Coconut oil?

I actually asked my doctor about it. He said it was perfectly safe to use. So I use it for both anal and vaginal(not that I need it, but it's fun once in awhile). It is amazing lube! I feel much better about using it than other lubes and will never use anything else!
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I have to admit I have considered this while using it for cooking. This thread has me convinced to give it a try. But hopefully it doesn't make me hungry...that's getting close to George Costanza territory. Next thing I know I'll be eating pastrami on rye while having sex.
I discovered coconut oil a few months ago. I use it for everything now :cattail:
Coconut oil virgin here, but after reading this thread, it's on the shopping list. ;)
this past weekend

Just bought some and went away for the weekend with the g/f!!! It was fantastic!! Smelled great, felt great. If you haven't tried it, do so.
Ive used grape seed oil as a massage oil, lubricant , and to cook with. Anyone know how it compares to coconut oil

Grape seed oil tends to dry up and become gritty, coconut oil doesn't. It stays slick just like it should.
Since coconut oil has been seen as the new and greatest healthy eating option lately, I'm just wondering how many here have introduced it into their sex play and if so, how?
If not then maybe you should; it's solid when cool but turns to liquid easily when heated, is very slippery, it stays slippery and tastes pretty good too...;-)

I put it in my hair.
We have used it and love it as a lube from time to time.

And if I may suggest, for a little extra taste during sex play, raw natural unprocessed honey. Make sure to use unprocessed though.

coconut oil rocks...and taste semi normal, unlike the other lubricants out there.....its the fucking best!!

Mrbluejeans9999 on YIM if anyone wants to further discuss coconut oil