bunny goes to japan

James G 5 said:
Ok, Bunny might kill me for this, but I couldn't resist.....

Bunny, I will take it down ASAP if you're pissed.....love the boots & hair tho
Yow :D
lol! actually, i'm not pissed at all. i think it's cute! thanks, by the way, for the compliment! i got that dress there in japan. the boots i've had for years.

Hi Bunny,
jsut thought i would try and post a helpfull tip.
you may want to convert the pictures from *.bmp to *.jpg.
most grapcs programs will let you do that very simply.
and it will mak ethe pics a lot easyer to view. [and save on bandwith too]
If you want any help doing this jsut send me a reply and im sure I can get you soem good pointers.
bunny bondage said:
actually, you can see most of my pics at


you have to put in the www cuz otherwise you go to my dad's aviation page.

fair warning, though, they take FOREVER to load. i'm on the problem, but as of right now, you kinda have to be broadband to see them.

They will not open for me
Richard, they probably just take WAY too long to load. i promise to fix that eventually...

who is under where ?

and if you changed pics from *.bmp to *.jpg
as Master_FT suggested it works
bunny bondage said:
just bumping to let everyone know that the pictures have been converted.


I bore easily....I never have enough patience to look at hundreds of pictures!
But in this case I was mesmerized with enjoyment and so much so I shared them with the slave.
Thank you for sharing the journey. you have a wonderful eye for subject and beauty.
Shadowsdream said:
I bore easily....I never have enough patience to look at hundreds of pictures!
But in this case I was mesmerized with enjoyment and so much so I shared them with the slave.
Thank you for sharing the journey. you have a wonderful eye for subject and beauty.

wow! thanks, Sd! i'm glad you enjoyed it! ^_^

and Richard, the girl holding the other parasol is under where.
bunny bondage said:
wow! thanks, Sd! i'm glad you enjoyed it! ^_^

and Richard, the girl holding the other parasol is under where.

If she is someone from Lit
why do I not know her
and others do?
Richard49 said:
If she is someone from Lit
why do I not know her
and others do?

well, i know her cuz we grew up together. she mostly hangs around the GB, not being too interested in the lifestyle.
bunny bondage said:
well, i know her cuz we grew up together. she mostly hangs around the GB, not being too interested in the lifestyle.


I have been off centered and confused a lot lately
and was worried I had totally misssed someone
SkylineBlue said:
yah but none of the links work... dang it

I had the same problem, Skyline.
I got "this site has nothing loaded for it" message of doom.
Was curious too- wondering if I've been to some of the areas Bunny went yet.
Vixandra said:
I had the same problem, Skyline.
I got "this site has nothing loaded for it" message of doom.
Was curious too- wondering if I've been to some of the areas Bunny went yet.

if you read th posting dates of the thread on page went... i think she went a long while ago :D
yes, but the site has only been down a little while .... I took a look through it for inspirational Japanese architecture earlier this year when I was researching for my final project. It looked like she had a blast! (and she has a good eye for photography!)
my links are broken? (goes to check) so they are!!! boo, i'll try to get this site back up!