CHALLENGE: what they found in my attic....

Reltne said:
In the Old Farm Attic

Well we didn’t mean to find it

I mean it was in the attic of the old farmhouse that we bought
a trunk behind some old boxes of books and
magazines and clippings and farm clothes and boots
and stuff like that
You could almost taste that old musty smell of attic and decay

We really just went for the trunk when we emptied the attic
It was old enough to be worth something or keeping
if we cleaned it up
but when we cut the lock
we had no clue
to the combination and didn’t care anyway
and dumped it out
we found letters and pictures
a journal and poems

lots of poems

We cleaned up the trunk
and sold the pictures

The letters and poems
we use to start the wood stove
on the cold mornings when we need it

We are thinking of keeping the barn
and tearing down the house
It is worth more
and who cares about a hermit who

His dog is buried by the walnut tree
where the squirrels play

This is very moving.

Send the poems to me. I'll keep them. :)


annaswirls said:

digital memories

faded photos
won’t be found in dusty drawers
when I’m no longer around
no negatives shall I leave behind
to whisper hidden ghostly secrets

In silence my fingers will trace
cold figurines not sold at a tag sale
so I’ll leave my screensaver
filled with each happy smile
that he gave me

the one who
rang my bell


His Face I leave Behind

Tender years wrap time
in dusty photos.

Simple snapshots painting laughter
thoughts swirling within
the comfort or your company.

Will they see your steady
arm holding mine so firm?

Will they know how much
you delighted my days
beaming in your presense?

Can your picture demand
their applause as did mine?

These two are wonderful writes.... I can relate to them both. It's almost like you are writing about us! Keep up the awesome writing!!!!!!!!!

me thinks

quietpoet said:
annaswirls said:

digital memories

faded photos
won’t be found in dusty drawers
when I’m no longer around
no negatives shall I leave behind
to whisper hidden ghostly secrets

In silence my fingers will trace
cold figurines not sold at a tag sale
so I’ll leave my screensaver
filled with each happy smile
that he gave me

the one who
rang my bell


His Face I leave Behind

Tender years wrap time
in dusty photos.

Simple snapshots painting laughter
thoughts swirling within
the comfort or your company.

Will they see your steady
arm holding mine so firm?

Will they know how much
you delighted my days
beaming in your presense?

Can your picture demand
their applause as did mine?

These two are wonderful writes.... I can relate to them both. It's almost like you are writing about us! Keep up the awesome writing!!!!!!!!!

U B a fishin...I'll never tell..
;) ;) ;)
Only Gaia Knows


All my words and dreams
hidden in Earth’s cellar
20 springs ago​

annaswirls said:
We have no attic here

Forced rhymes and gross misspellings.
It's Tuesday, we have time to get it out,
this food for silverfish
as ugly as the photographs
Toss them too
Do you think we will have to
Red Bag this freakin' mess
Its Tuesday, get it out,
we have no attic here

okay crotchety old guy :)

of course I love this, smilin' right through.
I love the food for silverfish
my body to the worms! My heart to the silverfish!
my soul to the red bag!


whoever you are, thanks for the smile, and i know you know this is a bunch of bullll-oney. and when they find this one (if you ever print it out!!!) it will be cherished like the others :)

anonamouse has no attic
anna you left out the subtitle:
Red Bag of Verbage
maybe you left it out because I forgot to include it