Challenge: The concrete thread

her bush

the tufted muffin
grunge that tex avery wolf carry scent
I love the way it tickles my nose
but hate to explain those pussy curls to my

There is a 1290 year old piece of kauri
stump sitting on my desk. A slice
that holds a pen
that has splattered blue
across blank pages. I wonder
if a kiwi dinosaur
once walked across the bough
and left a foot print
that could be found
in the history compressed
between grain lines.
beer bottles

glimmering in the sun
dressed in a chilling dew,
sparkling...nearly hiding
life's amber elixir,
from the voluptuous Michelob
to simple clear Corona,
I see them all through
rose colored glasses :rose:

Your placid placement
fools me into thinking
you didn’t plan all this


when I know damn well
it was your intention
all along.
Blue Morpho

An imperceptible weight,
More a tickling,
On the back of my hand.
I gasp as I realize what it is,
And the rush of air
Sends it winging away.
ratty, tattered
red bag,
blues. I once accepted you
with nothing to loose.

held with hope
from a lover, a friend. one
who gave
could not send.

wrapped inside, a gift
for me. chocolates and lingerie
what else
could I say,

come here my pet.
watch, as I turn you on
while trying on
my new fishnets ...

:heart: lol

~~ lost it there at the end ... :rolleyes: --- although the chocolates are long gone I still have my lil red bag, silly goose eh ~~

:nana: :heart: ;) :)

I really just wanted to bump this thread
and got in a bit of a hurry ... off to work I go ~~

My Mouse

Responsive to my touch (mostly)
you sit beneath my right hand
as I open emails or chunter on
to friends in a chatroom.
it isn't your fault 'error
website not found' .. is it?
Home Office Reporter

I work best naked,
with a three day stubble,
stubmled straight out of bed.

Fresh coffee on my left,
chewing gum on standby
on my right, an open window
and a spinning mix tape
further back.

Screen tinted for easy reading,
keyboard raised for easy typing
and my bare butt digging dents
in spin chair denim cushion.

I work best naked, or almost,
dressed in a wireless earpiece
that codes my voice for
handover relay,

when I speak
with a suit and tie voice
I could never put on,
wearing suit and tie.