been a little brighter.
But I found what I was looking for, so I'm done. Bye.
Tathagata said:
He could write a poem, even a bad poem....or bump old threads
How cute

Think, I love you Tath :heart: ... although I too bump old threads
and write bad poetry ... :eek: But I am still cute. :D

anonamouse said:
I was looking for something, monkey boy. Perhaps when I reach as many posts as you....I become enlightened?
I've noticed in past things may have been a little brighter.
But I found what I was looking for, so I'm done. Bye.

Well skippy I don't know about post counts and enlightenment
I think you actually have to work at it some

Yes I'm sure you were looking for something
but you know...I've noticed you seem to wander in and kinda poke Eve with stick on the weekends
Or maybe this is your way of pulling her pigtails at lunch.
In either case I've gotten the impression she doesn't much care for it
and she has enough going on right now without having to be poked
so to speak
So I was offering a little " honest critique"
My opinion only, of course.
Thanks for sharing what ever it was you were looking for.
I saw the thread title and thought it was about ME!!!

Who resurrected this one? I read through and saw this post I made BEFORE my surgery and all i can say is MY GOD< I Miss my pain, it was so inspiring and so, well, painful, I never realized how much I enjoyed wallowing in bed, writhing with such ungodly pain that made me wanna die, it gave me something to bitch about!!! and here we all were fussing about votes, yet again. I cant believe I said I felt lke a turd ball, rather Denis Hale-ish, it seems like to me now :D thats a compliment, denis
hope yall have an awesome, turd free day

edited to say, OOPS< not a turd free day, that would me we are all constipated, just dont STEP in any, lol :heart:



Maria2394 said:
Eve, may I please bitchcause I have cramps and feel like a turd ball in wake of ten thousand dung beetle rampage? AAAGHHHHH

okay, and yes it does suck about your poem, I gave it a 5..early that morning :) when I saw the guy rag on Tess about all her comments, it made me really mad cause I know how much we all appreciate the feedback she gives and then I notice, hell, I must also need a life, cause I am in the second place spot...oh well, screw haanns grumperson, or what ever his name is

AND, you didnt read the poem i wrote for you : ( pout :D

okay, Im done

oh yeah, and its cold and sposed to snow, eeerrrr

anna, where are you? you wanna talk chocolate, i cant do it by myself, well, I can, but its no fun
flyguy69 said:
Hey look, everyone! I found a turd! Look, look! It's old and stinky!

See what I get for NOT reading ahead?? I should have KNOWN it was you, flyguy, that dug up this particular turd :p


love ya, buddy ;)