Challenge: TYVM

Merci, P'tor. I'm glad you had time to throw down that AS. I know you've been away. :rose: I'm hoping we get more entries before the deadline. I love reading different approaches to a challenge (even that French one--écrit par notre ami Tzara--that I couldn't really translate, know I missed nuances).

I've a few more poem ideas rattling around my head, but not sure I can realize them by tomorrow night. :cool:
I hope you don't mind Tzara but my translation of your poem!

Tarot: Pentagram

You think you're in love.
And I agree. I'm too.

This is where it becomes difficult
to love you properly,

because we are distant
and love needs to touch to do it

really love. True love.
Our situation makes me feel like a flash card

sometimes, an image that says "love"
with smart illustrations

lovers who can not communicate
because they live too far from each other.

Yet, I am grateful to you for your love.
Even as far as he has become.
Yes I accept your love, but do I accept
the distance between us?
I don't because really you are here.
I close my eyes and your face
is there before me, with that special smile
that is mine alone. The spark ignited
all those months ago, burns stronger.
A bit of your laughter, that smile, too,
are here inside my heart, I keep them close,
holding tight, you're my love and light.
I didn't know that hearts could fly but
mine does to you every day.
You care for me, lead me like no other
and I'm happy to be led, there's freedom
in belonging, because yes, I'm yours.
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Ode to Red and Gold

Your stately trees greeted me
In expanses of well-kept greens
Brick and stone over a century old
Enfolded my young spirit
Grounding me in history and architecture

Greek and Asian memorials gave
Refuge in Olmstead’s square
Testament to long dead but not forgotten
reminder that youth is fleeting

Worn stone treads
Mark generations of scholars
Even as I laughed, cried, worried, learned
Echoes reverberate in those halls
Faith, lessons, mentors and friends

Oh Talcott and Olmstead
Mudd’s moon chairs and Wilder’s porch
Severance and Price
Each of you are in my heart
Even as old blue books curl
Tiny careful scrawl
now mere shadows of my past

You shaped every moment since
I am forever indebted
Last night I dreamed
of you. The little one
was there too,
checking the tackle box.

I made my peace with bait in the fridge.

You fished the Stillwater,
some secret stream
father and son shared,
ancient Birkenstocks
and Convers High Tops
side by side, shambling
fo the Le Baron.

I was pregnant. Imagine that.

Maybe it was a wish
dream that I might bear
a piece of you that lives
beyond my heart
and imagination.

The boy is a man.
He looks so like you.
He sends me photos.
He is fly fishing
In the Rockies.
Noticed: but shouldn't it have been tu rather than vous? :)
I'd seen it used that way between lovers and after a look in bing and examination of the various examples I have concluded that the more formal 'vous' would be correct. Softer sound to me also, sensual. Opinions Ami's?
I'd seen it used that way between lovers and after a look in bing and examination of the various examples I have concluded that the more formal 'vous' would be correct. Softer sound to me also, sensual. Opinions Ami's?

a formal 'thankyou' is as acceptable as its intent :heart:

one would use 'tu' for love, intimacy, camaraderie, equality

vous for respect, professionalism, formality, politeness, deference


in the french way of looking at things, using 'vous' for me would kind of be indicating a coldness, a distance....

tell you what, let's keep it at 'ku'

:p :heart::cattail::kiss:

p.s that's why the phrase is "je t'aime" and not "je v'aime" :D
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What will you do
When the wind blows over you

What will you say
When things finally go your way

Where will you be
When the sun meets the sea

How will you know
That it is your time to grow

Who has your smile
When you are blue for awhile

And then you will find out
What that 'spank you' is all about
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Cassie looks like you're it. :rose:

Thanks everyone for your contributions. Now on to the next challenge!
I hope you don't mind Tzara but my translation of your poem!

Tarot: Pentagram

You think you're in love.
And I agree. I'm too.

This is where it becomes difficult
to love you properly,

because we are distant
and love needs to touch to do it

really love. True love.
Our situation makes me feel like a flash card

sometimes, an image that says "love"
with smart illustrations

lovers who can not communicate
because they live too far from each other.

Yet, I am grateful to you for your love.
Even as far as he has become.
That's not bad, Annie, especially given that my French is extremely flawed (high school, nearly fifty years ago) and the "poem" is on the level of a sixth grade student (US, of course) striving to say something of import.

I'd tweak your translation a bit (e.g. change "smart" to "clever," among other things).

Basically, pretty good, though. :rose:
That's not bad, Annie, especially given that my French is extremely flawed (high school, nearly fifty years ago) and the "poem" is on the level of a sixth grade student (US, of course) striving to say something of import.

I'd tweak your translation a bit (e.g. change "smart" to "clever," among other things).

Basically, pretty good, though. :rose:

Thank you and something I doubt I shall do again, it's a very long time since I learnt French and I had to look up a lot! Still can't speak it very well lol just enough to get by.