Chaos... to be continued

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Well I've always just used the language skills I have. I use to say I speak languages fluently wrong (especially French).

Being afraid of doing mistakes keeps too many people from using the skills they have.
Nothing wrong with mistakes, but I was referring to muddling the language intentionally, insulting their language for the sake of a joke.
It's a weird morning. Just 6h of sleep, but slept so much better that i have more energy than yesterday. And then I've already had to told one guy that I wouldn't want the kind of strict dom he is, and another that I wouldn't be ok with a man that takes another wife. (Nor moving somewhere it is possible!)
glad you feel so much energized 😍 finding someone who matches what you're looking for can be a mess sometimes but stay strong and keep your standards as high as they are 🥰
Well, kind of helps that there is at the moment enough many men circling around that I simply cannot forget I can afford to choose. Maybe not within Finland - not many DD:s around here it seems - but if I decide to go further than that then the plenty in the Europe and US.
choice is always good 😍 and don't stop living because you think you can only do stuff when you have a DD :heart: the best things always happen when you least expect them :heart: keep your eyes open but also keep on with your life
Not into only sex, I always end up disappointed when I try. But even if I shut my eyes i couldn't shut my other senses - and I'm kind of close to men while dancing 😉 Pheromones have plenty of time to work their magic, if there's somebody interesting enough.
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