Bringing to the Lit party

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Hi BrightFlower, beautiful nick you have there. Welcome to the Community, glad you decided to start posting. I hope you'll check out the sticky, it's got a couple of great essays in it, as well as some valuable info. Did you know we have a wonderful Library here? It's loaded with all sorts of threads, on a myriad of BDSM topics. Feel free to browse through and find a thread that interests you, bump it up for discussion, or just read for your own pleasure. If you have any questions or comments regarding the Library, feel free to PM me.

I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

~anelize, BDSM Librarian

As usual the lady Anelize is on the ball, thank you
Some people will never post publicly in the Forum. I do get PMs from lurkers all the time.

None of My boys want to post here, although they may occasionally read what is posted here.

If folks think that they have nothing to say or no questions to ask, then maybe they know best.

I would hope they would change their mind over time.
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I lurked on Lit for a month before I began posting. The major reason?

I wanted to discern who I wanted to reach out to, to be friends with and who I wanted to avoid. (I came to Lit/BDSM at the end of the Cym war, or whatever it's called now. Oldies will remember that as a pretty ugly and turbulent time for many.)

Of those who I wanted to befriend... Eb, Zip, MissT, Shadows, Des, Cellis and some others I can't right off remember, I think I did well in my choices. I am lucky and honored to count them as my friends. And I have since made many new ones who are equally as special to me.

Tell your friend to read the posts, but not just that.... read UNDER the posts. There is a spirit to each of us, under our words. I read it under those who are still my good friends here.

Shit..... this is waaaaaay too long of a post. Sorry, I'm embarrassed now.