Circumcision: mindless butchery?

RUSHER ~ LMAO @ the gift idea.

Me, myself, living in the US all my life, I have never actually seen a real life uncut penis. Would like to, just for research purposes of course. Not sure it would make much difference sexually speaking except that something new like that might make you more aware of the feeling and thus just perhaps make it feel a little better...or not. I'll have to experiment and let ya know!

Originally posted by Nicole:
Umm.... Chef I do hope you are only asking me as a fellow Aussie.

yes of course

I assume it did hurt but even at a month you wouldn't remember it. I even had my ears pinned back at birth as well so I spose mum just wanted to get things right early.

da chef
Originally posted by Svedish_Chef:
Oh cyra ... forgot, you are still a virgin!

Come over here my dear and have a look... remember 6 posts to go!

da Chef

Chef can I look too?

Originally posted by Svedish_Chef:
I should have known better than leaving anyone out.... but of course Jade!

da chef

okay now I can die happy!

Nicole: you musn't be very familiar with cocks. I'm not gay or anything but they look cool when erect, you know with the perfectly shaped little fireman's helmut on top; ideal for doing their job.
Anyway, a lot of money stands to be gained from circumcision in the states. So, obviously certain doctors are going to promote this practice for bullshit medical reasons. Most of these pro-circumcision people would have had it done themselves also.
Initially, it was Victorians I believe that started it in the West. They had very repressed attitudes towards sex and introduced circumcisions for "hygiene" and to curtail "self-abuse."
I firmly believe that circumcising boys without their knowledge is thouroghly wrong. If you want to get it done for whatever bizarre reason when you are of a mature enough age, for yourself, then fair enough. Cultural reasons should not excuse this personal violation. That's what they say to excuse the deplorable practice of female-circumcision in some parts of Ethiopia/Eritrea, Sudan etc.
I believe all circumcision(without consent) is morally wrong and that it should be banned.
Cleaning your cock is the same as washing your hands. In the shower or whatever, it's not exactly a big hassle or anything. Just becauce it happens to be a sex organ, why should it get different treatment. I guess some people don't want any reason for their sons to touch their dicks!! LOL
As my old grandpappy used to say: "Foreskin in fun."
I guess you could compare it with labia.
I think that it is a well established fact that it is all in the eye of the beholder. Whether a guy is cut or uncut. Who the hell cares, as long as he and his partner are both happy, happy people, and he can get the job done.

I'd be more than happy to experiment with both cut and uncut men, and report my results to the general public. :)
Originally posted by jonnyorgasmo:
Nicole: you musn't be very familiar with cocks.


How can you say that she doesn't know much about cocks?? She could be a medical student for all you know?

Honestly that's a bullshit statement to come with!!

Well Thank-you ShyGuy :)

Now come over here and show me your cock :D

Johnny why would you say that??? All that I said was they don't do much for me to look at them. Not everyone gets turned on by looking at a cock you know. Just like some men (and yes they exist) don't get turned by looking at Breast's.

[This message has been edited by Nicole (edited 06-01-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Nicole (edited 06-01-2000).]

Hmm are you sure Ravenloft wouldn't mind if I show you my cock??? Because after all it'll need some attention to give a good performance! :D


PS. haven't seen you on AIM for a while, being busy on the phone instead?? :confused:
Originally posted by Nicole:
Just like some men (and yes they exist) don't get turned by looking at Breast's.

Yes Nicole, they're known as "Homosexuals".

You're wrong there MADDOG. My friend is gay and he thinks breasts are great. I think they even turn him on.
Really ShyGoddess? Can't say that I blame him! I'm a fan of breasts myself and I can't understand how anyone wouldn't be! Maybe your fried is sitting on the sexuality fence with his legs hanging on the gay side?

Oh, he's hanging on the gay side of the fence alright. He likes cock more that a hooker. He has more pictures of naked men than me, but he says that he likes breasts. He says that I have nice breasts, but he can't look at me like that, we're just too close.
Getting back to the thread, I can speak from experience with and without the foreskin. Until age 24, I kept my foreskin. In spite of frequent and regular auto-manipulation (masturbation, dummy!) as a kid, followed by regular activities with women, slowly the foreskin tightened making it more and more difficult to pull it back fully (common, by the way). Cleanliness was something of a problem and yes, smegma is a normal and unavoidable problem that requires frequent attention.

Since I joined the ranks of the cut, I've never noticed any decrease in pleasure, and the glans seems as sensitive as ever (is it ever!). Cleanliness is easier (perhaps more fun, too!), I prefer the cut look, and generally like the cut state more than natural.

For me, the decision was partly physical, as I describe, but also partly cultural. No, I'm not Jewish, but we in America and Great Britain are, after all, "people of the Book," following many Biblical traditions. We are, many of us, descendants of the tribes fathered by Abraham. He's the guy who started this practice under what must have been the absolute worst conditions: no hospitals close at hand in case something went wrong.

Ever read of how everyone lay around in a stupor for days afterward when he made the first, unkind cuts? Like, no sh*t! And HE was 99 when he cut himself and family. Gutsy old dude, eh?

Bottom line: something that is still so widely practiced probably isn't all wrong. Those who don't like it shouldn't do it. But they shouldn't decide for others what is good or not.

And, it's never been a secret that for Euro's, it's not a common practice. Stories abound how, in WWII, a " true test of Arian breeding" within Germany involved checking for circumcision, the mark of Abraham's children. If you were cut, too bad. Hmmmm.
I'm Irish so I know all about religious practices and thankfully they're dying on their knees at the moment. Great Britain is our next-door and they ain't "People of the Book" no more. Most have moved on.
If you believe in all that sons of Abraham stuff, what are you doing here at this covetous alter of "Satan".
I don't believe in Leprechauns or Fairies as reason dictates so to me. I hate to disrespect anyones faith but you really should think for self in relation to "the Book" and not just go along with what your parents blindly followed. Recent discoveries in Israel are even making some Jews nervous about their faith.
I think you missed an earlier post of mine regarding using discretion towards circumcision of helpless baby boys and the comparison with genital mutilation of helpless baby girls in Africa.
At the age of 24, you are fully entitled to have yourself circumcised.
Peace .
I hear you, and I did read postings, johnnyorgasmo. I'm not unsymp toward the baby thing.

My statements have nothing to do with anything my parents ever told me (they never even broached the subject!), and certainly does not reflect my faith. But "people of the Book" we are; if ya doubt this, just count the number of those "Books," if you can. There's scarcely a home without one or two. And several of our traditions are based on the Book -- including Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and ... you name it.

But owning one of the Books doesn't necessarily make anyone a believer; if it did, this world would be a different place for better or worse.

As for Abraham, he was one of the horniest, sexiest old goats in history. If he'd had a Web connection to Literotica, he'd have used it I imagine. And where is it written that a keen and lively interest in sex has anything to do with the altar of Satan? Just because we like to ... uhhhh ... you know, sc**w? I don't thiiiiiink so. But, yes, by all means, peace. We're only bantering here, often with tongue in cheek ... usually wishing it were somewhere else!

[This message has been edited by Tinman (edited 06-03-2000).]
I commend you guys. You know how to argue your points with style. No calling each other names, or making fun of religious beliefs. KUDOS to both of you!!!
I tend to agree this is mostly mindless custom or possibly something to do with the $300 fee it gets.

As to the penile cancer prevention, that's so rare, who cares. Odds are it won't happen to very many men so why punish everyone for a rare eventuality.

If you're an adult and choose to have it done, it's your body and your choice. Why would you intentionally inflict such pain on a newborn? Doesn't make sense to me, in fact it seems cruel. I'm intact and so is my son.

When it's done to female children in foreign lands it's called Female Genital Mutilation and is this horrible thing. When it's done to American born male children, it's good preventive medicine!? Gimme a break! Does anyone know how to spell 'consistent'?

If you wish to do it for religious reasons, oh, well, that's also your choice. But I wonder what purpose does it serve to mutilate oneself? And if the removal of healthy tissue isn't mutilation, what would you call it? (BTW, I have no tattoos, piercings, etc., just for reference on the self-mutilation idea, only a few scars which were accidental, well, except the vasectomy.)

I'm a little entertained by some of the remarks here, though, I must admit. I've never found mold growing under the prepuce, never caught it in a zipper [maybe I'm not clumsy enough :)]. I've also never had to pull it back to get laid; that occurred thru the natural mechanism entirely. And as someone else pointed out, the solution to smegma is simply personal hygiene!

Since the male body evolved with this tissue, it must serve a purpose. Since it is attached until puberty, that's even more convincing evidence for me. If it's necrotic, diseased or severely damaged, then removal is reasonable, otherwise, I'm VERY skeptical.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has now said circumcision is no longer recommended. Do you need a better confirmation that it's unnecessary?

Check the following site with "circumcision" as the "SEARCH FOR" entry for numerous articles and discussions on circumcision:

And if you're circumcised and interested in reversing that condition, try the search for "uncircumcising" on the above web site. I found two articles.

And here's another organization with more information: