

I think Senna is symbolic, on occasion, right Senna? And at the very least I hope he was in that poem. :)

And is that thing, which appears to be growing out of the snow frozen or an early harbinger of spring? (well, very very early)

Re: Now DR4KE

Angeline said:
I think Senna is symbolic, on occasion, right Senna? And at the very least I hope he was in that poem. :)

And is that thing, which appears to be growing out of the snow frozen or an early harbinger of spring? (well, very very early)


And hear I was thinking it was a snow blower... Eh, uhm... Snow spewer?

Wonder if we could doa colaboration of Boob-Ku's and get them published...................... that would be cool...... _Land

heaving breasts
rising to warm breath
longing mom

aching breasts
baby cries, nipples

hold me close
heartbeats rythm rings
breasts speak love

lump in throat
mammogram reveals
benign sign

take care, breasts
two today, only one
Last edited:
great topic

Skin mountains
the palest of pale pink peaks
squeezed into my bra


thing i liked the most
about your breasts my loved one
was their perfection

not how I saw them
not how it felt to touch them
but that they were yours

Oh no. foehn brought the boob-ku back. Now our cups will be heaving with an abundance of... well, you know.
abundance stretches
last button anxiety
straining yet remaining
... sorry...

couldn't help it, i
ran across it in reading;
your last line had 6...
foehn said:
... sorry...

couldn't help it, i
ran across it in reading;
your last line had 6...
6. I know. I thought no one would notice if I bared a breast. :)
Keep well ladies

Now I lay me down to sleep
guarded by nails of pink,
head upon the softest cloud
in the garden of EVE.

twelveoone said:
you had lines?

(Now   that   was   funny.)
If only I had a breast! (
Oooooooo, much funnier.)
Mountains or molehills,
it doesn't matter to me,
I just love them all.

(This one hurting, huge.)
tenderly i suck it small|
(You   feel better now.)
One for a geisha?

Two peaches on the
soft ground.
Stems look at the moon.


Eighth grade boobies

Hand under shirt,
stolen softness.
"When are your parents home?"


Soft sound of buttons
undone by you tonight, dear
They look so proud.


Old ladies
haul them in shopping carts.
Still want to see them.
perky n proud
standing at attention
for you.

showers of kisses
licks n tickles
sandy rough tongue,
magnetic n fun.

Ahh's burst forth
nipples erect
climb aboard
bars go to tha doors.

locked n tight
hands playfully
treating me
like your whore.

they saw you
across tha room
begged you to notice
they were missing
you, for as one can see
they are in full bloom.

bashful pink, is not
their color. whore red is.
gets'm all ... tight n hot .

so come here lover.
show my tits some
love. no need
to stand back
n hover.


ah well I tried, lol

I like my breasts,
but not when I lie down.
They look like fried eggs at rest.
I blame the kids who sucked
hard on my nipples, pulled
and kneaded my breasts like doe
with tiny fingers to drink their milk,
and the men who helped produce them,
well, they could've been more gentle.

I didn't complain at the time.
The sex was fun or shall we call it makin' love?
To watch my children grow from my
once upon a time
very own, perky breasts
that now sag to my belly button
without an expensive bra,
I guess it was worth it.

No one bitches but me,
and it's only a certain time of the month,
I would never get surgery,
and it makes me happy
men still love my boobies.

I just don't wanna lie
on my back too long.
What if one gets stuck
under my underarm?

"all of a sudden, wannabe poetry" and I didn't say this was non-fiction. :D
Out! Damn Spot!
you may think you can better
me but think again!
you're merely a visitor
this body is mine
and you'll NOT kill
my desire for life
my need for life
i have too much to write.

sorry, lowered the tone there. carry on.
A time when we live
But now we only remember
You recount an advice column
That informed the avid teenager
On the accepted state of the female form
Lift your breast and place a pencil beneath it
Then release the breast
If the pencil doesn't fall, a bra is required
Using this criteria you do not require a bra

You remark you are between a cup size A and B
But not being very conical
These are too limiting a classification
Standing up they look perky
(I sense an air of satisfaction)
Laying down they pretty much disappear
My pillow will be shallow I conclude
But heaven doesn't come in quantifiable amounts
wildsweetone said:
did you really mean a pencil?

i keep losing mine.

I'm just the messenger WSO but send me a photo and I'll tell you where you are going right or wrong. :D