Chasin' Chickens


Unbridled_Passion said:
my body aches
my feet are sore
I can't serve the chickens
any more

I need a nap
my body's done
my eyes need rest
no time for fun

when I awake
then I will see
my loving man
who is in love with me

isn't it wonderful that all can love more than one person
the extra special treat is waking up next to one that you love
and being able to look into his/hers eyes every morning and say I LOVE YOU. :heart:

templeminded said:
isn't it wonderful that all can love more than one person
the extra special treat is waking up next to one that you love
and being able to look into his/hers eyes every morning and say I LOVE YOU. :heart:

as off to bed i know go
wanted to let you all know
i was thinking about you while awake
and again while in the sun getting a good bake
and yet again when i awoke this morning
guess that's how my times passes
working a party
for a bunch of old hens
worried they will be
rude or prude
and it's going to be a long day
what do you know
they were pretty cool
talking about getting
chippendale dancers
for a lady's eightieth birthday
now that is something
I would like to see!

i have a little boy
who is a "cereal" killer
he can eat it up and
make it disapper

and say it was just
a pimple in the path way
so he was a "cereal" killer
new puppy

loving a puppy is
easy to do
unless you get a bite
you don't see it
as black or white
but as a bright ray of light

in heaven it must be
recess time
cause all the angels
are here
in chime

singing and playing
as puppies do
and making many
smiles for you
"Ten Hut,"

Sound Off, one two, three four
Komeni is... itchin' for war

There are fifteen soldiers in an Iran jail
they might as well be in the bowels of hell

sound off, one two, three four
looks like we're headed for another war

where they teach their children how to kill
how do you think those captured soldiers feel

one two, one two, three four
lets go kick down Iran's door

and bring them back to their home land
I need a one way ticket to Iran

'semper fi'
she was a vessel
for which we sailed
across the world
and back
always a meal
and a place to lay my head
cradled in pure love
always afloat
we moved from here
to there
then back here
until that day
I grew my own vessel
and sailed away

we meet in the river
and dock side by side
chat of memories
when we sailed the oceans
and weathered the storms
where love kept us warm
in our mother's arms
Gardening with the Chickens

While I was digging in the dirt,
The chickens came to see.
I moved some rocks. My back will hurt.
Those chickens look at me.

I look at them and ask them, "Hey,
Don't you have stuff to do?"
They clucked at me as if to say,
"We just like watching you."
FifthFlower said:
While I was digging in the dirt,
The chickens came to see.
I moved some rocks. My back will hurt.
Those chickens look at me.

I look at them and ask them, "Hey,
Don't you have stuff to do?"
They clucked at me as if to say,
"We just like watching you."

(~_~) nice!!!

'dog gone' those chickens
acting like a flock of sheep
that mimick a herd of cows
in a field where the horses
act like mules!
it's five a.m., and the rooster is crowing
the sun isn't even awake at this hour
I wonder if the time change has the
rooster thrown off his game?
My Erotic Trail said:
(~_~) nice!!!

'dog gone' those chickens
acting like a flock of sheep
that mimick a herd of cows
in a field where the horses
act like mules!
Thanks, Art! I once had four hens who actually did that while I was gardening. They also enjoyed teasing the dog....

The dog's attached to his small shed
And barks loud at the birds.
He acts as if he's not been fed.
I hush him with harsh words,
But still he barks and yanks his chain.
He's trying to get free.
The chickens stare at his small brain,
Then peck the ground near me.
yellow, fluffy chicks
peck around the yard
searching for breakfast

unknowing, a worm pokes
its head from the cool earth
Unbridled_Passion said:
yellow, fluffy chicks
peck around the yard
searching for breakfast

unknowing, a worm pokes
its head from the cool earth

<grin...and ate the whole thing in one long ... swallow? (~_*)
FifthFlower said:
Thanks, Art! I once had four hens who actually did that while I was gardening. They also enjoyed teasing the dog....

The dog's attached to his small shed
And barks loud at the birds.
He acts as if he's not been fed.
I hush him with harsh words,
But still he barks and yanks his chain.
He's trying to get free.
The chickens stare at his small brain,
Then peck the ground near me.

dogs, now there's a species that thinks their human and no rules apply to them. Now consider for a moment being a dog... chasing a chicken... with no way to catch it other than... your teeth <grin...
My Erotic Trail said:
Now consider for a moment being a dog... chasing a chicken... with no way to catch it other than... your teeth <grin...
I hadn't thought of that. I guess that excuses my dog.

I sort of felt sorry for him when the hens would wiggle just at the edge of his length of chain and dare him to dash at them only to be yanked back. Oh, how those hens clucked when he did, as if to say, "Bad dog!"
What Shall We Do Today?

Unbridled_Passion said:
yellow, fluffy chicks
peck around the yard
searching for breakfast

unknowing, a worm pokes
its head from the cool earth
"The day is fine. What shall we do
Around this fresh green yard?"
"Let's look for worms!" "I like that, too."
"And getting one's not hard."
"But when we're full, then let us tease
That chained-up dog down there."
"Our butts are big!" "They're sure to please
A dog and make him stare."
slowly, the young boy creeps
to the edge of a large cliff,
trying to muster up the courage
to take the leap of faith

his friends all tease and goad him
making the situation worse
he is not afraid of heights, only the
jagged rocks that may await him

"You're a chicken! Bok bok!"
"Are you a momma's boy?"
"Chicken! Chicken!"
"Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!"

he closes his eyes and runs
the edge is drawing near
tiny rocks fall as he jumps
pelting the water below him

now he is quite popular
with his creamy white cast
only two bones broken
but the bravest boy around
strong arms encircle me
in a loving embrace

soft lips devour mine
with passionate kisses

fingers interlace with me
showing tenderness and caring

cold feet search for my warmth
giving me chills
chicken clucks
and dirt scratching
pecking the earth
in rhythm strides
collection of feed
awaiting the day
of the feast
this hen is pooped
after a long, long ride
into the sunset and back
so I think I'll slide
into a good book
after the kids are in bed
and maybe later on
I may even get fed

Unbridled_Passion said:
this hen is pooped
after a long, long ride
into the sunset and back
so I think I'll slide
into a good book
after the kids are in bed
and maybe later on
I may even get fed

and just when you think
it's safe to carry on
a little chick will
pop up a head
and say ha ha
you just thought
i was in bed :nana:

sure miss my little angel
glad he is having fun though
and spending time with daddy :rose:
My Heart


My husband came
and took my little heart
I'm going crazy now
being apart

4 weeks they say
isn't very long
Then he will be back
where he does belong

In my arms
being held so tight
Telling him I love him
all thru he night

For he
is my heart
and has been
from the start :heart: