Challenge - Writing Erotically On A Turn Off

*Dabbling in darkness*




hushed breaths
door shifts on hinges
spring from hiding, raw
power slams into your
frame, engulfing

smash into the wall
partially protected by
bulging biceps
try to fight futile

flung to ground
naked beast stands over
cowering form, silhouetted
streaming back light
a koi fish inked on his thigh
something else draws your eye
veins, tip
pulsing with it's own manic
heart beat
the koi frozen in taut skin
dazzling dancing colours

brain wont respond

stalking from foot to foot
pacing, muscles flex
walks to you,
this stealthy predator
poised to plunder
pulls you to your feet
hand in hair
tilts your head
throat naked
fingers clasp tight

response to his scent
his strength
his silent command
surge primal
endorphins dump
fears trip hammer

back hits the wall
hisses between his teeth
hand descends from
throat to blouse
banded striations bunch
fabric tares like tissue paper
spilling breasts free
clipped cry as nipples hit
cool air,

he leans in and whispers
Happy birthday baby.
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can't help but be impressed how you guys have got around your own distaste or disinterest in a subject and still created something that can be termed erotic. it's a mark of your skills. i'm still stuck for impetus right now, but mean to try one out. done stories for others, years back - basically writing out their fantasies for them, doing it the way Angie suggests - but not so much with poetry.

seriously, though, congratulations. todski, the part with the koi tattoo and the twitching tip? really well done.