Bold Flesh: BBW's 5.0

One with glasses, but she really needs to put a smile on her face:

And another without glasses. Another non-smiler, but she looks like she's deep in thought, contemplating something perhaps. Then again, I'm probably reading too much into them so enjoy the pics for what they are.
Love the bikini, but glasses woman looks angry. That look would have me running the other way.

Non-smiler is a real beauty in pensive mode... I'd love to serve her tea and read poetry to her
One with glasses, but she really needs to put a smile on her face:

And another without glasses. Another non-smiler, but she looks like she's deep in thought, contemplating something perhaps. Then again, I'm probably reading too much into them so enjoy the pics for what they are.

The first pick reminds me of someone I know in real life. Gawd would I love to be with her again.
That's pretty cool! I've never been to Hearst Castle, I'll have to look it up. I didn't see Weissmuller until later; the first Tarzan I saw was Ron Ely, as I'm old enough where I watched the Tarzan television series when it was on TV. Plus I saw some of the films with Mike Henry and Jock Mahoney as Tarzan. It wasn't until we got cable when I saw my first Tarzan movie with Johnny in the role. About the same time I discovered the books by Edgar Rice Burroughs so I've also been a big fan for many years.
I went on a date with a man who said he played Boy; I forget his last name, but his first name was Warren, and he was 56ish in 1995 when we went on our one date. I was 24 and could not get past the age difference.
I went on a date with a man who said he played Boy; I forget his last name, but his first name was Warren, and he was 56ish in 1995 when we went on our one date. I was 24 and could not get past the age difference.

Johnny Sheffield was Boy in the Tarzan films, not Warren. He was born in 1931 and would have been 64 in 1995. With your age difference he could have been your Dad or Granddad!