CHYOO Busted! Every Chyoo thread contains only "sdffs" and its continuing problems

Or it could just mean someone spent 5 seconds hitting a revert, then walked away and forgot to re-enable and we are now stuck.
Is this a sign of the Chyoo End-Times? Is our day of rapture near at hand?

Better not be! I was just about to get back into this to help with writer's block on my projects. The interactivity and choosing is what really makes the premise for me.

And in regards to contacting the webmasters, I hope that's not their site e-mail, because I'd suspect it could be down or in some state of inoperability. Not that I know what MySQL means.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the strange e-mail I got weeks ago reporting someone trying to reset my password. I ignored that, of course, as instructed.
Anyone else notice a certain user hasn't posted in about a week? And that he was online when the problems started?

Just saying.
You mean "That Guy" with too much time, too little talent, and too many screen names?

Odd thing I noticed (though this could simply be because I added his forum names to my ignore list) is that his forum posts appeared then vanished, came back at least once, and then vanished once more. Still gone so far if they didn't have child posts so Yay!

I doubt he has skills or the inclination to crash CHYOO deliberately. I mean how else is he gonna get to write crappy threads, give them high ratings, and proclaim himself the greatest interactive porn writer of all time? You know, on that train of thought, I think I shall henceforth call him Kanye West.

Now while I doubt it was deliberate, and I don't enough knowledge of coding to know what I'm talking about, is it possible that all his aliases and the mods subsequent nuking could have made CHYOO unstable?
Anyone else notice a certain user hasn't posted in about a week? And that he was online when the problems started?

Just saying.

I've only been back for about a week or so, and boredly prodding through the forums as I wait for Chyoo to be acknowledged (or rampant speculations such as this to be quashed) turned my suspicions in the same direction. Seems like some crazy, lengthy drama, but I'm not tech-y enough (nor a mod) to know how to block an IP or whatever.

Of course, this feels off-topic to me, but in the meantime, I feel inclined to reiterate that I got a strange password request e-mail a while back. Anybody else get one of those?
I would recommend someone grabbing a manual backup of the site ASAP. Just write a script to load up each thread, select all, and copy-paste. The length of time this has been going on is making me ever more concerned that this is the end of the current CHYOO and someone is going to have to make a new site. We have been hanging on to this partially functional, barely maintained site for a while with nothing but prayers that it won't break, and it appears those have finally run out.
No update unfortunately. So...

Odd thing I noticed (though this could simply be because I added his forum names to my ignore list) is that his forum posts appeared then vanished, came back at least once, and then vanished once more. Still gone so far if they didn't have child posts so Yay!

That's not the Ignore List, that's me. The vast majority of his posts are off-topic, he insists I should treat lies as spam (which I'm supposed to delete), he lost a bet in which the terms were he'd leave the site if he lost, and - above all else - he's been banished from the forums three times and shouldn't be posting here in the first place. Therefore, I take them down. However, he seems to object to this sudden imposition of established order and responsibility and resubmits his posts, somehow convinced something different will happen. The rest of his accounts haven't been banished yet - that's beyond my powers and Manu and Laurel don't seem very interested - but I was pushing before the state of CHYOO took priority.

I doubt he has skills or the inclination to crash CHYOO deliberately.

Were we talking about Literotica, I'd agree. However, CHYOO is outdated. No cookies to keep us logged in, no way to edit the password with control, no form of comparing an email address against prior registries, and more holes in the programming than there were in Albert Kachellek's body. In fact, our troll boasts about hacking blocked lists, though he does find it positively slanderous when someone echos this claim. Combining both facts leads me to believe it wouldn't be that hard to hack the threads, and once the site's off lockdown - assuming there's no update - I do intend to see if there's a way to edit someone else's threads.

I mean how else is he gonna get to write crappy threads, give them high ratings, and proclaim himself the greatest interactive porn writer of all time? You know, on that train of thought, I think I shall henceforth call him Kanye West.

What writing? Since blowing his last chance, he hasn't written any new threads. All he's done is post the old threads again.

Now while I doubt it was deliberate, and I don't enough knowledge of coding to know what I'm talking about, is it possible that all his aliases and the mods subsequent nuking could have made CHYOO unstable?

I wouldn't doubt it. It's called flooding for a reason, though I think this would the first time flooding has ever caused something like this.

EDIT: Notice the interesting behavior. He claims to have a problem with us still talking about him, yet he only addresses me. Not the person who started the discussion, not the other person who added fuel to the fire, but the person who deletes his posts in accordance with the rules. There's the reason he stopped posting: I wasn't posting as much, so he had nothing to do on the forums. It also makes his claims more of his overplayed projection tactic since he's so clearly obsessed with me. And for laughs, the shot at his utter absence of creativity goes completely over his head, yet another demonstration of his idiocy. If he did hack CHYOO in a way that isn't the blocked lists, it only proves the programming is moronically simple.
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I mean how else "That Guy" gonna get to write crappy threads, give them high ratings, and proclaim himself the greatest interactive porn writer of all time? You know, on that train of thought, I think I shall henceforth call him Kanye West...
Then there should be a Taylor Swift and a Beyoncé Knowles.
That's too bad. Maybe we should get backups like Murakami says.

At this point, that seems like our best bet. Considering this is probably a problem that must be solved with an update and that the person who coded CHYOO isn't around to aid the site anymore, we're in for a long wait before anything happens; although, this assumes there's been zero progress on CHYOO since the previous update.
Quite frankly, we have been continuing to use the current site because it was "good enough" and because no one (myself included) had the wherewithal/time/knowledge of website coding to code a new version and transfer over everything. Unfortunately, that means we were waiting until something went critically wrong to do anything to address the site's issues, and now it has. Now we need to do something fast before 'can't add new threads' degenerates into 'all threads vanish'.

You might want to talk to the guy behind Fiction Branches ( His site is obviously a bit more limited in its top down structure and the fact that it lacks editing and thread ownership, but is almost exactly what is needed once you get into the threads themselves, having the ability to add and manage thread structure and display full story tables (of a sort). It would be a good place to start and even in its current form could serve as a temporary holding site with every story just being a second level thread.

In fact, a large number of threads are already semi-mirrored over on his site, with slight variations to integrate them in the "You Are What You Wish" story and signs of poor editing due to not being able to go back and make corrections. I routinely use it as a tertiary site along with the BEA so I can be confident my threads won't vanish if something goes wrong on CHYOO. The main advantage of CHYOO is editorial control and the ability to edit and navigate well; the BEA and Fiction Branches have HORRIBLE navigation which consists mostly of scrolling through crazy amounts of text labels trying to spot the one you want (BEA has only a very crude manual story tree).
Is hacking the website in accordance with the rules?

The simple answer is no. However, hacking is only punished if it's done with intent to harm the site. For example, when I experiment, I usually use my own threads and stories and access them with an alternate. Since the core of it is accessing my own items, there's no real problem, and is ultimately how the good hackers test the systems they're hired to improve. Additionally, we here at CHYOO generally look the other way on adding five or more options to a single thread, even though it is technically hacking. On the other hand, accessing others' blocked lists and this possible "sdffs" edit are not operating on one's own work, making the efforts not only worthy of banishment, but worthy of jail time.
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Any News

Has anyone got any sort of news about the site. I mean do we know if anyone is actually working on it and if so how long??????
Jail time, huh?

Well, it's supposed to be according to the letter of the law, but good luck finding a cop willing to arrest the jerk who hacked your facebook account or edited your blocked list. However, should sdffs be a hack attack, this is more likely to have someone actually do something since it hits the whole site instead of one random person.

Has anyone got any sort of news about the site. I mean do we know if anyone is actually working on it and if so how long??????

Nothing yet, unfortunately. I didn't even get a reply to my last PM. I'll ask again when my grace period expires. If that also fails to get a reply within the grace period, I'll announce that we should assume the worst and look for an alternative website.
I'll announce that we should assume the worst and look for an alternative website.

Well, in this day and age, with shysters like Google buying up websites solely for the purpose of shutting them down (cough, Meebo, uncough), exactly like one might expect from Luthorcorp, it's a risk getting too attached to one source and, as they say in run-on sentences like these, putting all one's eggs in one basket. Besides, I feel that what brings people together is a solid community. seems to permit interactive erotica stories. I just feel nervous about adding to a stranger's story (any tips on breaking the ice?), and it's set up somewhat backwards in the respect that the advancing choices are set down by the author of that chapter. There also appears to be a limit of only five choices per chapter. This was different on the old Story9000 website (now defunct) which let people create any number of choices by attaching a new chapter to the previous one. The author of the new chapter would simply decide what the new branch decision would be and write that segment.

If Chyoo's coding does prove woefully inadequate for our contemporary needs, I wonder if Yellow5's webmaster (who I believe managed Story9000) to offer insight into security measures. His Story9000 system was pretty impressive, although it was extremely minimalist. You could attach any two chapters of any two interactive stories together and just weave the narratives through each other in these incredible ways. One section of the site even set up stories in a sort of maze fashion.

Actually, those are the only other sites I know of, and as mentioned above, the latter is no longer around, much to my disappointment. I don't think it hurts to spread out among multiple resources.

And speaking of nostalgia, does anyone remember the Adventures of Brian the Confused Mail Clerk? Or something called the Never-Ending Endlessy Smutty Story?
Last edited: may offer a good alternative, too. It has it's own problems, though, such as a page load limit that I tend to hit viewing multiple threads, requiring a captcha phrase to be filled out. That, however, is more annoying than anything. That, and threads can be edited by anyone. seems to permit interactive erotica stories. I just feel nervous about adding to a stranger's story (any tips on breaking the ice?), and it's set up somewhat backwards in the respect that the advancing choices are set down by the author of that chapter. There also appears to be a limit of only five choices per chapter.

Not quite unfortunately. It's five options for the first and second threads of the story, three for the third and fourth, and two from the fifth on. Also, some authors are nice enough to include a writer's choice option, but don't get too accustomed to this. After the fourth thread and assuming the story's out of the exposition, the writer's usually tend to be more restrictive.

However, there are more problems there. Only the creator of the story can edit additions, only paid memberships can block a writer, only paid memberships can control more than 10 stories, and editor status can't be transferred from one user to another - which in turn means that one user's departure can result in your work being erased in a heartbeat. The main benefit is the rules are less restrictive, but this is hidden behind the mountain of shrinking and transformation stories, with the rest of the adult stories usually belonging to the ENF genre. However, a good many of the ENF writers do cross into the more mainstream erotica at some point.

If you want to join in, you don't need an icebreaker. One writer there is exceptionally horrible. At this time, any addition from a CHYOO user would be a welcome breath of fresh air.

Actually, those are the only other sites I know of, and as mentioned above, the latter is no longer around, much to my disappointment. I don't think it hurts to spread out among multiple resources.

The site supplied by jealco also works, but it has more problems than that. There's no map feature, so there's no way of telling how many story-lines exist or depth, which is further complicated by the fact that the number of additions apparently needs to be updated manually. The absence of a map also makes navigation annoying. There's a distinct absence of quality from the average adult story to boot. However, the stories do survive no matter what happens to the creator - so long as someone ensures there's no vandalism - which is a big plus.
Not quite unfortunately. It's five options for the first and second threads of the story, three for the third and fourth, and two from the fifth on. Also, some authors are nice enough to include a writer's choice option, but don't get too accustomed to this. After the fourth thread and assuming the story's out of the exposition, the writer's usually tend to be more restrictive.

Oh, damn. The Story9000 site was so wonderfully open-ended when it came to this sort of thing. That man should be hailed, though I dread to think the termination of his site was due to the premise being unmanageable after a certain volume was reached.

However, there are more problems there. Only the creator of the story can edit additions, only paid memberships can block a writer, only paid memberships can control more than 10 stories, and editor status can't be transferred from one user to another - which in turn means that one user's departure can result in your work being erased in a heartbeat. The main benefit is the rules are less restrictive, but this is hidden behind the mountain of shrinking and transformation stories, with the rest of the adult stories usually belonging to the ENF genre. However, a good many of the ENF writers do cross into the more mainstream erotica at some point.

I'm not too privy to the majority of acronyms, but the jingoist consumerism is a bigger turn-off for me than the blindly-indulgent paraphilias. I had an awkward laugh at some of those, and then started to worry that I was "trolling" in a way by bucking for the 10,000 character limit that chapters have when I started two interactive stories. Actually, that sounds presumptuous of me. Sorry.

When I first used the internet, the only limits to be found were in clunky connection speeds. All this imperialist commercialism is counter-intuitive to the creative process. I can afford internet service--I can't afford to throw charity money at every wage slave with inflated ambitions and dollar signs in his eyes simply because he knows some advanced web coding. Now I sound like an old geezer, talking about how in the old days of the internet, people tried things for the sole motivation inherent in that they could be done.

The site supplied by jealco also works, but it has more problems than that. There's no map feature, so there's no way of telling how many story-lines exist or depth, which is further complicated by the fact that the number of additions apparently needs to be updated manually. The absence of a map also makes navigation annoying. There's a distinct absence of quality from the average adult story to boot. However, the stories do survive no matter what happens to the creator - so long as someone ensures there's no vandalism - which is a big plus.

It wasn't loading for me last time I checked, but I can try again. After spending several hours of the day on my latest fantasy prologue, however, I need a breather. For the time being, it sounds a little like it's as low-tech as using HTML for a chatroom. I wonder what the longest-surviving interactive story website is. I wish I found it easier to commit to this pastime since I enjoy it so much, but...oh, now I'm rambling.

Upon visiting editthis, it appears to use a wiki format. The captcha codes are laughable. I fail to see the logic in having a machine generate a Turing test and then expecting another machine to be incapable of cracking it. This seems to serve no purpose other than to take up the visitor's time, a practice I have never seen on any other website except for shoddy download sites with countdown timers--and THESE are ultimately pointless because all they do is delay you by a set ratio of time. It's like telling everybody on the highway to back up three feet at the same time. You all still have to drive back over those same three feet.

FoldingStory is pretty amusing, but it's not branching choice, doesn't permit erotic material, and is more for quick-shot absurdism. Heh.
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Alternatives's story-tree insists upon a lot of scrolling which I loath. The other reasons others listed just compound my distaste for their website's framework.

The only other reading website I enjoy is Their community of peers use a rudimentary google forum. {!topic/storiesonline/aecBb6s5y2U} I welcome those interested in sharing their own thoughts on them developing an interactive fiction chapter.

The site itself is free to writers and readers. I believe paying a 'subscription' gives the user a larger search results and advanced filter options for searches, only. Those to things being very nice conveniences, half of which CHYOO fails to have anyhow. I think their Non-profit oriented like literotica as well though so the money goes to maintenance and what little staff they may have.

Having others supporting the idea of them joining this genre and developing it further would be awesome. You could add what you would like most too, as well as other suggestion topics; As you convenience them that there already are readers/writers interested.

Once again, I suggest looking at Fiction Branches and The Unending BE Addventure. Neither are quite what we want, but they could be used as starting points.
I forgot StoryMash existed, but that site comes off as dubious to me somehow. I don't have much recollection of it since the last time I used it years ago, but it seems to promise paying people to write (very very very little, I would expect, and I'd rather not be tied down to unleashing my lusty muses) and I have the sneaking suspicion it wants to lay claim to a person's creative works. They don't seem to indicate that mature work isn't precisely forbidden. Did anybody else have a take on their policies?

My other criticism of is how it's been several days now and a story I labored over hasn't had a view yet other than the one person I showed it to. I'd feel icky just spamming it around complete strangers.
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