Chasin' Chickens

FifthFlower said:
I liked this stanza, with many lines having an initially accented syllable. One could read the line with only two accents rather than three and then these short lines remind me of the Howard Ashman's Beauty and the Beast.

thanks, coming from
you it is an honor :rose:
the cold has finally touched the south;
everyone is bundling up and it is time
to keep each other warm during
the long, blustery nights of winter

if your feet get cold, I do not mind
if you keep them in the small of my back
or my front for that matter, because I
know if any part of me gets chilly, it will
be warmed up in the blink of an eye
It is time for me to make a move
so our boys can be close to daddy
so he can see them everyday
fredricksburg or riverside
where ever, we decide

our family will be closer
so we can
raise our boys together
mommy and daddy in their life
as it should be
our boys and he :heart: :kiss:
the chickens were vicious today
they would not let me be
but I got back at them in my
own way, when they needed me,
I went outside and ignored them
who cares if they need tea, or rolls,
or anything else for that matter...
i need a cigarette, ha, ha!
Boys need their daddy's
Girls need mommy
and mommy needs all
just as daddy does

To many,part time parents
out there today
what kind of lesson
are we teachig our kids
but to walk away

my wedding vows
still lives on
as it should be
even though
he now loves another
and wants to be with thee

So more part time parents
but not for long
we will live
in the same town
and make the best
parents that we can :heart:
I feel like a little cock today,
so can yours come out and play?
Oh my, I made a big mistake,
for yours is as long as a snake!
Two men were standing on a bridge, urinating. One man looked at the other and said, " Man, that water sure is cold."
Without missing a beat, the other man said, "Yea, and it's deep, too!"

when things seem at their darkest, just put a little humor in your life
I really don't have anything against you
nor do I mean to hurt you or make you blue
I can't and don't want to feel any different than now
for we made a promise when we said our vow
till death we do part and alive we still are
And 18 years of being together we'll never be to far

I know he is seeing you right now and yall feel love in your heart
and I wish yall happiness but I've loved him from the start
and I can't just un-love someone after so many years
love for each other was never the reason, for the parting tears
each of our family needed us and there for them we had to be
so his life was there now where it's always been where his river
he could see

By the time my mom died and I was free to leave to be with him
he had met you and part of the love he had for me grew a little dim
But best of friends we will remain and love each other in our own way
And only God knows what
our final words will say :rose:
time to end another day
but not before we get to play
a little goodnite game
that every night is not the same
....but always fun!:devil:
Unbridled_Passion said:
time to end another day
but not before we get to play
a little goodnite game
that every night is not the same
....but always fun!:devil:

I know that's for real :D
I've never heard of a kid
being kicked out of pre-k
until our little one

He wouldn't stay in class room
go running down the hall,
that's our son

Our little angels
horns come up
as he runs

I didn't do it
i swear I didn't
then, ok I was having fun

2 little boys
whom we love alot
our little sons :D :heart:
Have you ever noticed
how nice people are
their faces smiling
as bright as a star

I have and it's
so nice to see
people being
as sweet as can be

It doesn't matter
as to who.......
It can even be YOU :D
one man

Even though
we're miles apart
you're still the man
deep in my heart

I still love you
more than you'll ever know
when I think of you
I still get this special glow

You're in my heart
and on my mind
all I can say
is you're one of a kind :heart:
Unbridled_Passion said:
How do hens stay in shape?

they eggs-ercise

lol...................cute one lou
hope this finds you well and happy and my love as well hope that he is feeling better now that it is cooling off a little.
give all our love :heart:
made it all thru my
school years
without going to office even once
thanks to my little chick
I now stay at principals office
all the time :p
my husband who use
to be in love with me
now loves me but
in love with another

she so far
is standing by his side
doing what she should
even though
I am his bride
and too am standing
by his side

she is a sweet person
is why he loves her so
and he is so awesome
she couldn't help it
she couldn't say no

things still isn't
the way they
should be there
but for each other
they still care

but the spirit
deep in my soul
says something will happen
and she'll let go
then it shall be
me and him
putting on our own show

and after all our years together
each other we already know
but our renewed love
will always show :heart: