Boobies part 1

Of course not. Being a Nazi incel asshole on this site means never having to say you're sorry. You proved that.

I have a meeting with the SF DA Brooke Jenkins tomorrow (Tuesday) about the permission granted to you on this site to defame me and my family while advocating violence against a minor child.

By the way, you say you have pix of my son sucking Russ cock. Please let me know where they are. He's a firearms dealer and can use them to generate income. You, however, don't know his name even though it's in plain sight.

You are so dense, with a "mind" (toilet) so poisoned by Nazi hate, you do not even see the ridiculous nature of your slurs.

I no longer fake being male. The state of California says I am female. The USG says I am female. Since you don't live here, that means nothing to you. But the reckless way this site has promoted hateful libel under color of 1A will mean something to you, because your apparent Tourette's coprolalia is not tolerable online and will bring about a serious inquiry into why this site is run as it is.

I forced Jimmy Wales at Wikipedia to clean up his act on libel. Can I do it here? Perhaps not. ShitPsychotica Mediocrita compares with Wikipedia the way nothing compares to anything. Everyone everywhere uses Wikipedia. Nobody seems to ever have heard of this site. So nothing may be done.

Now concentrate rilly hard and let's see if you can figure this out:

I am a transwoman. If I were beaten up by a teenage girl, why would I consider it worse than being assaulted by a Proud Boy? (I wasn't -- I have only seen the martyred child at a distance).

I can use my bear spray, nicknamed Frontier Justice, and my straight razor, Iron Felix, against the Proud Boys. I am handicapped by the injury to my leg inflicted by the Russ, yet I strip, dance, and fight Nazis. Because I trained my body, my right leg in particular. I wanted to dance and I wanted to fight Nazis, and I to both very well.

Furthermore, on another point too challenging for a baboon like you, I'm an extreme masochist. I am dommed by three women. Big Domme gets angry and kicks and punches me. I love it. Princess Domna has whipped my booty for decades with a cat o' nine tails. My new domme pulls up my skirt and spanks my ass in public. While we're waiting for the bus.

Being hit by a girl would be rather fun for me. Obviously you're used to hitting girls. I'm not.

In the end you are an ant turd. Or maybe an amoeba booger. You are nothing, and mainly provide comedy relief for me. You are either a minor male on this site through prevarication, or a female Russ functionary. I don't care.

But I will never forgive the weird phenomenon by which a group of bootless Chuds on this site accused me of being a male impersonating a transgender with the alleged (hallucinated) aim of discrediting transfolk in the interest of MAGA. These loons even accused me of appropriating pix by someone else! They never said who this other person was. Or how I factitiously undermine trans.

And then, wonder of wonders, they found my Wikipedia bio. Wow! So I am trans, and there are pix, and I ran for office. Gosh! Whoda thunk? And I published major books! So the ShitPsychotica Mediocrita sheriffs' deputies ran around in circles but then shut up and gave up.

There still seems to be a group of imbeciles on this site who think I am so powerful and this outhouse is so important that I fabricated all this. They don't present evidence. They yap about "alt" individuals. I still don't understand this. This is supposed to be a fantasy site. Are some fantasies more worthy than others? Or was one of you burned so bad by a trans that you are suspicious of all trans?

As I have said, this site exploits trans stereotypes and then keeps you as their bichon frisé to bark extreme transphobia. In between attacks of rabies and eating your own shit.

Rabies doesn't last long. Nor will you. Not that I can or would hurt you physically. All I really want to know about you is the name of your Russian control. DA Jackson will consult with FBI and DOJ about this.

Why all this? You are no writer. You can barely form a sentence. You show no awareness of what sex is. I am here to develop my work. But you? Why? Don't bother to tell me. I know.

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You aren’t a woman. You may pretend to be, but that doesn’t mean others have to now say you are a female. When you have a child or menstruate or have a birth certificate saying you were born female. You are a male. Can I get up in the morning and be a black man? Or Hispanic ? Or can I be one hundred and fifty years old? I’m not being mean, I really want to understand.
Performance art on the GB isn't new. It only works if it's entertaining. :)
I am a bestselling author married to a major film personality. I need advice from the likes of you about as much as I need a suppurating boil on the inside of my booty. The idea that a bunch of ugly and unfucked crossdressers with untreated Tourette's have turned "performance art" into a hate term on a website nobody ever heard of is beyond ridiculous.

Just catching up.

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You aren’t a woman. You may pretend to be, but that doesn’t mean others have to now say you are a female. When you have a child or menstruate or have a birth certificate saying you were born female. You are a male. Can I get up in the morning and be a black man? Or Hispanic ? Or can I be one hundred and fifty years old? I’m not being mean, I really want to understand.
Fine. Understand this, idiot. There is an area of science called endocrinology that determined in the 20th century that gender is malleable and may be changed through tested therapies administered by ethical professionals.

The entire modern world accepts this aside from the mass of Chuds here in America who voted for DJT. Like you.

You don't want to understand anything. You want to appear clever mouthing guff about topics of which you are incredibly ignorant. You do it anonymously. Because you are a coward.

Any normal human would look at the abuse of identities on this site and assume you are mainly chomos. You have sooo much to hide.

I was doxxed here. I am a very public transwoman. I have nothing whatever to hide. Or to be ashamed about.

Your demands are Nazi demands: a birth cert identifying me as Aryan? Mutilating my body in Mengelist style?

I have a child. I am a parent. Go argue with the social welfare system about it.

I have experienced couvade since puberty. Ghost pains in males during the menstrual cycle. Look it up. Doofus.

You can't wake up black because you don't have the brains to understand race and gender as social constructs. Anybody can be Hispanic if they learn the language and live Hispanic culture. I'm Sephardic. I look "white" and talk 10 languages. I can be lots of things.

I have been lots of things, and that isn't a literary trope. I was a terrorist for the Kosova Liberation Army. I helped drive Serbs out of a territory they abused. It was great! Watching Chuds run like rabbits is the best sex ever!

I said beginning in 2017: fuck with the Jews, you got my pal Bibi. Fuck with the Muslims, you got Qaida, where i also have friends. Fuck with GWB, you got Iraq 2.0. Fuck with the Biden elex, you got @ntifa as FBI.

Want more? You got it. Trannies so fish you'll think they are your sisters, with Molotovs. I declare the Revolution began when I went to jail for pepper spraying a loon that harassed me for three years. The charge was dismissed by a nice judge.

Think I'm a fantasy monger like the crossdressers infesting this site? Look up my Wikipedia page. Colin Powell defended me. Nobody will defend you.

The moment is fast approaching when comments like your post will make you a drunk redneck shouting the n-word at midnight in the ghetto the day MLK was killed.

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I hope you are locked up for lunacy somewhere and just have access to the internet. I really really hope that you have no access to firearms. The mentally ill should not have access to weapons of any kind. You are supposed to tell me everything about myself, right? But no one can tell you anything? That’s the problem with people like you… the double standard of life. Letard should be your name on here.
I hope you are locked up for lunacy somewhere and just have access to the internet. I really really hope that you have no access to firearms. The mentally ill should not have access to weapons of any kind. You are supposed to tell me everything about myself, right? But no one can tell you anything? That’s the problem with people like you… the double standard of life. Letard should be your name on here.
You are the mentally ill one. I suspect you are a very stupid Russian agent.

Nobody is locked up in America for lunacy, a term absent from the contemporary therapeutic vocabulary. That's a tell. So few posts. Just as Putin and his campaign are back on.

Your views on me and my sanity and firearms reflect only your typical Russ laziness. You Slobbovians doxxed me on this site but you are too fucking dumb to look up my Wikipedia page. If you could grasp the content there you would say I am so far above you in society your petty obsessions do not affect me.

How in the fuck am I, a famous author, supposed to let some filthy vagrant like you, espousing gross Nazi Trumpy garbage, tell me what I am?

You posted this just as DJT came out with the Nazi claim that minors are subjected to sex changes without parental consent. Pretty much like accusing the Jews of usury just as Hitler began the Holocaust.

Where have you been all your life? Get back to Blagoveshchensk.

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Like I said, it’s ok for you to tell me what I am. I seriously believe that a lobotomy is your only hope. Famous author…. lol.
Like I said, it’s ok for you to tell me what I am. I seriously believe that a lobotomy is your only hope. Famous author…. lol.
Lobotomies are no longer performed in the U.S., you Russian troll.

You know nothing about me and obviously wish to know nothing about me.

You are too fucking locked in 4chan flame-war bullshit to look up my Wikipedia page.

I said what you are? I said you're a Nazi. You're a bigot. You're a stupid tool of Putin.

You think these characterizations are on the same level as denying my gender? My gender is recognized by every major government in the West. An attack on my gender is not a characterization based on expertise. It is a vile, fascist slur.

I think you may be another of these trolls that sneaks in here by lying about your age.

I do not know or care who or what you are. I care only about shutting you up. Just as Jews shut Nazis up.

You may argue that your Mengelist fantasies are free expression. I don't care. I am not required to honor your right to speak. Your discourse threatens my physical existence. I do not care to hear your arguments. No force on earth can compel me to treat you as anything but a stink bug.

I have extremely bad news for you and a lot of other trolls here in 4chan world. Americans have had enough of hate mongering under a first amendment pretext.

The blood of Heather Heyer and Ashli Babbitt -- both killed by Trump -- cries out.

The victory of Harris-Walz will change the nature of the First Amendment. The U.S. will adopt EU practice and will prohibit hate speech.

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Let me add that your lack of recognition of the intersex birth category proves that you are a Russian troll.

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I am in no way averse to discussion of the question "what is a woman", especially in the context of trans identity.

But I demand that such inquiry be carried out by intellectuals. Not by internet slugs armed with crude insults and Nazi propaganda.

I will discuss this question in a new book. I will propose a debate on this matter be conducted in the manner of Plato, La Mettrie, and Lacan, not that of Topps bubblegum comix, an attitude on display regarding nearly every topic here.

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