Bliss Gallery.

Wet Silk

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Bliss Bondage - Sensual Surreal

Bliss Bondage ~ Sensual Surreal

The Silken Tent

She is as in a field a silken tent

At midday when the sunny summer breeze

Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent,

So that in guys it gently sways at ease,

And its supporting central cedar pole,

That is its pinnacle to heavenward

And signifies the sureness of the soul,

Seems to owe naught to any single cord,

But strictly held by none, is loosely bound

By countless silken ties of love and thought

To everything on earth the compass round,

And only by one's going slightly taut

In the capriciousness of summer air

Is of the slightest bondage made aware.

Robert Frost

Bliss Bondage - Sensual Surreal


Leather, Rope and Steel

Bind my body
Ensnare my soul
Tease the senses
My thoughts, You control
Take me with You
On this journey of seduction
Your hands can show me
The world I long to know
You hold the key
To free the slave in me
I bid You to liberate my heart
With ties of leather, rope and steel
Only then can I feel desired
When I can truly serve
My submissive heart is trapped
Until You unlock the door
Patience while my wings unfold
Creativity to light the fire
Be strong with me
My inner spring will swell
You shall find a submissive’s heart
Beats steady and true
As long as there are bonds
Of leather, rope and steel

Bliss Bondage - Sensual Surreal

Kinbaku ~ A rope by any other name... it stirs my senses so. :rose:
