Challenge: The Perfect Ten (v2.0)

women slurp fleshstraws

their milkshake is definitely
better than yours
Hot Puerto Rican
man wears jeans
labeled "Tacoboy"
in English.

In Puerto Rico
Jesus is believed
to speak flawless
The last of
the blackberries
taste sweeter,
and stain more.

memories of summer
found in pastry
or under glass.
Last edited:
these are the days
when you will cast the die

this is the place
to find if you will try

release in to space
all the what if's and why's

learn now to embrace
as you reach for the sky

so the mirror'd face
you can look in the eye
Tristesse2 said:
Blackberry whine.
Lick my chin
and heal the
bramble scratches.


Hello Fool-io.

Laughter silenced
by impromptu kisses
Sorting softness
from her brambles


Hello back, PoeTess
Her mainstream smiles
offer candy coated emotion
for impromptu romance