
Originally posted by irontonto:

why don't one of you big mouth morons confess to something? what about you Wizard? you have a secret you are nut sharing right?

i fish felons confesses this easy.

NUT SHARING? Who's sharing nuts??? And why wasn't I asked to join?

And what the hell is a fish felon?

[This message has been edited by Angelique (edited 05-10-2000).]
Nuts, oh yumm! Pass em over!

Damn, this thread is boring! I'm going back to the Metallica-bashing thread - c-u there!
oh damn... the Madam speaks and me thinks we should listen.... *follows Laurel like an nonpotty trained puppy*

(gotcha thinkin didn't it??) hehe
Originally posted by irontonto:
why don't one of you big mouth morons confess to something

Ok irontutu <smirks at SK>...

THIS "big-mouthed moron" will make a confession.

I confess that after reading your last fascinating post, that I have the most intense, insatiable desire to greedily suck your one-eyed purple bison of love...suck it hard, suck it long (or short, as the case may be) and suck it dry.

So...c'mon, honey...I'm waiting...

Whip the angry inch out!
I've been on "anti-moronics" for a few days now...they're really kickin' in, eh?

[This message has been edited by Lovely Latina (edited 05-10-2000).]

Under normal circumstances LL, I'd ask to help...but if you know for a fact that it's only an inch, I'll just sit back and watch. Shouldn't take long, right? (tee hee...that was kinda punny)
Hi Angelique, MM and Wizard,

How about a foursome, see I lost my virginity on my own post. Would love to join unless four is a crowd.

Oh and to the subject of this posting:

If your so bored with these postings find something else to entertain yourself.

The rest of us are doing fine with them.

Remember it's all out of fun.

Well, it seems to me, Iron, that you have obviously missed many threads on here! I have seen some that have had me in stitches for hours, and some that have had a lot of thoughtful insight, and some where people were "fighting" so much that the rude and smart assness had me going for a long time. Maybe someone needs to introduce you to Bruiser... or Ziek. LoL.

(P.S. Did I get the lil'
pooch's name spelled right?
Hell forbid I piss off the
Phantom Bitch!)
Btw, Tonto, Fascinating fucking topic you posted here. I'm all agog!
tooooodlesssssss here i am! ~waving hand~ i glad u girls waited on me.. i brought my extra powerful magnifying glass!!!! now LL... how abotu a lil sucky sucky big purple bison 101??? hehehe

ANGEL.... U HUSSEY!!!!! I turn my back for 2 seconds and your out there rackin up experience like it was a brand new shiny state quarter!!! well.. .don't u worry.. i got my sticky lil fingers ready and i'm HOT on your tail girl!!! hehehe
LMAO...Horsey, a little lower babe...yeah, right about....THERE! You got it love!

That fish is TOO funny! Thanks for the humor first thing in the morning!
Angelique, what are you doing? I leave you alone for an evening and it comes to this?

GEt over here. I need to start my day with a big little slut
Uh I'm in trouble. (lowers head, eyes on the ground, kicking a pebble) Golly Merlin, I'm sorry...but you weren't here and I HAD to do SOMETHING to entertain myself. At least I was in good hands, darling!
You are in trouble, my dear...Now, come here...over my lap....We'll see whose hands you are better off in....won't we
Over your lap or on your lap merlin? Personally, I prefer ON your lap...but if I'm due punishment, what better person to receive it from! Go on merlin, whip me, beat me, make me feel, I mean, just be gentle.
....Peronally, I prefer you my lap definately..that way I can look in your eyes....

Oh Angelique, you are bad....what am I going to do with you

Damn, have to go to work....wonder if I will be able to concentrate.......
Poor merlin...'tis a shame you must go. (crying silently) Work work work...when will you work on me, darlin'?

I suppose I'll end up entertaining myself again...hurry back sweets! Au revoir.
noway theres two of me. please change your name.
Originally posted by irontonto:

why don't one of you big mouth morons confess to something? what about you Wizard? you have a secret you are nut sharing right?

i fish felons confesses this easy.

[This message has been edited by irontoto (edited 05-11-2000).]

[This message has been edited by irontoto (edited 05-11-2000).]
tiggs: maybe you show us that mans size clit of yours and i won't be sooooo... BORED

[This message has been edited by irontoto (edited 05-11-2000).]
Iron, the pics I have currently on Lit are the only ones baring my lovely clit at this time. I don't have any new pics as of yet.
It took some doing, but for a thread that began by complaining about boredom and giving yawns, this one has turned out to be pretty interesting. Of course, I see that cyberslut Angelique is back around talking big but not putting out. Don't let her fool you - she's hung up on toilets, and has a problem with things being UP.

Tiggs! from Omaha! I spent an eternity there for two years - would have been sooooo much better had I known you were there! Traffic getting worse on Dodge?