Bug-Day Afternoon


those who had the strength
and nerve. Courage
that I have not earned
yet. I miss those who tread
that path which disappears
into light. I want to follow
yes, close behind
but they have told me

it's not my time.
Please, Maria. Bring back the toads- is their a new Prince? and the blooms and the birds. I hope to have my own garden this spring but until then, but also forever after, I need this garden.

Maybe, in part to get me writing again, I will make a garden here. Well not here; this is yours, but who owns that empty field over there.. the one w. the ancient willow trying to fall into the little baby creek? Wonder if I could use it...

I miss you, Boo and
meant to ask-
Have you come across
familiar faces or forums?

such as the case may be

I sent frog king to meet
with you and he has as poem
in his pocket-

I'll await your suggestions
in my dreams.
Waterloo Bridge

I thought if I lived
a hundred years
I'd never have the chance

to cross your lavenders and
blues, the hues the arches
unclearly done.

When I set my eyes upon you
I could not help but cry
for what I saw was not just "art"

it is the part of my soul
that's not dead and dry.

and I realized that am still

If I may......:eek:

Delinquent birds
clattering to the feed station
twos and threes on ragged wings,
black rags wind-blown and blustery,
they squabble and snark.
Contentious companions in loose cliques
bullying the smaller birds and claiming
the suet as theirs, flexing their neon legs
and wiping buttery beaks on anything available.
They hang about like louts with nothing better to do,
then, suddenly, as if called away, they leave as one
to terrorize some other well stocked table.​

You are more than welcome to bring your flora and fauna into my somewhat neglected garden.

Your lovey poem is a good fit here and I thank you for visiting.

I plan on building a covered gazebo but haven't had the time what with physical therapy and all :)

I have a spot for you with a direct view of the waterfall that has determined it's way through the cracks in the ancient rocks.

I loved your poem. Thank you so much for posting.


Thanks to a neighbor's child or dog
four finches have absconded

Miss Lilly returned before
the risen moon, but her mates

have chosen to remain
in the mimosa and birch

canopy which I hope
shielded them from torrential rains.

Good bye my Birdies, though
just in case

your feeder is full and water
clean; females nearby to sing

come home my birdies, I cannot
come to you because

God didn't give me wings.

( Any constructive crit is welcome :)
Last line is killer. Title ... Ambiguous, I think, also referring to the writer. And just so you know, the wings are in the mind.

You are more than welcome to bring your flora and fauna into my somewhat neglected garden.

Your lovey poem is a good fit here and I thank you for visiting.

I plan on building a covered gazebo but haven't had the time what with physical therapy and all :)

I have a spot for you with a direct view of the waterfall that has determined it's way through the cracks in the ancient rocks.

I loved your poem. Thank you so much for posting.


You're very sweet, thank you. :rose:

Black Bird Blues

We're old acquaintances
the crows and I.

I risk losing an ear
while checking our canes
for ripe fruit,
frantic feathered parents
hurled invectives
and themselves
at this two legged threat
200 feet below their nest.

Crows mate for life,
he's a good husband
preening her tenderly,
sharing the babysitting

On hot days they bring
the babies to our pond
and watch proudly
as they splash and squawk
like any youngsters
but now as summer dies
parental disinterest sets in
as their puzzled offspring
noisily plead for food
that isn't there.
poets and philosophers
possibly one and the same?
for isn't poetry a composite
of miscues in one's brain?

let me think.
let me sit
and sin
and sink
into my search
for self

I'd thought I'd found me
nay, naught but insecurity
a fear of heights belonging
to that lonely elf
upon an empty shelf.
Last line is killer. Title ... Ambiguous, I think, also referring to the writer. And just so you know, the wings are in the mind.

Thank you, Harry. I couldn't think of a better title at the time, but you are absolutely right. Ambiguous, like me. Suggestions on a better line?
