Chasin' Chickens

Unbridled_Passion said:
feathers flying
beaks biting
four clawed feet
kick in unison
as the two hens
fight over the worm

when two hens fight over a worm
the worm
is sure to break into
if one doesn't give
and then them each
end up with just a half :rose:
templeminded said:
when two hens fight over a worm
the worm
is sure to break into
if one doesn't give
and then them each
end up with just a half :rose:

well, a half full belly is better than an empty one,
if you ask me...
Unbridled_Passion said:
well, a half full belly is better than an empty one,
if you ask me...

here here girlfriend. i'm with you on that one
at least we two hens don't have to worry about that
we can and are there for each other
even being in the middle of where we are.
and all of our bellies get to be fulll :heart: :rose: :kiss:
woman was given to man
to help keep her calm
man was given to woman
cause' there was
a shortage of lip balm :D
templeminded said:
here here girlfriend. i'm with you on that one
at least we two hens don't have to worry about that
we can and are there for each other
even being in the middle of where we are.
and all of our bellies get to be fulll :heart: :rose: :kiss:

glad to know you are with the program... hope to see you and the boys soon!
Unbridled_Passion said:
glad to know you are with the program... hope to see you and the boys soon!

I'm always honest sometimes it hurts but it's always the truth on where i stand or how i feel. i helped write the program couldn't help but be with
hope to see you guys soon as well and know it would make boys day. now that things are getting back to normal, it wont be long and we'll be seeing each other
until then take care and give all our love :heart:
good morning all
another day
has come to know
we exist

no matter what
I know that we
are in comfort
and in bliss

have fun hunting
all those ducks,
just please don't think
I will

with pleasure pluck
and clean and cook
the fruits
of your new kill
Unbridled_Passion said:
good morning all
another day
has come to know
we exist

no matter what
I know that we
are in comfort
and in bliss

have fun hunting
all those ducks,
just please don't think
I will

with pleasure pluck
and clean and cook
the fruits
of your new kill

not to worry
that part of his thrill
the kll
then eat the meat
and we both know
the meat --------he likes to eat :D :nana:
yes another new day has come
and another day of love for some
thank god me and you are 2 that is loved
handed a helping hand
instead of being shoved. :rose:
hold respect for you
in my heart
mean no harm with what i say or do
but i can't help where cupids arrow
joined me and him- never to part

so you have a part of him
and me the same
but it's not your fault
nor am I to blame
it's true love
that has built our flame
so the love we hold for each other
there is no blame :heart:
I like a rooster
with a real big beak
so he can peck me
nice and deep

hard yet soft
at the same time
when it hits the spot
it is sublime
Hair in pony tails-just drives him wild
gives him something to hold onto when things aren't to mild
Two bodies that form- together perfect as one
snuggled together like bun on bun
forget about the chicken in between
I'll take the cock-nice and clean
when we finish
we'll be the happiest you've ever seen :devil:
I am not a chicken when
it comes to speaking my mind
however, I always try to remember
to keep my words kind
sometimes my anger takes control
and it goes way over the top
when I am past this point
there is no way to stop
so, don't push me past that threshhold
and things will be okay
speak your mind, but always
be careful about the words you say
Unbridled_Passion said:
I am not a chicken when
it comes to speaking my mind
however, I always try to remember
to keep my words kind
sometimes my anger takes control
and it goes way over the top
when I am past this point
there is no way to stop
so, don't push me past that threshhold
and things will be okay
speak your mind, but always
be careful about the words you say

coulnd't have said it any better
if I had sat down and wrote it myself :rose:
Real Henpecking

This is part of a (true) story about four hens, a rooster and a very, very bad dog that I used to have.

I bought my hens a pretty cock,
And put him in their cage.
I turned my back, then came the shock
Of hate and righteous rage.
They pecked their beaks into his head.
His blood dripped here and there.
He closed his eyes when he was dead.
The hens though did not care.

I smartened up some after that,
And bought an ugly one.
I watched the way their heads aimed at
His head for further fun.
The cock was in a smaller pen.
He must have been afraid
To get to know each angry hen,
But now each one gets laid.
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FifthFlower said:
This is part of a (true) story about four hens, a rooster and a very, very bad dog that I used to have.

I bought my hens a pretty cock,
And put him in their cage.
I turned my back, then came the shock
Of hate and righteous rage.
They pecked their beaks into his head.
His blood dripped here and there.
He closed his eyes when he was dead.
The hens though did not care.

I smartened up some after that,
And bought an ugly one.
I watched the way their heads aimed at
His head for further fun.
The cock was in a smaller pen.
He must have been afraid
To get to know each angry hen,
But now each one gets laid.

this goes to show that sometimes looks can get you killed! :heart:
I'm in love with my husband
who is in love with me and another
I think the world of the other
and don't mean to hurt her
I just want her to understand
that I know she loves him, just as i do
and as to what to do- I have no clue

I can't give up on my true love
My soul mate- sent to me from above
If she was a bitch- I could handle it all
but because she's a sweet heart and a doll
I don't know what to do
because hurting her isn't in my plan
But neither is- giving up on my husband
my dear man.

I've never hidden my feelings on how I feel
because i know, that our love is real
But hurting the other I can't do
because of how she is by me
and mine and his sons to

I feel my choices are few
hurting you isn't what I want to do
sweet lou lou
but i love and want my husband
and don't know what to do
because I know- he loves me to :heart:
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Much love gets so confusing,
Like death as lovers part,
When loving fears it's losing
The cures to heal the heart.
Why You Should Keep Your Dog Chained

And here's something about that dog.

My dog is just a simple mutt.
A neighbor said he's mine.
He likes to jump and stare at what
A dog would think is fine.
I have to keep him on a chain,
Because when dogs get free
They act as if they had no brain
And chase things merrily.

One day my dog became alert.
His tail was wagging, too.
He yanked his chain. It must have hurt.
He barked. What should I do?
That's when my neighbor's dog ran by
And aimed her virgin rear.
My dog, of course, would not ask why
She's off her chain. He'll only try
To do her while she's near.

My neighbor now ran to the yard
To pull the dogs apart.
She grabbed the butt of my dog hard.
She heard his growling start.
It was too late, she realized.
I sensed her hidden shame,
And I was proud, though quite surprised,
My dog was not to blame.
FifthFlower said:
And here's something about that dog.

My dog is just a simple mutt.
A neighbor said he's mine.
He likes to jump and stare at what
A dog would think is fine.
I have to keep him on a chain,
Because when dogs get free
They act as if they had no brain
And chase things merrily.

One day my dog became alert.
His tail was wagging, too.
He yanked his chain. It must have hurt.
He barked. What should I do?
That's when my neighbor's dog ran by
And aimed her virgin rear.
My dog, of course, would not ask why
She's off her chain. He'll only try
To do her while she's near.

My neighbor now ran to the yard
To pull the dogs apart.
She grabbed the butt of my dog hard.
She heard his growling start.
It was too late, she realized.
I sensed her hidden shame,
And I was proud, though quite surprised,
My dog was not to blame.

lol....real cute great laugh thanks- i needed that :D
hey love just wanted to let you know that boys did get package today and it couldn't have come at a better time. i have started a "treasure" box well really 3 of them
one marked 'GOOD JOB BOX'
second one marked "GREAT JOB BOX"
third one "excellent attitude and job box"

each box gets more special gifts as it moves
anything is worth a
hope that this finds you and all there happy and well
tell lou lou i said hello and send love to her and emma as well
and i mean no harm to her over my love for you. i really think she is a good lady
love always,
sandra & boys :heart: :kiss: