I thought to make it easier for my clientele I would put a list of our Collections up to date every now and then, just in case you find a piece that you think might fit into one of them.
I would like to deeply thank the exclusive few who support my gallery for their contributions thus far.
I am blown away by the thought you have put into all of your delightfully erotic sensual and evocative selections.
Inspired by Norm Murry, many of the pictures are his.
The body’s curve
Speaks loud and clear
Simple plains of absolute perfection.
Intricate palates of light and darkness both
Eve molded softly to tempt and tease
Adam crafted out of granite.
Images of simplicity both…nudity unadorned
Fingers itch to trace such purity of form
hearts crave more and more.
The body’s curve
Speaks loud and clear
A perfect image echoing the eyes desire to touch...