Come here you brats

Sounds fishy to me

littleredwolph I dont mean to pick on you but I dont understand your response. Myself and others have tried to describe what is meant by being bratty. It seems to fit the word. Everything I used to describe it was a quote from someone else. And yet you determinedly hang on to being able to use the word brat. Im curious. Why not say....well Im not a brat..Im kittenish or a bit of a goofball..or very jovial...or just plain playfull. Why this determination to hang on to being called a brat I understand that you have chosen to let the word mean something else for you. But why is it so important to hang on to that word.


a bit curious
why do i hang on to something i have been called since i began this lifestyle 20+ years ago? because i live my life by my own definition.

why does "brat" have to be negative? why do you hang on to the negative side of brat?

I have explained my veiw and my way, why should i change my definition of self, because other define it differantly?

"hi i'm lil red a maso goofball sub" - yeah i could say that with a straight face

I am a BRATTY sub, i am not asking you to be my Dom, so why does what i call myself matter?

like i said before Brat and Bratty are relative - i don't define it as you do, clearly, but i refuse to change my veiws because you believe it is not correct, i would never ask you to agree with me but i will ask you to accept my definitions and beliefs as mine, and to respect my right to define my life any way i want to.

my bratty self
Respectfully submitted:

Spinoza said:
littleredwolph I dont mean to pick on you but I dont understand your response. Myself and others have tried to describe what is meant by being bratty. It seems to fit the word. Everything I used to describe it was a quote from someone else. And yet you determinedly hang on to being able to use the word brat. Im curious. Why not say....well Im not a brat..Im kittenish or a bit of a goofball..or very jovial...or just plain playfull. Why this determination to hang on to being called a brat I understand that you have chosen to let the word mean something else for you. But why is it so important to hang on to that word.

a bit curious

ME and Webster's Dictionary don't get along to well. :D
how I spell BRAT..

B is for Beautiful
R is for REAL
A is for adorable
T is for Tempting

put em all together and you have what we can all be sometimes,if You are an Honest person that is... we all have that inner child of 'playfulness" Master calls mine "pixy playfulness ' I love it!!
Re: how I spell BRAT..

Artful's dream said:
B is for Beautiful
R is for REAL
A is for adorable
T is for Tempting

put em all together and you have what we can all be sometimes,if You are an Honest person that is... we all have that inner child of 'playfulness" Master calls mine "pixy playfulness ' I love it!!

So Dream, are you brat curious?

Re: Re: how I spell BRAT..

Ebonyfire said:

So Dream, are you brat curious?


Sis Eb?What does THAT MEAN?(FEELING stupid as hell):D
Re: confusion on what a brat is

Spinoza said:
There seems to be a little confusing and mingling of words here. Being a brat and being mouthy has nothing to do with having an opinion or being a tease.

Here are some of the things that were stated that I see as describing a brat

mouthy, interrupt, don't listen well, get noisy and defensive and go off topic to tell you how you've offended them...because everything is always about "them"....I generally avoid.

play at throwing pies at Doms and putting ice down their shirts and pulling their pants down, etc...


That is what it is to be a brat. Not simply stating your opinion or taking part in a conversation. Heck I think it is bratty to sit their and force the Dom into a situation where he has to pull every iota of information out of you. The subs I see who do that in general are very guilty of that last line there..'topping from the bottom' they sit there and want someone to make them or force them to do exactly what they want to do anyway and when your not making them do exactly what they wanted they usually leave.

By the way what I look for is a submissive tease although in all my chat room conversations cant say that I have really ever come across one

The idea of a "bratty" sub has been around BDSM as long as I've been aware of it, and considered a respected style of interaction. If a Dominant enjoys the playful challenge of a brat, then that is their agreed upon style, and I don't see how it has anything at all to do with topping from below.

Says so much...and is so easily the trigger word of misunderstandings.

The first time My toy was called a brat was online. he was in Sweden and I was in Canada. he was devastated when he looked in the lexicon (dictionary) and found it to say something like a very bad and disgusting child.

It took a very very long time to make him understand that the word to Me is an endearment in recognition to his sweet playful side. I could have stopped calling him brat because the word made him feel inferior but I did not although I used it less often.

I love the word BRAT and what it means to Me. If I am talking of a disrespectful sub it becomes SAM for Me. Words mean different things to all..sometimes the meanings are coloured by culture some times by a persons past. To each their own as is the way in all of BDSM.

Shadowsdream said:

Says so much...and is so easily the trigger word of misunderstandings.

The first time My toy was called a brat was online. he was in Sweden and I was in Canada. he was devastated when he looked in the lexicon (dictionary) and found it to say something like a very bad and disgusting child.

It took a very very long time to make him understand that the word to Me is an endearment in recognition to his sweet playful side. I could have stopped calling him brat because the word made him feel inferior but I did not although I used it less often.

I love the word BRAT and what it means to Me. If I am talking of a disrespectful sub it becomes SAM for Me. Words mean different things to all..sometimes the meanings are coloured by culture some times by a persons past. To each their own as is the way in all of BDSM.

I SOOOO agree with your post, I have stated MANY times,...ME and Webster just DON'T get along well!-LMAO :devil: