Bringing Poetry back from dead

whoa whoa

i didnt mean it wasnt an admirable goal
not at all, it IS

but i just know how people react when the subject is poetry

like me in high school

"ARRG booooooring, preteeeeentious'

im just thinking aloud about how much of an uphill struggle we face in a digital age of immediate gratifacation, 24 h news, MTV, um hip hop....the world has changed and not for the better
i myself just call it
the age of irony

where earnesty is dismissed as unhip and stupidity & surface is worshipped

i mean what am i getting at here you ask.....


i just dont think poetry as it once was -long flowery, earnest in a sense-= is an appropriate mirror (and isnt that art? a mirror reflection?) for what we live with on a daily basis

if one is to dissect it with poetry, poetry itself must adapt to the times is all i mean

ok i hope ive made some sense here
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which i see you have been discussing for several pags ill just stick my foot in mouth here
Rumpleteazer said:
which i see you have been discussing for several pags ill just stick my foot in mouth here

quite alright, baby, we all do it.

I've been waiting for a very long time for technology to catch up to my ideas of what poetry could look and sound and feel like. Feels like it's almost here.

ketchup with that? *grin*