Cheating story about a married woman pretend dating her boss

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Occasionally but not that much to be honest. The stories take a lot of effort before I feel happy with them and there's only so many hours in a day. I also used to receive a lot of abuse from trolls last time around who seem aghast that I put stories with sex in them on a site called 'Literotica,' so was in two minds about coming back. But I like Practice Dates so thought I'd give it another go.
I ran across this story a few days ago, and found it quite enjoyable. Sexy and well-written. I had no idea of the backstory till stumbling on this thread. Thanks for taking the time to re-write, or repost it.
Great way to put it. Too many stories these days are all plot and no sex…when this is a sex story website. And this author writes the sex incredibly well; better than most. He’s up there with Thecryptkeeper and Fifth Estate, IMO
Thanks for the feedback guys, I’ve got another one saved but am in two minds about posting it as it revolves around a woman confronting her stalker. It’s darker than Practice Dates and I dread to think what kind of trolls I’d draw out of the woodwork.
I for one hope you keep writing, especially re-posting and finishing the Practice Dates series. I’m a big fan, and please don’t let the trolls keep you from writing more!
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