broken subs page

Cirrus said:
Oh crap, I just know I'm going to open up a royal can of worms with this one, but I's just eating at me.

Dusty, were you a sub before your (undoubtedly horrible and abusive) relationship with the woman you talk about here and on your site?

The thought that keeps coming to my mind is that for you, BDSM is trauma re-enactment. I feel terrible that you were treated in such a way, and I also think you are incredibly strong to be able to face it, talk about it, and that you are incredibly lucky to have a partner so willing and helpful to work through this with you.

But...abused does not always equal BDSM. Being abused does not make you a makes you a victim. That's really the only reason I ask. If BDSM is what you find rewarding to you and it makes you happy, turns you on, and fulfils your needs, great!!! But to me, you sound more like a victim of abuse than a sub. JMO.

And I hope you, Dusty, and everyone else knows, that I'm not trying to put you or your feelings down or invalidate them, I'm just asking a question about my (possibly deeply flawed) observations.

First off, follow this link. It will answer some of your questions. It's not linked to the main site because I still have much information to cover. As well as much personal stuff.
Self Injury and TRS

Your right, abused does not equal bdsm. Far from it. I would never associate abuse with bdsm. I was merely abused under the GUISE of it. I would never blame other lifestylers. But I did willing step into the pile of proverbial shit that started it all, in a willing manner. I wanted to get into bdsm, I was just scared of D/s. I didn't understand it. But, I was starting to understand it after a couple of years of all of this when I met a girl in Virtual Places named Alyx, whom I wish I had not lost contact with. She was starting to show me the loving side of D/s through her Mistress Taw. It was then though, that I KNEW things weren't right. Her Mistress never beat her bloody or treated her as a slave. She never called her a whore or accused her of whoring herself out if she was 5 minutes late.

I was not a submissive before her, yet a roleplayed as one for many many years and loved it. I was just scared of it real life.
JenJ said:

Cirrus she wasn't in a BDSM relationship her ex thought she could make Dusty be her slave when she didn't want to be. As to her being submissive time will tell on that we are going to go slow with that I have no desire to rush.

Yet I know she has the desire to be submissive and likes to serve.

I am YOUR submissive. And forever will be that. You will know this for sure in a few weeks. There is no doubt in my mind. I served our friend quite well and I will serve you even better. I love being a submissive.
WillowPuss said:
How is the site building coming along Dusty?

Slowly, I had to take a break because I'm afraid I hit a raw nerve in working on one of the sections. I'm starting back on it today though :) Thanks for asking

just got back from your site want to tell you how couragous you are and how special to the ones of us that will never speak of what has happened to us thank you from the bottom of my heart and my prayer will always speak of you you are a true light
Dustygrrl said:

Slowly, I had to take a break because I'm afraid I hit a raw nerve in working on one of the sections. I'm starting back on it today though :) Thanks for asking

Dusty, when you hit a rough patch, remember that you have a lot of people who think you are doing something very brave and valuable, and think you are a heroine for doing it.
Dusty, I just wanted you to know what a wonderful thing I think it is you are doing with your site. Also to ditto what Caroline said.

Great site
Great Job

Incredible website and well done. Very touching content. I am sure your stories will help many others.:heart: