Clothing corruption stories.

Its kind of a Freddy’s Nightmares of porn, adjacent to the movie but not really a sequel.. David Bowie who starred in the movie hosted one season.. this episode is a sequel to another episode in the first where the dress does it years before to someone else
So hot to imagine something slowly corrupting you like that!!
Try the Peter Strickland arthouse film 'In Fabric'. Not strictly corruption but the possession of a red dress leads to the new owner becoming a lot more aware of the sexuality around them and becoming aroused by it, before some tragedy befalls (it's a sort of horror). An odd film but worth seeing for the performances and originality.

Bonus suggestion: nothing to do with clothing corruption but the 1976 film Assault on Precinct 13 features two busty actresses in tight-fitting turtlenecks.
Try the Peter Strickland arthouse film 'In Fabric'. Not strictly corruption but the possession of a red dress leads to the new owner becoming a lot more aware of the sexuality around them and becoming aroused by it, before some tragedy befalls (it's a sort of horror). An odd film but worth seeing for the performances and originality.

Bonus suggestion: nothing to do with clothing corruption but the 1976 film Assault on Precinct 13 features two busty actresses in tight-fitting turtlenecks.
Thank you for the recommendations
Love to read it.
The story was up, here on "Literotica", for years, but I've turned the whole series into e-books titled "The Center of the Universe" (by Douglas Van Wyck). That particular episode is chapter 132 of the extensive series, but it's also included in the 'Best of' volume, titled "Fresh Dew on Butterflies".