Blues Challenge

Blues in Key of A

Tied to Angeline's Whipping Post (after Greg Allman)

That Angeline, best I never had
oh, that Angeline she jest

so bad oh
Angeline so mean she say

step off boy okay
you much too green

I needs me a grown man you

got to have that slow hand
to make my scene

too true too true

and what the fuck
you think you

doin' on my washin' machine


Step off, Step off, fool don't even say

Rules of Play say you get none of this A List

Laundromat Muffin!

I'll work on the other verses; perhaps a bridge? where is that confounded....

Congrats on EQ!!! which issue, can I check it out? That's a good zine, yes indeedy, greedy!

dh:heart: :cool: :heart:
my blues name

BTW I be

All Man/Allman All in.

Wrote a song about it! Wanna here it? Here it go:


:cool: :cool: :cool:
denis my man...

Ask the nice man to check your meds.


In Chicago we call the winter wind the Hawk. It comes whipping down over the Great Lakes and right into town and sinks its talons right into you. Winter's a bad time to be in a bad town.

I was standing on the corner,
When the Hawk came to town
I was standing on the corner,
When the Hawk came to town,
Blew so cold and cruel
Blew my whole world upside down.

Why's that wind so cold?
Make a woman's heart freeze.
Why's that wind so cold?
Make a good woman's heart freeze.
It blew my world to a shambles
Blew me down to my knees.

That wind's so wild and wicked
But I know him by name
Damn wind so cold and wicked
But I call him by his name
I call him Mr. Hawkins
But he hate me all the same.

Oh mama make your fire up
Raise my bed up from the floor
Oh mama make that fire up
Lift my bed up from the floor
I hear the Hawk is calling
I won't see you no more.

---dr. Howlin' Mabeuse, King of the Conquerer Root and Mojomeister extraordinare
Re: Blues in Key of A

denis hale said:
Tied to Angeline's Whipping Post (after Greg Allman)

That Angeline, best I never had
oh, that Angeline she jest

so bad oh
Angeline so mean she say

step off boy okay
you much too green

I needs me a grown man you

got to have that slow hand
to make my scene

too true too true

and what the fuck
you think you

doin' on my washin' machine


Step off, Step off, fool don't even say

Rules of Play say you get none of this A List

Laundromat Muffin!

I'll work on the other verses; perhaps a bridge? where is that confounded....

Congrats on EQ!!! which issue, can I check it out? That's a good zine, yes indeedy, greedy!

dh:heart: :cool: :heart:

OMG!!! Denis,..we should all get together and have party or something :)
When you stomp on the blues you are stomping on my broken heart.

For comparison purposes:
Some of the great lyrics from the real blue masters:

I ride forty-nine miles of barbed wire
Wear a rattle snake for a neck tie
Live in a house high on the hill
Made out of human skulls

Now look me in the eyes, little darlin'
Tell me:
who do you love?

---Muddy Waters "Who Do You Love"

Gonna lay my head
on that lonely railroad line
Gonna lay my head
on that lonely railroad line
Let the five fifteen
Pacify my mind

--Anon. (verse common to a lot of blues.)

I got the keys to the highway
And baby, I've got to go
Got to leave this town running,
Walking's much too slow

---"Keys to the Highway" (Anon)

I got a mojo hand
Got a John the Conquerer root
I got five hundred dollars
I'm gonna mess with you

--"I'm a Man" Muddy Waters

I should have listened,
When my friend said Come to Mexico with me
Yeah, I should have listened
He said Come to Mexico with me
Then I wouldn't be here now people
Down on this Killing Floor

--Howlin' Wolf, "Killing Floor"

(And not strictly a blues but one of my favorites: at the end of Huddie Ledbetter's incredible thundering 12-string guitar Magnum Opus "Fannin' Street", sweat flying and veins bulging he sings this:)

And if anyone should ask you
Who made this song
You tell 'em it was Leadbelly
Been here
Doc those are marvelous lyrics and great songs. I'm a bit of a blues fanatic myself. Here are excerpts from some of my favorites by great blues women, full of strength and character.

Ange (whose secret fantasy is to travel back in time and sing this stuff at Cafe Society)

Woman Be Wise

Woman Be Wise!
Keep your mouth shut,
And don't you advertise your man!
It's all right to brag about your hat or your dress,
But don't go blowin' 'bout the man you love best!
Just rave about the things your man can do,
And some woman will sure take him away from you!
So take a tip,
Hold your lip,
And don't you advertise your man!
And don't you advertise your man!

Down-Hearted Blues

Trouble, trouble, I've had it all my days,
Trouble, trouble, I've had it all my days;
It seems like trouble going to follow me to my grave.

I ain't never loved but three mens in my life;
I ain't never loved but three men in my life:
My father, my brother, the man that wrecked my life.

Taint Nobody's Buisness If I Do

If I should take a notion
To jump into the ocean
Ain't nobody's business if I do

Don't Explain

You know that I love you
And what endures
All my thoughts of you
For I'm so completely yours

Cry to hear folks chatter
And I know you cheat
Right or wrong, don't matter
When you're with me, sweet

Hush now, don't explain
You're my joy and pain
My life's yours love
Don't explain

Fine and Mellow

My man don't love me
Treats me oh so mean
My man he don't love me
Treats me awfully mean
He's the, lowest man
That I've ever see

He wears high draped pants
Stripes are really yellow
He wears high draped pants
Stripes are really yellow

But when he starts in to love me
He's so fine and mellow

Love will make you drink and gamble
Make you stay out all night long
Love will make you drink and gamble
Make you stay out all night long

Love will make you do things
That you know is wrong

But if you treat me right baby
I’ll stay home everyday
But if you treat me right baby
I’ll stay home everyday

But you're so mean to me baby
I know you're gonna drive me away

Love is just like the faucet
It turns off and on
Love is just like the faucet
It turns off and on

Sometimes when you think it's on baby
It has turned off and gone
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I recognize Lady Day (who I believe was a friend of a friend of yours), and I think either Bessie Smith or Big Mama Thornton?

Among great Blues Singer names you shouldn't forget Petey Wheatstraw, "The Devil's Son-in Law".

I wish I'd thought of that. I would have copywrited it.

---dr. Muddy Mabeuse
been sit'n aroun'
bah-boom, bah-boom
doin' some think'n'
bah-boom, bah-boom

just stay'n real still
bah-boom, bah-boom
and doin' some drink'n
bah-boom, bah-boom

my muse is gone,
bah-boom, bah-boom
my prose is stink'n
bah-boom, bah-boom

... got them wanna-be po'm write'n blues
bah-boom, bah-boom

O. termite town T.
Jazz and Blues Women

Yes, Doc I am totally in love with Lady Day, and she and Prez were musical, if not spiritual, soul mates. My poem,Lady's Blues in Winter, is based on Billie's amazing performance of Fine and Mellow in the TV documentary(made in the 1950s) The Sound of Jazz. There's a brief description of it here.

And yes, Bessie Smith did Down-Hearted Blues. Back when I was in college, I saw the great Sippie Wallace do Woman Be Wise.

There are so many others to discover too--from Koko Taylor, Etta James, and Big Mama Thornton to Alberta Hunter and even Ethel Waters (who most people associate with spirituals, but in her day she was a great blues voice).

Every time I hear some squeaky-voiced little pop princess, I wince and wish more people would rediscover these incredible women. :)
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The goddam GW blues

from the bassplayer - masquerading as Limpfoot Lowdown (though it wouldn't be bluesly to note that the limp is from a running injury, would it?) -

(in the mind of Mingus' Fables of Faubus - where is he now that we need him?, and Lowell George's Apolitical Blues, which featured the great lines "Telephone was ringing - they told me it was Chairman Mao - I don't care if it's John Wayne, I just don't wanna talk to him now")


The Goddam GW blues

Went down to the library, just to read some lit (2x)
Message on the screen said "man you cain't get to it"

Please miz librarian, I got to read and chat
Please please, miz librarian, I just got to read and chat
Just shook her head, said I can't let you do that

The supreme court says, we got to filter that site
Oh that supreme court says, we just gots to filter that site
We gotta obey dem, even though we know that it ain't right

Oh please Mr. Ashcroft, don't throw your love on me so strong,
Please Mr. John Ashcroft, don't throw your love on me so strong
I don't know if you ever thought
that what you've done is wrong

and btw, Doc Mabeuse - Who Do You Love is Bo Diddley, not Muddy.
The Blue Balls Blues

Looking at all these photos...
Of all these beautiful, scantilly clad women...
Knowing full well that I can't afford any of them...
Is enough to give me that old blue ball blues!
from the bassplayer - masquerading as Limpfoot Lowdown (though it wouldn't be bluesly to note that the limp is from a running injury, would it?)

Bass baby!!!!! Welcone to the poetry board. Nice blues. lol.

Re: The goddam GW blues

whisperingbass said:
from the bassplayer - masquerading as Limpfoot Lowdown (though it wouldn't be bluesly to note that the limp is from a running injury, would it?) -

(in the mind of Mingus' Fables of Faubus - where is he now that we need him?, and Lowell George's Apolitical Blues, which featured the great lines "Telephone was ringing - they told me it was Chairman Mao - I don't care if it's John Wayne, I just don't wanna talk to him now")


and btw, Doc Mabeuse - Who Do You Love is Bo Diddley, not Muddy.

Oh my God you are so right! And all his life Bo never got credit for all he did for R&R, always hidden in Chuck Berry's shadow. But Bo was indeed the great throbbing tribal Id of Rock & Roll, and here I didn't even stop to think. I am most savagely contrite.

But seeing you mention Mingus and Fables of Faubus makes me fantastically glad. "Mingus Dynasty"? I have absolutely got to order that CD right at this moment! Is that the one with "Eat That Chicken" on it too?

By the way, for you fans of Shreikin' John Ashcroft and his Creeping Erosion of Rights band, he actually made a recording of some flag waving fol-de-rol called "Fly Eagle, Fly", and--better yet--you can hear it for free and with no trouble. Go here:

If you're at all into Bad music (that's "bad" with a captal B, as opposed to just "bad" music) this is a fantastic site. I especially highly, highly recommend the Portsmouth Synfonia's "Thus Spake Zarathustra". After listening to them, you will never hear music in the same way again. And of course, there are a couple of Shaggs hits)

If you're at all into Bad music (that's "bad" with a captal B, as opposed to just "bad" music) this is a fantastic site. I especially highly, highly recommend the Portsmouth Synfonia's "Thus Spake Zarathustra". After listening to them, you will never hear music in the same way again. And of course, there are a couple of Shaggs hits)

Just can't leave it at that other thread, can you? lol :p
whisper bass

Hey wb!



who better: Jack Bruce or John Paul Jones?

Notwithstanding Bruce's vocal talents!

And, for y'all at large:

"Train Kept A Rollin" : What do those cryptic lyrics mean, for godsake? and: which better: Yardbirds version; or Aerosmith?

Discuss. Defend Your Choices!


p.s. Did Yardbirds cover that tune, as well? Scholars step up!
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chance meeting blues in F

I have a rain around my head
it rainbows low and fine and slim
I have a rain about my head
it prisms nicely low and slim
if it wasn’t for dry dry air
there would not be a link to him

she says HI nice and I enjoy
the small and large and barely
she said it once and I employ
a wish to jump and compete with Harry
if it wasn’t for dry dry air
I wouldn’t be so ugly, well fairly

just watch out for him
all warm and juicy still
so eat it there and lick the brim
won’t ask for more so get your fill

there is no way to bring it home
in the morning rain
it was way too late to bring it home
in the morning
(strings, children’s choir) pain

dug ditch digger peter boy blue eyed foo
SP Sorry!

Sorry about the white space!

Damn, how do I remove that post?

What a fucking moron I can be...

Maybe i should just stick to ledger lines on stenography pads!

Consider me chastened and chastised.. Help me get that shit of of there, will ya?

hey Denis

I'm pretty sure you can edit your post and remove the white space... :) it would be worth a try, huh?

hey maria!

yo maria,

Yeah, it's copacetic now

as he slinks off to the dunce cap corner

Back to the Blues, huh?

d :rolleyes:
All Man Sings The Blank Space Blues

"Fistful of Muse" by All Man Allman

Lord, lord

Thought I was dead

Mercy me I thought I
killed the thread...

But the tongue-cluck of scorn becomes

Inspiration Instead...

Gimme room, gimme room
to roam...
Slick, spreading white space
to call my home

And if the boy starts to trip,
and get all abject

tell him:

"Get a grip, baby

and Erect

Another Tome!"

Angeline said:
Just can't leave it at that other thread, can you? lol :p

Madam, I cannot. Bad Music has changed my life, and everytime I go to Miserable Melodies I find something new and astonishing.

For years I was a prisoner of regular meter and the diatonic scale, but that is only because I am a prisoner of my times. If you really want to hear the music of the future, music that is totally free, that makes Ornette Coleman sound like J.S.Bach, listen to the Shaggs.

In the musical universe of the Shaggs, time is stretched and distorted to fit the elastic and spastic thrashing of the drummer. Listen to the part in "My Pal FutFut" where she drops the drum stick and you hear it clatter to the floor. It doesn't matter. The entire band has slipped the stale bonds of meter and soars like a dumptruck through non-Euclidean space. Lyrics are direct yet extremely ambiguous and microtonal. Their approach to the guitar is...well, refreshing is not quite it. Revolutionary?

In all seriousness, the avant garde has seized upon Bad Music as the aural equivalent of naive or outsider art, and the best of the worst brings a wild freshness and innovation to music that is really staggering. It reminds you that music is an expression of the soul, and that there are some truly wild souls out there.

Stay away from the garbage like William Shatner and Rickard Harris. They just can't sing. Listen to the Shaggs, Portsmouth Synfonia, Shooby Taylor. If you listen long enough you really train your ear to learn new ways of listening.

BTW, The Portsmouth Synfonia is not a bunch of yokels who can't play. Well, there are a lot of them in the group, but Brian Eno was also involved, and some other London avant garde players.

I guess you could say I'm a fan.

And the Eilert Pilarm, the "Swedish Elvis" is hysterical.

BTW, The Portsmouth Synfonia is not a bunch of yokels who can't play. Well, there are a lot of them in the group, but Brian Eno was also involved, and some other London avant garde players.

I've always liked Eno and thought that he, not Brian Ferry, was the talent behind Roxy Music. I particularly like his ambient music and his work with the great John Cale. Listening to some of this music though is like learning to eat vegetables--I know it's good for me, but I just don't wanna. (Though I love broccoli now, even though I hated it as a kid).

These days I find I enjoy going back to explore music rather than forward. :)

"Astonishing" is pretty high praise and reason enough to explore the site.