Blanket response

You always were a kinky boy :D

only under your spell, you transforming witch.:eek:

. . . and what the fuck does “voting anon in their Alts’ mean? Is this some form of spanking that you haven't shared with me?
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From the number of posts you've made since joining I would say you've found your way here a lot damn quicker than I did and nobody sent me an invitation either, so have you been lurking up till now?
If some submitters aren't bringing their friends with them or voting anon in their Alts, then it's a worrying factor that so many people unattached to them appreciate such shit. Boot camp? here? never! I found warm considerate helpful poets that gave of their own experience as would you if you'd give us half a chance, but how can you give encouragement to poets (?) that take not the blindest bit of notice and send out emails in reply of such profanity they have to be seen to be believed. How to make friends and influence people ...... not

I've posted maybe one message before this to this forum. Lurking- to me that sounds sinister. No. Reading what interests me and is helpful? yes. Like the pointers I mentioned from 1201. I've posted a number of poems - as they come to me. I'm not a shy person. But I need to be ready to post, have a reason to do so. And -just an observation not a criticism here - from the "outside" some of the conversations here are not inviting at all. Some are based on longstanding shared jokes etc. If feels a bit like being the new kid in the cafeteria. :)

I have not had the experience of someone sending out horrific replies, but I wouldn't like that either. It seems to me that THAT is an area where behavior standards would, in fact, be appropriate. That is something that shouldn't be allowed.

I wonder if there is some way, if there might be some way, to weed out those who only want to see their stuff in print and fake voting (whatever, let them do it, in my opinion, as annoying as it is), versus those who really do want to learn. I'm thinking out loud here. Maybe an invitation IS in order. A quiz? Don't know.

This may all have been discussed before - if so ...sorry. I don't have the answers. Just talking.
First -I want to point out that it is not a Given that every newcomer even reads this forum. I don't recall receiving a please go to the discussion boards for guidance and our recommended standard operating procedures email.

If there really are preferred behaviors that writers can expected to be judged upon, it may be a good idea to see if its possible to agree on those (though I have no idea who would make that call) and send out an email referring each new writer in the poetry section to those rules.

Now. To the numbered one. 1201.

First, let me say that some of his posts - especially the ones found in this forum - which, as I have said, not everyone sees - are excellent. And very helpful. As are some of his feedback and comments.

That said: Frankly, I am absolutely astonished that no one has yet called him a prick :)

It's fine to encourage new poets to critique and post comments. Its fine to encourage people to vote and read widely. It's extremely helpful to point out poor use of language or cliches and suggest how it could be better.

I will never agree that it's ok to imply that someone is having their friends vote anon to increase scores on a particular poem, that the poet is in fact using aliases to vote and comment on his own poetry, or that votes should be public and every single vote must be accompanied with a comment. And frankly, half the time the new writers probably have absolutely no idea what the hell 1201 is talking about when he refers to alts, anons, dubious H ratings etc. I know I didn't. And did it piss me off? Damn straight.

Conversely - if someone were peppering my pieces with malicious, unexplained votes, would that piss me off too? Damn straight.

If there is a way to fix that, let's do so. If not - then we need to live with it, and, as has been said above do our part.

I think it comes down to what kind of atmosphere this section wants to have. Is it boot camp? Fine, but for the love of all things decent - warn people of that. Is it come on in and let's talk? Also fine. I suspect that different people require different kinds of encouragement. Just a bit more sensitivity to that would go a long way.

My 2 cents. Take it or leave it. I ain't forcing anyone to do anything.
And to 1201: Thank you. And let me be the first to say it: your'e a prick (smile)

Well, you don't strike me as the shy retiring type, rather intelligent, quick to defend your own writing, place could use more comments from people like you. That is what I was on your ass about. What is your ratio, comments to poems?

That would be decent, for you to increase it.

I do have a good idea of who is a new writer and who isn't, I also am pretty good at spotting "cliques" and bullshit. An "H" with no comments is almost automatically "dubious". Now I suspect you have been around, (you do use a rather sophisticated writing technique) and if you haven't, a quick fill in, most here have been robbed, and I have seen a so-called newb, that somehow made an "H" AND the favourite poem list.

I have also seen a series of "new writers" submit blocks of things, and "forget" to comment on other people's material. And my point has always been, if you write you can comment, if you write it is in your best interest, to get out of anything remotely resembling a "clique". Not only does it "broaden" your exposure but it also

would be decent, or at least give the appearance of.

From the text of this message, either you are very quick, or you have been around some time, neither here nor there, but we do seem to know one another. How close was I on "Stateless"?
Thats a good example...

of what I mean.
I joined here a month or so ago. Can't remember - but it must be posted next to my signature like everyone else. I never even wrote poetry before that. Never considered it.

Your comment on Stateless - about how the fuck did we get to the Catskills? It made me laugh, because that poem is all about strange locations, mixes, differences and similarities. I grew up in the Catskills. But I ain't yer ordinary upstate New Yorker. :)

Your comment was useful in that case because it showed me that I could have made the theme clearer, probably with an added stanza. But it's a learning experience - and Actually I still like it as is.

Not sure if that answers your question, but I hope so.
of what I mean.
I joined here a month or so ago. Can't remember - but it must be posted next to my signature like everyone else. I never even wrote poetry before that. Never considered it.

Your comment on Stateless - about how the fuck did we get to the Catskills? It made me laugh, because that poem is all about strange locations, mixes, differences and similarities. I grew up in the Catskills. But I ain't yer ordinary upstate New Yorker. :)

Your comment was useful in that case because it showed me that I could have made the theme clearer, probably with an added stanza. But it's a learning experience - and Actually I still like it as is.

Not sure if that answers your question, but I hope so.
Not really. You do use quite non standard techniques, how did you stumble upon these things. Avoid the usual new writer pratfalls. Keep up the good work.
From the number of posts you've made since joining I would say you've found your way here a lot damn quicker than I did and nobody sent me an invitation either, so have you been lurking up till now?
If some submitters aren't bringing their friends with them or voting anon in their Alts, then it's a worrying factor that so many people unattached to them appreciate such shit. Boot camp? here? never! I found warm considerate helpful poets that gave of their own experience as would you if you'd give us half a chance, but how can you give encouragement to poets (?) that take not the blindest bit of notice and send out emails in reply of such profanity they have to be seen to be believed. How to make friends and influence people ...... not

I've posted maybe one message before this to this forum. Lurking- to me that sounds sinister. No. Reading what interests me and is helpful? yes. Like the pointers I mentioned from 1201. I've posted a number of poems - as they come to me. I'm not a shy person. But I need to be ready to post, have a reason to do so. And -just an observation not a criticism here - from the "outside" some of the conversations here are not inviting at all. Some are based on longstanding shared jokes etc. If feels a bit like being the new kid in the cafeteria. :)

I have not had the experience of someone sending out horrific replies, but I wouldn't like that either. It seems to me that THAT is an area where behavior standards would, in fact, be appropriate. That is something that shouldn't be allowed.

I wonder if there is some way, if there might be some way, to weed out those who only want to see their stuff in print and fake voting (whatever, let them do it, in my opinion, as annoying as it is), versus those who really do want to learn. I'm thinking out loud here. Maybe an invitation IS in order. A quiz? Don't know.

This may all have been discussed before - if so ...sorry. I don't have the answers. Just talking.

that's what I mean you've been here a month and already found us it took me a damn sight longer. As for the long standing shared jokes they are still made by people that have been here longer than me and it doesn't worry me that I don't understand them. We were all new once and had to make the first brave step to actually say and/or submit something. The first person to comment on my poetry (Tess) thought I was a man! I admit that I've got behind in reading new poetry and I must do something about that ..... my only excuse ..... I got hacked off with what was being passed off as poetry and praised to the hilt by obvious cronies and no amount of suggestions to better it were listened to at all, just more churning out of the same crap ad nauseum
lorencino, UnderYourSpell
Thank you, I'm touched

and confused
"downright hilarious at times"

I said something funny?
You sure it wasn't the Parrot?
only under your spell, you transforming witch.:eek:

. . . and what the fuck does “voting anon in their Alts’ mean? Is this some form of spanking that you haven't shared with me?

Hang onnnnnnn who is the spanker and the spankee here?! :eek: Have we shared spanking tips before lol ?

oops Alts are the other names people have on here beside the usual ones .... I haven't ... what you see is what you get, anyway I couldn't be bothered to keep signing in and signing out I'd forget who I was!

lorencino, UnderYourSpell
Thank you, I'm touched

and confused
"downright hilarious at times"

I said something funny?
You sure it wasn't the Parrot?

Stuff the Parrot :D *wonders if 'Im touched' has the same meaning in the USA as it can have here!* :D
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Hang onnnnnnn who is the spanker and the spankee here?! :eek: Have we shared spanking tips before lol ?

oops Alts are the other names people have on here beside the usual ones .... I haven't ... what you see is what you get, anyway I couldn't be bothered to keep signing in and signing out I'd forget who I was!

Stuff the Parrot :D *wonders if 'Im touched' has the same meaning in the USA as it can have here!* :D
Yes, it can mean two things:rolleyes:
of what I mean.
I joined here a month or so ago. Can't remember - but it must be posted next to my signature like everyone else. I never even wrote poetry before that. Never considered it.

Your comment on Stateless - about how the fuck did we get to the Catskills? It made me laugh, because that poem is all about strange locations, mixes, differences and similarities. I grew up in the Catskills. But I ain't yer ordinary upstate New Yorker. :)

Your comment was useful in that case because it showed me that I could have made the theme clearer, probably with an added stanza. But it's a learning experience - and Actually I still like it as is.

Not sure if that answers your question, but I hope so.

You do remarkably well

Consider it a plug.

None of yours exhibit "new writer" symptoms. I also see you've been visited by the "nameless one", welcome to the club.

Here is a gift

and another

to help you on your way.

But because I'm a prick, consider the ratio of comments to submissions, eh?
You do remarkably well

Consider it a plug.

None of yours exhibit "new writer" symptoms. I also see you've been visited by the "nameless one", welcome to the club.

Here is a gift

and another

to help you on your way.

But because I'm a prick, consider the ratio of comments to submissions, eh?

Thanks 1201. Sent you a message via email but not sure if you received it, because my server hates the idea of me sending anything thru Lit. I will read the links. Thanks also for the recommendation on Chat. Message well received on comment:submissions.

And come on - I did try to be NICE about calling you a prick. :) I did it in the most ladylike way I know how (grin).
Thanks 1201. Sent you a message via email but not sure if you received it, because my server hates the idea of me sending anything thru Lit. I will read the links. Thanks also for the recommendation on Chat. Message well received on comment:submissions.

And come on - I did try to be NICE about calling you a prick. :) I did it in the most ladylike way I know how (grin).
I am a prick.
Now, as far as your comments -
WOW, place needs them.
Word of advice, don't waste too much time on people you don't know.
'nuff said


BTW an invitation, if you see anything, you can do New Poems Recommendation. The down side is some who aren't mentioned may take offense.