Challenge: Point of no Return

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Feeling heavy, broken, lost in time and space as searing solar winds bite at his face and buffet him like waves and leave him reeling, plunging through the heat of solid air. Falling to the earth-- an angel betrayed-- wings aflame with scorn, the smoke of exile stings his weeping eyes, the loss of heaven mauling new-born flesh to ragged tatters. Calling voices chase him down-- derision rings in shredded ears-- but he remembers too well how they all ran as he stood fast. Galling him; the sound as a coward choir sings the praises of an arrogant Lord who exalted them and then dashed their hopes, stealing their dreams of godhood. So strong, God's base desire for worship, He birthed a race without souls to praise Him, all the while concealing His plan to give souls to apes. Few stood with him, fewer give him his due, who stood before his God and dared ask why.
There's no brochure for this. You'll collect no flyer miles, you can leave your passport behind, but your destination is every sky bound peak this side of neverwhere, and some so high you can't even see them with your naked eye. You'll come for the flimsy promise of cream white valleys, you'll stay for the ragged breath and melted handprints on crystal fogged windows, the growl of the winter outside, and the hum of the summer within. It is now you learn what ascents you'll defeat and which will be the master of you, when to close your eyes and hold still, and when to dig in deep and stride on. These are the choices that define you, the days when you become. There's no guide, no sherpa, just you and the whispersing voice, just you and the eyes that won't leave you alone, just you and a challenge written across the flimsy promise of cream white valleys.