Cat Person, Dog Person, or Other Person?

We had the vet administer the shot at the house. He went to sleep watching the fish in the fish tank. In the finale days, he'd taken to spending hours laying on a perch, watching the fish. We stroked him, talked to him, and comforted him until the end. Now, his ashes are on the bedside table on Jo's side.
It's always sad when the time comes and we have to say goodbye. The vet told my son he could take his cat home for a while or put her down, and he opted to bring her home. He made a sling for her, so he could keep her close and she really seemed to like being right up against him until the end.

...okay, I'll elaborate. I like almost all animals (except wasps, they can fuck off and die for all I care). Being raised in a small rural village meant there have always been animals around and from childhood, we had cats, bunnies, guinea pigs, African desert mice and budgies, in sometimes hilarious (or lethal, for the birds) combinations.

When I moved in with my lady love, my mother asked if we'd take one or more newborn kitties off her hands and we lived with a shy, reclusive Persian for almost fourteen years before an incurable tumor forced her to relocate across the rainbow bridge. Shortly after, our vet asked if we'd like to take over guardianship of the two fuzzballs in my AV pic - which we happily did. Leo and Sia have been a lively presence ever since. Hard to think they've been with us for the past nine years already.

I like dogs too but they have a hard time dealing with my visual impairment. I can't control the exact direction my eyes are facing and I've had one dog too many snap at me because they felt threatened by how I looked at them. That included a friend's White Shepherd guide dog, but that one was slightly psychotic anyway :)

Granted, most of the doggos I've met have only been fleeting acquaintances so I'm not sure if we'd get used to each other given enough time.
We had the vet administer the shot at the house. He went to sleep watching the fish in the fish tank. In the finale days, he'd taken to spending hours laying on a perch, watching the fish. We stroked him, talked to him, and comforted him until the end. Now, his ashes are on the bedside table on Jo's side.

Our rabbit was resting his head in my wife's hand when the vet did it a few weeks ago. He got so sick. What's wrong with my eyes now; this is ridiculous.
Does this kind of cat person count?


The only ones that do.
Not a person, but that doesn't stop them from wanting to be on me all the time
My feelings toward cats, dogs, and pets in general are like having grandkids: They're best when well behaved, and I can give them back to their parents to live elsewhere.

Although my wife found a spider web in the corner near her vanity and wanted to keep it there to catch any other bugs. And black snakes living in the garden shed would be welcome to take care of the field mice we sometimes find bothersome.
I detest cats, particularly feral cats and the pet cats folk allow to roam free at night. There are estimated to be 6.5 to 7 million feral cats in Australia. The Invasive Species Council has calculated that they kill, 1067 million mammals, 400 million birds, 60 million reptiles, 90 million frogs, and 1.8 million invertebrates every year. I pay the kids that live on the property $ 10 for every adult female and $5 for every adult male they can bring in.

I like cattle dogs, we have a couple, good workers and they will eat anything, except cats.
I detest cats, particularly feral cats and the pet cats folk allow to roam free at night. There are estimated to be 6.5 to 7 million feral cats in Australia. The Invasive Species Council has calculated that they kill, 1067 million mammals, 400 million birds, 60 million reptiles, 90 million frogs, and 1.8 million invertebrates every year. I pay the kids that live on the property $ 10 for every adult female and $5 for every adult male they can bring in.

I like cattle dogs, we have a couple, good workers and they will eat anything, except cats.
They really do fuck up ecosystems.
Addendum: I live in Australia, a country which has been very badly harmed by introduced animals. Cats, dogs, goats, pigs, rabbits, horses, camels, water buffalo... you name it, somebody's let it loose here to trash the native flora and fauna. I accept that culling ferals is an unfortunate necessity here.

What I don't see as a necessity is coming into a discussion where people are talking about their pets and turning the conversation to cat-killing. That's just gross and borderline psychopathic.
Addendum: I live in Australia, a country which has been very badly harmed by introduced animals. Cats, dogs, goats, pigs, rabbits, horses, camels, water buffalo... you name it, somebody's let it loose here to trash the native flora and fauna. I accept that culling ferals is an unfortunate necessity here.

What I don't see as a necessity is coming into a discussion where people are talking about their pets and turning the conversation to cat-killing. That's just gross and borderline psychopathic.

It is not a thread about the discussion of peoples pets. It is a thread about the people who own and relate to cats and dogs and specifically includes other persons - not cat person and not dog person.

It is also not a thread about the sundry other feral animals you have chosen to add. If you look at your comment within the context of the thread title, none of it is relevant. And no-one mentioned 'cat killing' until you did.

Finally, you should perhaps sit in a quiet corner of your moral high ground and consider exactly what psychopathic means.
It is not a thread about the discussion of peoples pets.

Nonsense. The very first post in the thread was:

Are you a cat person or dog person? Or do you prefer other animals as pets? Or no pets at all?

I like cats and dogs, and have had both for much of my life (though I don't own either right now), but I definitely prefer dogs. Dogs genuinely love people; with cats it's sort of an iffy proposition some of the time.

IDK how you read that - or the rest of the discussion that followed - and think it's not a discussion about pets.

It is also not a thread about the sundry other feral animals you have chosen to add.

I'd agree that it wasn't a thread about ferals at all, and it'd be great if it'd stayed that way, but you brought that topic up. Now you're saying... what? That "feral cats" are on topic here, but feral dogs and others are not? In a thread that was explicitly about "cats", "dogs", and "other animals"?

If you look at your comment within the context of the thread title, none of it is relevant.

Did you know that "To Kill A Mockingbird" isn't actually a book about killing a bird? And that "The Story of O" isn't about the history of one of the letters of the alphabet? And that "Naked Lunch" isn't about unclothed food?

There's so much you can learn if you keep on reading past the title. Even reading the first post in the thread would have done it.

In any case, you're being disingenuous trying to make this about whether this is a "pets" thread. You've previously done the same creepy thing in a thread where the title was explicitly about pets:

And no-one mentioned 'cat killing' until you did.

Weird how even though I never tagged you or quoted you in that post, you knew exactly who I was referring to.

It's not actually difficult to figure out what was implied by "$10 for every adult female [cat] and $5 for every adult male they can bring in", or commenting that cats were the one thing your dogs wouldn't eat.

Finally, you should perhaps sit in a quiet corner of your moral high ground and consider exactly what psychopathic means.

Psychopathy is a mental health condition characterised by, among other things: cruelty, impaired empathy, and antisocial behaviour. If you don't see the cruel/antisocial aspect to what you posted in this context, then it's definitely time to tick off "impaired empathy".

(Taking pleasure in harming animals is also one of the biggest warning signs for future psychopaths.)
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It is not a thread about the discussion of peoples pets.

Nonsense. The very first post in the thread was:

Are you a cat person or dog person? Or do you prefer other animals as pets? Or no pets at all?

I like cats and dogs, and have had both for much of my life (though I don't own either right now), but I definitely prefer dogs. Dogs genuinely love people; with cats it's sort of an iffy proposition some of the time.

Not that I believe authorial intention necessarily governs how something should be read, but yes, this was intended to be a thread about people's pets.
I'm sympathetic to, and share, concerns about the terrible impact of domestic cats upon wildlife, especially bird populations. But those concerns can be mitigated by keeping cats indoors. The problem with THAT, in my experience, is that cats are naturally hunters who like to be outdoors, and keeping them in increases the chance of bad behaviors like peeing where they are not supposed to.

There's a darkly comic scene near the end of Jonathan Franzen's novel Freedom in which one of the two main characters, Walter, goes a little crazy on the subject of trying to rein in the destructive habits of one particular cat belonging to his neighbors, and he becomes a pest on the subject.
There's a darkly comic scene near the end of Jonathan Franzen's novel Freedom in which one of the two main characters, Walter, goes a little crazy on the subject of trying to rein in the destructive habits of one particular cat belonging to his neighbors, and he becomes a pest on the subject.
There used to be a great comic strip, in the style of Robert Crumb, all about Fat Freddy's Cat. He was an evil fucker, forever shitting in Freddy's headphones. Sort of Garfield on crack, but years before Garfield. I have no idea what magazine it ran in, though.
I'm sympathetic to, and share, concerns about the terrible impact of domestic cats upon wildlife, especially bird populations. But those concerns can be mitigated by keeping cats indoors. The problem with THAT, in my experience, is that cats are naturally hunters who like to be outdoors, and keeping them in increases the chance of bad behaviors like peeing where they are not supposed to.

This is true, and to some extent it depends on the individual cat/s, but as long as people avoid trying to fit too many cats in too small a house it doesn't necessarily have to be a problem. We've had inside cats for the last seven years - one of whom came to us as a newly trapped feral - and the only time either of them has ever peed anywhere but the litter tray was one time when the kitten was physically unable to reach it. (100% my fault - I was working on getting her used to being handled, and hadn't realised she needed to go.) Even when one of them got accidentally shut inside a closet all day, he held it until we found him and let him out.

Like most animals, cats will act out if they're bored, lonely or otherwise unhappy. If they don't have the stimulation of the outdoors, the owner needs to work harder to meet those needs in other ways. I put in wall furniture so ours can climb around and have a comfortable high spot to nap near me, and I make sure to make time for hanging out with them and giving them attention.

(Cats are very good at figuring out what gets them attention, so cat owners had best make sure that "pee on the floor" isn't the only way to achieve it.)
This is true, and to some extent it depends on the individual cat/s, but as long as people avoid trying to fit too many cats in too small a house it doesn't necessarily have to be a problem. We've had inside cats for the last seven years - one of whom came to us as a newly trapped feral - and the only time either of them has ever peed anywhere but the litter tray was one time when the kitten was physically unable to reach it. (100% my fault - I was working on getting her used to being handled, and hadn't realised she needed to go.) Even when one of them got accidentally shut inside a closet all day, he held it until we found him and let him out.

Like most animals, cats will act out if they're bored, lonely or otherwise unhappy. If they don't have the stimulation of the outdoors, the owner needs to work harder to meet those needs in other ways. I put in wall furniture so ours can climb around and have a comfortable high spot to nap near me, and I make sure to make time for hanging out with them and giving them attention.

(Cats are very good at figuring out what gets them attention, so cat owners had best make sure that "pee on the floor" isn't the only way to achieve it.)

Agree 100%.

In some cases (not all) whether or not a pet is a good pet depends on whether one is a good owner. It takes time, attention, and sometimes ingenuity to be a good pet owner. I've had many pets over the years, but I have none now, not because I like the animals less, but because at this stage of my life I recognize I don't have the desire to put in enough effort or maintain the constant responsibility to be a good owner. Plus, I have a sensitive nose and I can no longer abide the smell of animal shit in the house, even briefly.

So, at this stage of my life, I enjoy other people's pets.
I'm trying very hard not to be that old lady living alone with a bunch of cats ...
I'm trying very hard not to be that old lady living alone with a bunch of cats ...

Versus my late m-i-l, who had a sickness about hoarding chihuahuas? I’ll take cats.

Fortunately in terms of dealing with her estate (2000 miles away), the last of the dogs expired before she did. However, the realtor never did tell us what she found in that freezer in the sewing room… after the electricity had been shut off for two months...

I'm an animal person in general. I like them better that most people. I'm good with most everything that walks, swims, slithers or flies. But I'm also at peace with my place in the food chain and have harvested chickens, turkeys and cows to fill my freezer.