Come feel Lasher's Wrath

Deborah ~ I think the story will be wonderful....and if it annoys much the better!

Ginger~ If it pissed Flagg off for me to post so much, it will continue forever even if it means I have to hire outside help to post for me!
Awight Ginge!

Gingersnap - I am very happy to meet you too. I've noticed the odd moment of inspiration in your threads and you've even made me smile now and then. Please don't take offense though when I ask are you male or female?

SimplySouthern - Isn't being simple and southern a burden too heavy to bare?

[Edited by Flagg on 07-04-2000 at 06:58 AM]
Flagg~ I think I have it down to a science now, thanks for asking.

Isn't trying to be a man and a woman a little heavy for you?

Must play hell on the emotions.
Suck on my orange head

Actually, I think I survived the whole ordeal rather well. After all this isn't my life, this is just a bit of entertainment which in your case is way too easy.
I am quite entertained...thank you kindly sir...or ma'am...whatever the case may be today.

Does it make you feel any less of a man/more of a woman to know you are here purely for my entertainment value?

BTW ~ Suck my orange head...ROFLMAO...thats what I'm looking for..keep up the good work!
Flagg, I am a big enormous man with a tool like a stallion.
Thanks for asking most folks think I am a woman but I knew you were clever enough to see that it wasn't true. The thing is that I have become very sexually attracted to you.
Every night I grip my mighty organ and think about doing you. I can't help it Flagg you are my bitch come true...
I promise when I take you I will be gentle. Now get over here and give me a big kiss...
Gingersnap said:

Flagg, I am a big enormous man with a tool like a stallion.
Thanks for asking most folks think I am a woman but I knew you were clever enough to see that it wasn't true. The thing is that I have become very sexually attracted to you.
Every night I grip my mighty organ and think about doing you. I can't help it Flagg you are my bitch come true...
I promise when I take you I will be gentle. Now get over here and give me a big kiss...

Snappy, that was just plain disturbing!

Now Lasher, "she" gets turned into the world's most beautiful woman. "Her" greatest dilemma is whether to have sex with men or women.

If ever get turned into the world's most beautiful woman, Deborah, the only dilemma I'm gonna have is whether to stop having sex with myself!!

Your "dilemma" is too easy - EVERYONE and EVERYTHING should want to have sex with beautiful women.

Feel free to use me in a story anytime... just put a disclaimer at the top to warn people about eating while reading it...
I've felt Lasher's "wrath."

I was quite disappointed to find that it was merely moderate in its "wrathiness."

Tip for those who wish to feel Lasher's wrath:

(Bring your own magnifying glass.)
Jeez Louise........

And all this time I thought she liked me....

Anyone else wanna take a shot?? LOL...

AND I can still remember when you people were afraid of me.... DAMMIT!!

[Edited by Lasher99 on 07-06-2000 at 01:09 AM]
I think it all started goin' downhill when ya stopped using your little "avatar smiley."

Yeah...that HAS TO be it. <snicker>

I'm beginning to think things started going downhill when I STARTED to use it!!
Ya think??

Heed! All ye who lovingly post here and fill my Lasher days with joy and moderation. could be right.

<grin> I couldn't think of anything to say ;) so I figured I'd just post <sly grin> a bunch of smilies :eek: and <grin> a few times <wicked grin>. I'm sure that'll make up for it. ;)

How's that?
You call this brutal??

I made this wayyyyyy tooooo easy for ya....

Everyone knows that when guys play games with pretty girls we LET you win....

Everyone knows that when guys play games with pretty girls we LET you win....

Wanna play strip poker?
See how it works...

And then once ya think you're gonna win EVERY game, THEN we gotcha right where we want ya... Hehehehe....

You wanna deal first?
Yeah, on second thought that wouldn't be too cool if I portrayed Lasher in a story as a beautiful woman. He just doesn't deserve it.

I have a better idea. Doesn't Lasher remind you a little of a mix between Dennis Miller and Howard Stern? No wonder Lasher's wife is bi-sexual.

So Lasher has this TV show called, of course, "The Lasher Show." And certain members of the BB make an appearance on the show to get lashed, etc.

Kind of like the Howard Stern show last night. You had a demonstration of this invention for squirting one's butt clean, you had two fat chicks (actually one was a guy in drag) who could fart at will and you had four girls who told these sad stories about why they needed breast implants. The best story won a boob job.

So you all give me some ideas and I'll write the story. Flagg and Roger will definitely be on the show, whether they like it or not. Everybody else's appearance is subject to negotiation (you don't get paid, you get laid).
Not sure if I'm game here Deborah, but if you want to add me feel free.

I'm good for a Lashing or two, I mean I do like it rough you know:p
You Promised!

Had my hopes all up for being a main charachter in the other story...can I still bei n this one? I really would like a boob job, if ya don't mind. Would be nice to be a gorgeous curvy blonde...but whatever you think is appropriate!
Yeah, on second thought that wouldn't be too cool if I portrayed Lasher in a story as a beautiful woman. He just doesn't deserve it.

Dammit. I was really looking forward to that part.
Hi Nicole! Glad to see you back. I missed you! Sure, you can be in the story. Let's see your tits. That's what Howard (or Lasher) would say. Besides, I think I want to make this an illustrated story. Let's see, these girls who want bigger boobs and other girls who want smaller boobs go on "The Lasher Show" and tell why. They all win. So the plastic surgeon decides to get a little tit off the girls with the big boobs and put it on the girls with the little boobs. Unfortunately the surgeon gets trashed on coke and the boob jobs get screwed up. Each girl ends up with one big boob and one little boob.

SS, yes I did promise and I always deliver what I promise. You ARE in the story and you cry. You cry "I smell the testosterone!" Lasher admitted over on the Story Feedback forum under "Where's MY Roger?" it made him cry. I think it was the part about fucking chickens that did him in. And Roger loved it, but why wouldn't he, he gets to get it on with three foxy ladies. And Never liked it and thanks for the nice note, girl!

OK, SS, here's the deal on the new story "The Lasher Show." Let's see a pic of you in a thong. I'll do a thang about "Are lawyers sexy?" I already have a pic of slut_boy in a thong and dang he is a cutie pie. It appears we have a couple other lawyers on the BB (FlamingoBlue and Boo?) and they are certainly welcome to be in the competition. Flagg and Roger can judge the competition since they are not sexually biased, in that they both used to be girls.

I also have a pic of Roger in his gorilla suit and Flagg dressed up like Big Bird for the "sex with animals" part of the show.

Oh yeah, and I'll be needing a pic of that fucking dog Zeke.

Hmmmm. And with all this talk of Magic and other products to make pussies smooth, well ... I don't suppose we could find anybody to judge who has the smoothest pussy, though.